RPGM Completed (Suzuya) 妻を後輩に貸し出した夜に宇宙人にさらわれて救世主になった話

Jun 22, 2022
This might be my favorite Suzuya game so far. Overlooking the silly and very symbolic (albeit also adorable) slime-aliens sideplot, the game is an amazing experience for netorase fans. The scenes with Jinno are all done incredibly well, with the final scene between him and Shiori being a true climax - imo, this scene alone is reason enough to recommend the game, it's just such a great scene.

Almost all scenes have an impressive length without feeling bloated, just brimming with care and detail both in the writing and the artwork. Speaking of it: Suzuya further improved their artwork, depicting nearly all scenes in a highly arousing manner.

Question: Is anyone interested in a "better" MTL? I ran the game through RedSugoi translator, and the results are a vast improvement compared to the existing MTL (which I believe was done in Google). I also properly translated the character names (above the text boxes).

That said, a real translation of this masterpiece would be heavenly. If any translator out there is looking for a good game to work on, this one right here would be a great choice.


Jan 5, 2020
Question: Is anyone interested in a "better" MTL? I ran the game through RedSugoi translator, and the results are a vast improvement compared to the existing MTL (which I believe was done in Google). I also properly translated the character names (above the text boxes).
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Jun 22, 2022
Here you go, attached the translation patch to this post.


Please make a backup of your "data" folder and your "js" folder before applying this patch.

To apply the patch, please move all three folders ("data", "img" and "js") into your game directory. The "data" folder should overwrite 244 files. The "js" folder should overwrite 40 files and the "img" folder will overwrite one file and add one new file. You don't necessarily need to make a backup of your "img" folder.

The patch might not work on the newest DLsite version (from March 22, 2022), because the file structure was changed. For this matter, please check the following:

- Check if the files in your "img/pictures" folder and "img/titles1" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "png_" (with the underscore), then the patch will NOT work. Even changing the file extension won't solve the error. If the file extension is "png" and you can see the pictures, then the patch should work.

- Check if the files in your "data" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "json", then the patch should work.

- Check if the files in your "js" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "js", then the patch should work.

Patch includes:

244 .json data files
40 .js script files
2 png picture files (one to fix a saving issue that otherwise occurs due to the translation, another one replaces the title screen)


If you deem the translation "readable" enough, I can make a proper forum post for the game. I personally played through it all the way, including the epilogue. Everything should work, though there might be some untranslated battle terms here and there.

Please also note that it's still MTL. The translation is far from being polished and no MTL can replace the work of a good translator. You can expect a lot of scrambled pronouns (he/she/him/her etc). Close to the beginning of the game there's even a mix-up of boy/girl. Not sure what causes this to happen in Sugoi. It's gladly not that frequent.

Anyway, I hope this'll work & hope you'll enjoy the game like I did.


Edit: Updated the translation. At this point it's slightly edited MTL. Changed the worst pronoun-offenders (like "her cock"), fixed some wrong terms ("cuckoo") and cleaned the dialogue from leftover parsing errors (removed "⁇" from the beginning of more than 300 sentences).

Edit 2: A couple more pronoun and term tweaks. It's still a mess, just the task of fixing all pronoun-scrambling would require checking and editing every sentence manually. Still hoping a real translator will pick this work up. It deserves all the love it can get.

Edit 3: Good news! The game might receive a fully manually edited MTL. Right now I've fully edited the final scene between Jinno and Shiori, with the rest hopefully to come (done by another translator). The edited scene is included in the patch.
Last edited:

NTR Angel

Mar 17, 2021
Here you go, attached the translation patch to this post.


Please make a backup of your "data" folder and your "js" folder before applying this patch.

To apply the patch, please move all three folders ("data", "img" and "js") into your game directory. The "data" folder should overwrite 244 files. The "js" folder should overwrite 40 files and the "img" folder will overwrite one file and add one new file. You don't necessarily need to make a backup of your "img" folder.

The patch might not work on the newest DLsite version (from March 22, 2022), because the file structure was changed. For this matter, please check the following:

- Check if the files in your "img/pictures" folder and "img/titles1" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "png_" (with the underscore), then the patch will NOT work. Even changing the file extension won't solve the error. If the file extension is "png" and you can see the pictures, then the patch should work.

- Check if the files in your "data" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "json", then the patch should work.

- Check if the files in your "js" folder are encrypted or not. If the file extension is "js", then the patch should work.

Patch includes:

244 .json data files
40 .js script files
2 png picture files (one to fix a saving issue that otherwise occurs due to the translation, another one replaces the title screen)


If you deem the translation "readable" enough, I can make a proper forum post for the game. I personally played through it all the way, including the epilogue. Everything should work, though there might be some untranslated battle terms here and there.

Please also note that it's still MTL. The translation is far from being polished and no MTL can replace the work of a good translator. You can expect a lot of scrambled pronouns (he/she/him/her etc). Close to the beginning of the game there's even a mix-up of boy/girl. Not sure what causes this to happen in Sugoi. It's gladly not that frequent.

Anyway, I hope this'll work & hope you'll enjoy the game like I did.


Edit: Updated the translation. At this point it's slightly edited MTL. Changed the worst pronoun-offenders (like "her cock"), fixed some wrong terms ("cuckoo") and cleaned the dialogue from leftover parsing errors (removed "⁇" from the beginning of more than 300 sentences).

Edit 2: A couple more pronoun and term tweaks. It's still a mess, just the task of fixing all pronoun-scrambling would require checking and editing every sentence manually. Still hoping a real translator will pick this work up. It deserves all the love it can get.

Edit 3: Good news! The game might receive a fully manually edited MTL. Right now I've fully edited the final scene between Jinno and Shiori, with the rest hopefully to come (done by another translator). The edited scene is included in the patch.
We are making a joint effort with DreamingOfPinkLips to make a higher quality MTL translation. Will be posted on f95 after some good amount of testing and fixing. Check my discord for any news about it.


Jun 5, 2017
hey, does anyone know how to convert png_ files to png? otherwise, the patch won't work.