Mod Ren'Py SuperPowered: Radioactive [v0.45.03-RA12] [T.Geiger]

5.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
0.28.06-RA3 (2018.09.17)
  • Psychosism
    • Multi-Aura
    • Multi-Crosswire
    • Permanent Crosswire (when character broken)
    • Enabled by setting "Psychosism: Multi"
  • Enhanced Senses
    • Back button information corrected to display Suspicion only after Psychosism purchased.

I know this would be a lot of work, but could you make it so all crosswires and auras can be active at the same time? Better yet, if the person has Psychotic Break make the crosswire permanent.
So the current balance is:
  • Multi-Aura - Costs 1 Energy and Willpower per extra Aura per encounter.
  • Multi-Crosswire - Trigger increases Suspicion 1d6-1 + 1d6-1 per intensity level, 20 max. Heavily weighted towards the low-end (eg: Highest intensity roll average = 5.6)
  • Permanent Crosswire - Increases Suspicion by (flat) 5 for one Crosswire. Upto 5 more for two. Second Crosswire roll is lightly weighted toward the low end (average = 2).
This balance can be adjusted in a later update if this does not work well. If it gets too far out of hand, just set Psychosism back to Normal in the menu (turns off everything).
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
0.28.06-RABeta2 (2018.09.18)
  • Mind Control
    • Core Suppression - Added overlapping status icons to cell phone screen for Core and MC suppression.
0.28.06-RABeta1 (2018.09.18)
  • Mind Control
    • Core Suppression - Familial Ties, Gender Preference, Professionalism, and Wild Oats are now considered to be "core" traits separate from the other Suppression items.

If you'd like to participate in the Beta, you'll find it at .

Despite it officially being a Beta, I feel pretty good about this release. I will probably roll the changes into the next major version.
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
  • Mind Control
    • Core Suppression
      • Auto-migration of existing suppressed traits, priority given to Gender Preference
      • Fixed "missing image" error when no core suppression selected.

Exception: DynamicImage u'GUI/[CoreSuppressionFile]_idle.png': could not find image. (u'GUI/_idle.png')
Looks like I changed the screen's behavior at some point after I started testing the display with Nikki. Should work now, though if you're loading an old save on the Mindcraft screen, you'll need to rollback.

Deleted member 7072

After some testing I find suspicion gain to be a little high. The other balancing factors are rough but manageable. Even after I changed it so that dreams last forever if broken, max leadership isn't sufficient to counter the suspicion gain with all auras and crosswires active. Slightly reducing the suspicion gain would be best I think.

Another thing that bothers me with Psychoism is the lack of or weak scaling of powers. Insanity is all flat values, none scale based off of Social or Leadership. What I usually do is alter all auras to scale based off of both Social and Leadership, based on how low willpower the target is. Regular stats like Love and Favor gain 2*(10+Social+Leadership) below 50 willpower, 5 + Social + Leadership above 50. Stats that need smaller scaling like Corruption and Inhibition scale solely with Social, doubled for low willpower targets. This is obviously much more powerful than most things in your mod, but a lesser sort of scaling for Insanity Aura would be nice to see you add.

In func_time.rpy's char_regen_loop I replace the willpower gain with
if char.broken == False:
$ char.willpower+=10
to make the characters I want to drive insane stay that way without manually removing their willpower each day or gambling with insanity aura. A minor change, but it might fit.

I do the same to make dreams permanent on broken individuals, though that's just me being lazy. Dreams are cheap and easy to apply, no need for it to be part of this mod. Another thing that doesn't fit your mod that I added is simultaneous dreams.

Psyfeast also doesn't scale with attributes OR fear itself. It just eats a static 20 fear for 40 energy if they have more than 20 fear, otherwise energy equal to their fear. It would make much more sense if you gained double their fear in energy if fear > 50, or energy equal to fear if below 50. Maybe even do away with the weird threshold altogether, simply consuming fear and gaining energy in a 1:1 ratio at all times. If you don't want to nerf suspicion gain, maybe make it so if fear is greater than 50 when you feast it drains their suspicion too (not gaining any energy from the suspicion) based on your Social primary stat or one of the child stats to Social. This would make things a bit more balanced.

I am unsure if this was intended, but crosswire_anger still grants anger directly and crosswire_fear still grants massive suspicion gain in the split. They are both also threshold based, rather than granting each affected stat a dividend of their total anger or fear. The crosswire_anger scaling is strange, with the most efficient conversion being between 20 and 40 anger. I suggest this be changed to (anger/number of stats affected), with no thresholds for efficiency. Also crosswire_anger still granting anger is rather silly, making an infinite reducing loop if it weren't for the once daily limit to auras affecting people. Instead of Inhibition, Love, Favor, Anger I think it should distribute to Inhibition, Love, Favor, Lust. Crosswire_fear could distribute to Corruption, Lust, -Willpower, and reducing Suspicion rather than increasing it. As an aside, wtf is up with vanilla crosswire_fear thresholds? It checks for 5, 2, 1 then 0 fear. Fear goes from 0 to 100, it is almost never going to trigger anything but the >5 condition. I suggest Fear is also even divided like Anger, with Inhibition and Corruption being a smaller dividend with both for balance purposes.

Other than that, it's pretty balanced. After I made char.broken disable willpower regen and made dreams permanent when broken it was pretty easy to get all the insanity scenes, albeit grindy, using only psychoism.

Also, does suspicion even do anything? I figured it gave demerits or something if it hit 100, but I had 7 people hit 100 suspicion at the same time since I couldn't find a way to reduce it faster than they passively gained, but... nothing happened when it hit 100. ??? Suspicion is laughable in vanilla so this is the first time I've ever had it cap out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
After some testing I find suspicion gain to be a little high. The other balancing factors are rough but manageable. Even after I changed it so that dreams last forever if broken, max leadership isn't sufficient to counter the suspicion gain with all auras and crosswires active. Slightly reducing the suspicion gain would be best I think.

Another thing that bothers me with Psychoism is the lack of or weak scaling of powers. Insanity is all flat values, none scale based off of Social or Leadership. What I usually do is alter all auras to scale based off of both Social and Leadership, based on how low willpower the target is. Regular stats like Love and Favor gain 2*(10+Social+Leadership) below 50 willpower, 5 + Social + Leadership above 50. Stats that need smaller scaling like Corruption and Inhibition scale solely with Social, doubled for low willpower targets. This is obviously much more powerful than most things in your mod, but a lesser sort of scaling for Insanity Aura would be nice to see you add.

In func_time.rpy's char_regen_loop I replace the willpower gain with
if char.broken == False:
$ char.willpower+=10
to make the characters I want to drive insane stay that way without manually removing their willpower each day or gambling with insanity aura. A minor change, but it might fit.

I do the same to make dreams permanent on broken individuals, though that's just me being lazy. Dreams are cheap and easy to apply, no need for it to be part of this mod. Another thing that doesn't fit your mod that I added is simultaneous dreams.

Psyfeast also doesn't scale with attributes OR fear itself. It just eats a static 20 fear for 40 energy if they have more than 20 fear, otherwise energy equal to their fear. It would make much more sense if you gained double their fear in energy if fear > 50, or energy equal to fear if below 50. Maybe even do away with the weird threshold altogether, simply consuming fear and gaining energy in a 1:1 ratio at all times. If you don't want to nerf suspicion gain, maybe make it so if fear is greater than 50 when you feast it drains their suspicion too (not gaining any energy from the suspicion) based on your Social primary stat or one of the child stats to Social. This would make things a bit more balanced.

I am unsure if this was intended, but crosswire_anger still grants anger directly and crosswire_fear still grants massive suspicion gain in the split. They are both also threshold based, rather than granting each affected stat a dividend of their total anger or fear. The crosswire_anger scaling is strange, with the most efficient conversion being between 20 and 40 anger. I suggest this be changed to (anger/number of stats affected), with no thresholds for efficiency. Also crosswire_anger still granting anger is rather silly, making an infinite reducing loop if it weren't for the once daily limit to auras affecting people. Instead of Inhibition, Love, Favor, Anger I think it should distribute to Inhibition, Love, Favor, Lust. Crosswire_fear could distribute to Corruption, Lust, -Willpower, and reducing Suspicion rather than increasing it. As an aside, wtf is up with vanilla crosswire_fear thresholds? It checks for 5, 2, 1 then 0 fear. Fear goes from 0 to 100, it is almost never going to trigger anything but the >5 condition. I suggest Fear is also even divided like Anger, with Inhibition and Corruption being a smaller dividend with both for balance purposes.

Other than that, it's pretty balanced. After I made char.broken disable willpower regen and made dreams permanent when broken it was pretty easy to get all the insanity scenes, albeit grindy, using only psychoism.

Also, does suspicion even do anything? I figured it gave demerits or something if it hit 100, but I had 7 people hit 100 suspicion at the same time since I couldn't find a way to reduce it faster than they passively gained, but... nothing happened when it hit 100. ??? Suspicion is laughable in vanilla so this is the first time I've ever had it cap out.
What are your motives for these changes in particular? Are you trying to get certain scenes with only just one/two power(s)? If so wouldn't it be much easier now to use the new "suppress flaw" function of RA?
I'm asking because I wouldn't like RA to become to strong of a mod. I very much like the many options this mod provides and even more so the information/handling improvements. But imo the goal still should be to counter great power with great risk. I wouldn't like to become RA just a massive, easy to use cheat tool.

That said though and to contradict myself I'd like to see changes on the SymPhatic Link mechanics. Love/Trust/Lust Overload are still to much of a gamble to get deep seated mental illness. Reverting back from deep seated to temporary is even harder if not impossible. I remember it being easier in previous patches but I could be wrong on that. Maybe remove the inhibition/corruption value changes and give it a huge energy/willpower penalty instead?

Also I'd like to know if there's some way to make the girls loose corruption in a small value/use instead value/time? May be certain activities like watching TV with Mom or coercions could be used for that. What do you think?


Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
After some testing I find suspicion gain to be a little high. Even after I changed it so that dreams last forever if broken, max leadership isn't sufficient to counter the suspicion gain with all auras and crosswires active. Slightly reducing the suspicion gain would be best I think.
I'm guessing you mean the daily gain, as the triggered gain only occurs when you bother someone (auras don't run through crosswire). I could degrade the flat 5 to a die roll also. But I'm not sure that having to turn a crosswire off every once in awhile isn't a reasonable balance.

a lesser sort of scaling for Insanity Aura would be nice to see you add.
I won't be changing this. While some sort of scale to stats might be more consistent with the rest of the game, I think the flat values were chosen due to the randomness of the effect. Providing [1,2] x Social would be too weak for someone to care about activating it toward the beginning of the game ("Oh, +1 Favor? That's ...nice."). Providing [2,4] x Social would be too strong of an advantage once the player has built up their stats ("Eat my passive +20 Fear, bitch!"). There are other ways the formula could be rewritten to solve both problems and scale the stats, but I'm not interested in completely rewriting Baal's game.

(Aside, the primary point of Radioactive is to enhance the game, not provide cheats. I am unlikely to add anything that straight gives significant advantage.)

Maybe even do away with the weird threshold altogether, simply consuming fear and gaining energy in a 1:1 ratio at all times.
There is no threshold. It is always 2:1. (The code is weird, but the effect is always the same.)

crosswire_anger still grants anger directly
Lorewise, I suspect the idea here is that the crosswire only defuses most of the anger. If the emotion is strong enough, some still gets through. Gamewise, it is probably so the player doesn't get away with something severe without a penalty. Same with crosswire_fear granting suspicion. (Anger and Suspicion are the only real penalty stats. Fear to a much lesser extent.)

As an aside, wtf is up with vanilla crosswire_fear thresholds? It checks for 5, 2, 1 then 0 fear. Fear goes from 0 to 100, it is almost never going to trigger anything but the >5 condition.
Induced fear, not character's fear. (Same with crosswire_anger as well. Induced anger.)

crosswire_fear is only called from negative interactions and Allie's mischief. Even with maxed out stats, Brag (for example) will only ever induce 2 Fear.

does suspicion even do anything?
It has a threshold of 85 and each day will add a demerit (if not suppressing Justice).

What are your motives for these changes in particular? Are you trying to get certain scenes with only just one/two power(s)?
He seems to be wanting to trigger all the Nympho and Obsessive scenes by driving them crazy (presumably for flavor reasons).

If so wouldn't it be much easier now to use the new "suppress flaw" function of RA?
No. While you might be able to gain some other small benefits, this primarily exists to see pre-flaw variants of scenes after acquiring related powers.

the goal still should be to counter great power with great risk.
We're on the same wavelength. What I like about this game is that it is a game. I may round off a sharp corner here or there, but I'm not interested in changing its nature. That is why Multi-Psychosism and Flaw Suppression both have balancing aspects. Core Suppression does not because it is mostly a convenience change (eg: don't have to wait two weeks while Sis loses all her inhibition to start romancing her.)

Love/Trust/Lust Overload are still to much of a gamble to get deep seated mental illness.
Trust doesn't do anything. Love and Lust have a chance to induce temporary flavored insanity in the base game. Based on Inhibition, 10-50% chance. Radioactive only changes that should this happen while already "flavored", it becomes permanent. As this is already an advantage over the base game (in which it is only marginally possible to make someone permanently insane at the risk of undoing this on another character), the chance it won't work is the balance.

Reverting back from deep seated to temporary is even harder if not impossible.
Ah, that would be because it is. Looking at my code a lot more closely, it doesn't toggle permanency off again as I've said in the past. I will fix this in the next patch. In the meantime, hitting them with the other flavor (of Love or Lust) will toggle it off when you successfully drive them temporarily insane.

Also I'd like to know if there's some way to make the girls loose corruption in a small value/use instead value/time?
Not at present. Corruption seems to represent sexual deviancy. Short of creating a Chaplain job, I'm not sure there is a lot of anti-corruption actions that could be introduced into the game.

Also, lose = not win/gain, loose = free/unbind. (Pet peeve.)

Deleted member 7072

What are your motives for these changes in particular?
Vanilla SymPathic Link is easy mode, and is ultimately just a means to an end. It has no scenes unique to the power. This is slightly alleviated with Radioactive inflicting madness in certain circumstances with it. Psychoism does have unique scenes, at least four for every character it is implemented with that has a flaw requirement. Obsessive + Nympho without the relevant flaw, and again with the flaw. Some of the scenes are hilarious if you don't have the right flaw, like Allie. I don't find the Mother attractive as I am not into Milfs, so I always add the Anililagnia flaw requirement for her scenes, but 100% of the scenes you get raped by your mother when you lack the Incest trait is especially hilarious. Finally, Mindcraft is weird. The blank eyes are a major turnoff, so despite it adding unique scenes and being a cool mechanic I never use it. Thus being able to acquire all non-unique scenes with a single power is an important attribute to me.

Other than the single-power preference I have, most of my suggestions are centered around convenience, less clicking per day, or less grinding per day. This is supposed to be a enjoyable game, not a chore. Straight up cheating the stats removes all incentive to play in the first place, so while I believe things should be simple to accomplish it still does require some sort of investment to yield greater enjoyment upon success. Just like how cheats in normal video games make them boring in a short time, but grind reduction makes it more enjoyable with the proper balance. After all, if you just want to see the pictures without any emotional investment you can just go watch porn.

As for reducing corruption, why would you even want to? Corruption merely increases the number of scenes that can trigger; if you don't want scenes to trigger on a character then don't corrupt them? The annoying corruption coed bathroom scenes can be avoided altogether by not purchasing coed bathrooms. The only time I have found high corruption annoying is when I accidentally corrupted the Mother and she kept triggering Movie Time!, which I had to skip through or reload to fix her corruption. [/QUOTE]

Induced fear, not character's fear. (Same with crosswire_anger as well. Induced anger.)
That explains a lot. After testing with it being based on the total rather than induced I like it much better. I have also tested making crosswire_anger distribute anger into favor, love, and lust, 1/3rd of the anger each and it is absurdly broken. At 1/3rd split and high stats you can spam all the insults and threats, the favor/love gains being high enough to prevent the "Gone too far" result. Even substantially lowering the percentage split didn't really fix this issue. Definitely too broken to do anything but a flat value.

Thanks for adding the suggestions of mine you liked, I appreciate it!


Mar 22, 2018
done. thank for your help
I copy paste all the file. not sure it's the right way or not


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
@T.Geiger Wasn't aware of the inhibition dependency for Lust/Love overload. The less inhibition the higher the chance I guess, that's good to know for sure. SymPathic Link(ing) corruption is too much of a cheat but what if you can make it only go down?
Thanks for the "loose" note. Not a native speaker and pretty sure I butchered that every time. To and too, quite the same problems. :coldsweat:
At first wasn't aware your mod allowed for temporary removal of specific flaws. That's pretty awesome and made my whole playthrough style kind of useless. :FeelsGoodMan:
Vanilla SymPathic Link is easy mode, and is ultimately just a means to an end. It has no scenes unique to the power. This is slightly alleviated with Radioactive inflicting madness in certain circumstances with it. Psychoism does have unique scenes, at least four for every character it is implemented with that has a flaw requirement. Obsessive + Nympho without the relevant flaw, and again with the flaw. Some of the scenes are hilarious if you don't have the right flaw, like Allie. I don't find the Mother attractive as I am not into Milfs, so I always add the Anililagnia flaw requirement for her scenes, but 100% of the scenes you get raped by your mother when you lack the Incest trait is especially hilarious. Finally, Mindcraft is weird. The blank eyes are a major turnoff, so despite it adding unique scenes and being a cool mechanic I never use it. Thus being able to acquire all non-unique scenes with a single power is an important attribute to me.

Other than the single-power preference I have, most of my suggestions are centered around convenience, less clicking per day, or less grinding per day. This is supposed to be a enjoyable game, not a chore. Straight up cheating the stats removes all incentive to play in the first place, so while I believe things should be simple to accomplish it still does require some sort of investment to yield greater enjoyment upon success. Just like how cheats in normal video games make them boring in a short time, but grind reduction makes it more enjoyable with the proper balance. After all, if you just want to see the pictures without any emotional investment you can just go watch porn.

As for reducing corruption, why would you even want to? Corruption merely increases the number of scenes that can trigger; if you don't want scenes to trigger on a character then don't corrupt them? The annoying corruption coed bathroom scenes can be avoided altogether by not purchasing coed bathrooms. The only time I have found high corruption annoying is when I accidentally corrupted the Mother and she kept triggering Movie Time!, which I had to skip through or reload to fix her corruption.

Fair points. It seems we have quite similar taste but different approaches how to achieve them. The reverse rape scenes are the ones I like the most and luckily I found the mother quite attractive. On the points you made about the strengths and weaknesses of the powers I share your opinion. I hope Mindcraft will be much harder to use when the suspicion system is fully implemented and maybe Baal can make witnesses recognize if you want to use your powers on someone.
It took me 3 ingame years to get almost all reverse rape scenes (only some Lawson scenes are missing) and now I want to get all the school girls scenes. I could reset/lower Stephanie's and Mom's corruption with Mindcraft but I'd like to have an option where I can change corruption by only 1 value at a time. Gaining corruption is very easy, especially with Stephanie (If she has Nymphomania she can get corrupted on random chance scenes) and once you cross the line you get only the more corrupted scene(s) to watch. If I'm strong I should have the power to control the craziness of my girls. :biggrin:
done. thank for your help
I copy paste all the file. not sure it's the right way or not
It's not mentioned in the getlucky thread but all the SRC files need to go to the "C:\SuperPowered_v0.28.05-win\game" directory, same as with Radioctive.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
Updated for GetLucky 0.29.00!

Newly rolled in from the beta:

0.29.00-RA1 (2018.10.15)
  • Mind Control
    • Core Suppression - Familial Ties, Gender Preference, Professionalism, and Wild Oats are now considered to be "core" traits separate from the other Suppression items.

While I will still be updating for bugs, there will be no content updates before 0.30 comes out. As the save files will be wiped with this version, I will be taking this opportunity to reconjigger some of Radioactive's code.
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Sep 15, 2018

Looks like a fault in the cell phone pic unlock.
*yeah, I know, it is obvious. I think it is because save has data from different mod. I will try with "clean start"*

Yeah, does the same basic thing in a "clean start"

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/locations/loc_yourroom.rpy", line 186, in script call
call UnlockCellPic #RA: Cell Pic
File "game/radioactive/radioactive.rpy", line 127, in script
File "game/radioactive/radioactive.rpy", line 135, in <module>
File "game/radioactive/RaPerson.rpy", line 208, in UnlockCellPic
newpic = self.char.phone_image_key_0
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'phone_image_key_0'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/locations/loc_yourroom.rpy", line 186, in script call
call UnlockCellPic #RA: Cell Pic
File "game/radioactive/radioactive.rpy", line 127, in script
File "/Users/Guru/Desktop/Games/SuperPowered_v0.29.00", line 862, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
File "/Users/Guru/Desktop/Games/SuperPowered_v0.29.00", line 1912, in py_exec_bytecode
exec bytecode in globals, locals
File "game/radioactive/radioactive.rpy", line 135, in <module>
File "game/radioactive/RaPerson.rpy", line 208, in UnlockCellPic
newpic = self.char.phone_image_key_0
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'phone_image_key_0'

SP 0.29.00
Mon Oct 15 18:18:01 2018


Active Member
Nov 29, 2017
Looks like a fault in the cell phone pic unlock.
AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'phone_image_key_0'
You've either installed an incompatible mod, or there is something wrong with your install. You can find this function in in the uploaded archive.
5.00 star(s) 3 Votes