I'm trying to play the game without any cheats or console commands and just follow the walkthrough, but there seem to be flaws in it. For example it's not clear what is meant by "tutoring". Does that mean sitting in on a class? Also, I've gone to Globex the second day (Monday) as told to do in the walkthrough OP to increase my enhanced senses but there's no option to actually do that. I can only pay $100 for medical aid, review the catalog showing me that I can buy flight (except I can't), and go home. That's it. Is the walkthrough just wrong or am I missing something?
edit: nvm first question. tutoring is in the library. but the point is that the interface is pretty nonintuitive and the walkthrough doesn't say "go to library for tutoring" ... nothing anywhere suggests that you should be doing that. for a game that's going to be an obvious grind (not a bad grind necessarily but still a grind), if you're going to play it without cheats or mods you'd want a clearer walkthrough i think. just mho.
double edit: nvm 2nd question too. and I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one that had it. in the real world books in english do not read from right to left. that was the problem. hint to future people with the same problem ... read the catalog from right to left, flipping pages backwards not forwards.