Well, for me there is one moment that I thought made the MC come across as having a weak personality. Kaylan (MC) asks Drea for her to hire him personally, rather than having him employed by her company. She says he'll have to impress her with his work for that to happen. So what does he do? He makes cereal! I get it it, he doesn't want to screw up, and he has no recipes, but it would have been better for him to show more of an effort, especially since he's trying to impress her. Instead, he makes the easiest thing he could possibly do. He could've challenged himself, show some resourcefulness, and not be afraid of messing up. And even if he does mess up, at least he tried to impress her (and maybe he'll learn from his mistakes).
It would've been better, I think, to let the player decide what the MC cooks. You want MC to impress Drea? You can choose to cook something more challlenging and risky. Or, you can choose to play it safe and make cereal if you prefer. That would at least allow the player to define Kaylan's personality a bit for themselves.
But I also understand that MC is young and naive, so it gives him room to grow and learn. Yet, I can only judge the character as he is now, not what he might potentially become later. Regardless, I still think the game is great, mostly because I'm invested more in the female characters anyways, so the MC's weaknesses didn't really hinder my enjoyment of the game.