First off, just in general it's great.
The presentation is excellent; I appreciate the work you put into the music and animation, and the core mechanics feel interesting. I'm excited to see it in an ongoing game where you can progress the deck.
My feedback:
1. The AOE-but-type-restricted cards feel super underwhelming in this demo (I don't think I ever actually wanted to play them, just pitched for dmg). It sounds like you addressed this above - outside the demo, each model might lean heavily towards one type or the other? So you'd intentionally take the "dmg all Trust" cards against a model more likely to have Trust Challenges, then swap out for Confidence against another? If so, then it makes sense they feel bad in demo since they're essentially a bad deck choice for well-rounded opponent.
2. "Heat" is used both as Victory Points and as "mana", leading to some terminology confusion. It seems like you've tried to refer to the "mana" one as "temporary Heat" most of the time, but I still found it a bit confusing ("spend" Heat only spends temp, but "lose" Heat loses VP as well? Gain "temporary" Heat isn't actually temporary, it persists to the next round right?) If possible I'd suggest coming up with a separate term, something like Arousal/Heat or Heat/Energy to disambiguate...
3. Difficulty is going to be tricky. I've won more than half my attempts at the demo, but then I play a lot of card games (Arkham and Marvel LCGs, StS/Monster-Train/Griftlands, etc.) There's a lot of new player pitfalls in card games of this type ("I like this card and might want to play it in a couple turns, I'll hold on to it!" - thus wasting free draw, "I don't want to 'waste' my cards on attacking, I want to play them all!" - thus neglecting the Challenges and getting heavily punished, etc.) which makes it extremely difficult for non-veterans of the genre (see this thread where so many people are saying they literally always lose at it). But if you dial back the difficulty in general, it will be utterly trivial to folks with card game experience. So presumably you'll want some sort of optional difficulty increase/decrease, but even that could be tricky to balance.
Best of luck, this is a super promising start.