TBH, I find that that's the issue with
a lot of femdom games and porn in general.
The most egregious example was this one manga centred around FMC literally giving her sub away to a bunch of her friends, not only without consulting it with him, but to a straight-up crying, begging protest. Then the friends are more than happy to completely ruin his life by exposing him in front of all of his students, and I am not sure if there wasn't any genital mutilation involved in it as well.
No offence to anybody, but I feel like... If that's what you need to get off, you've got some
real serious issues.
A lot of people seem to interpret femdom as the Domme being a complete and utter bitch, not only disregarding what the sub wants, but doing the exact opposite, just out of spite. Add to it her constantly making disgusting, angry faces and constant yelling and... that's not how D/s relationships work. At least from what I understand, and I did look into the stuff... extensively. What I described is not a D/s relationship, it's an
abusive relationship. Even if I enjoy being treated like a pet or a toy, at the end of the day, I still want to know that I am being wanted and that the other person cares about me. And if I have any hard limits, I want to know that the other person won't cross them - in the end, it's about trust and emotional connection.
Then, on the other hand, you have the sub stereotype that constantly acts like he hates everything being done to him.
Why can't we have more
happy BDSM-centred stories, I don't get

Where both parties
enjoy what they do and what's being done to them? Everything needs to be about forcing somebody to do something, and rape and doom... I find that from a Dominant perspective, there's nothing hotter than a sub
enjoying all the screwed up shit, maybe a little against themselves. Maybe it's just me... Maybe it's just that I am not into the SM side of it. Or maybe I am just more vanilla than I would like to admit.