
New Member
Jul 28, 2018
Will definitely keep up with this project as well as Dating Simmer seeing how active and responsive the developers are as well as the quality of the work the work they seem to have done so far. Overall the demos look extremely promising.

just hope we wont get memed again :(


New Member
Jul 28, 2018
But seeing the fact that they are still putting in work despite not having a huge patron following is giving me hope


New Member
Dec 26, 2018
I must have misunderstood something. But my character is spinning out of the map and needs a bit of a new dose. Trying to stop this madness by pressing ESC I exited the game 3 times and did not start again. Sit down on the viola, slow moe on the Q. You pause it through the tab(a brilliant button, right?), you want to switch, and the game is still going. The character always walks, it can not be stopped the game without a pause, probably meant that if a dynamic game, then you need to denamically eject from it with one button (instead of two). 6gb 6 seconds of gameplay. This is about this version [v0. 1337] (I hope it wasn't banter).


Mar 30, 2018
seems dead as fuck here
Randomly bumped into a video of this game and came to check if it has a thread here. The thread sure as hell is dead as fuck.

The game? Apparently not. Their Steam page is now up and just posted a video on yesterday. Is it really going anywhere, only time will tell.


Sep 7, 2019
Randomly bumped into a video of this game and came to check if it has a thread here. The thread sure as hell is dead as fuck.

The game? Apparently not. Their Steam page is now up and just posted a video on yesterday. Is it really going anywhere, only time will tell.
That good to know, but the main question here, is it still a porn game that we all wait and love, or is it just another case of NSFW stuff goes full SFW, which is kinda lame