
Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
I started playing this game after RIC fell by the wayside. That was over 3 years ago. Since then I have played better corruption games, with decent grind and story lines than this crap. 3 years after starting this game and you cannot even f**k the ladies, no real sex scenes, with CONSTANT repetitive dialog with variations of the same damn sentences. His Private Community was better by far than this crap. My New Family, Midlife Crisis, Haley's Story, The Headmaster and Harem Hotel are better, and a number of them have 1) a fair amount of grind, 2) Have been in development for LESS time than this game, and 3) have WAY more content considering how long they have been in development.

I don't mind so much playing games with grind but DAMN after 3 years I would have expected full on sex with the mother or Sister by now. This game is NOT a corruption game; it is a game with little to no significant content just so the developer can get money for as long as he can. At least the other games I mentioned give good return for value received.

And yes, I am very much aware of his circumstances regarding his family member. He would have done better, in IMHO to have put THIS game on hold and worked instead on Private Community.

If others enjoy this type of game, with its lack of actual story, content, and consistancy, More power to them. But as far as I am concerned, this developer has done a disservice to multitudes of gamers here that would have liked and enjoyed his games if NOT for the grind grind and screwed up dialog within the game.
Hi there,

let me start with the "no penetration" part.

The big "S"-event everyone is waiting for is going to happen in 0.6.10 which will be released on October 31st.

Yes, it took some time, but think about it.
Would you, or anyone else be able to be intimate with relatives that fast like shown in other games? (Not going to mention any)

Of course, you can go the pure corruption path, or the full on mind control path, but that's not what RiA is about.
In RiA the MC cares about his ladies, and he don't want to hurt them in any way.
It's about love and affection.

Given the circumstances of their relationship it's a little bit harder to get there where some people might wanna have the MC.
It involves a lot of talking, even if it's "repetitive" sometimes in ones eyes.
That's how conversations go over a longer period of time. There is some kind of repetition.

By the way, people don't talk grammatically correct all the time. So why have they to do it in a natural conversation?
I think it's okay as it is.

Grind... Well... I always say there's no real grind in RiA because of the fact that you do different events every day.
I mean, yeah, you click the same things like "open", peep", and so on, but the outcome will be different each stage.

Compared to other games where you actually do the very same stuff like 20+ times I would not consider it grind in RiA, though.

"Private Community" is on hold because Boom was/is the one developing/rendering the images for that VN.
J..D is the one developing RiA, and since "PC" is on hold J..D is "free" to work on RiA without any distractions.

Click to read the complete public post Boom released back in the day.

Thank you for your opinion, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be back to check out the big "S"-event?! :)

Since it's Friday over here I'm going to wish you a great weekend. :)

Feb 1, 2020
I started playing this game after RIC fell by the wayside. That was over 3 years ago. Since then I have played better corruption games, with decent grind and story lines than this crap. 3 years after starting this game and you cannot even f**k the ladies, no real sex scenes, with CONSTANT repetitive dialog with variations of the same damn sentences. His Private Community was better by far than this crap. My New Family, Midlife Crisis, Haley's Story, The Headmaster and Harem Hotel are better, and a number of them have 1) a fair amount of grind, 2) Have been in development for LESS time than this game, and 3) have WAY more content considering how long they have been in development.

I don't mind so much playing games with grind but DAMN after 3 years I would have expected full on sex with the mother or Sister by now. This game is NOT a corruption game; it is a game with little to no significant content just so the developer can get money for as long as he can. At least the other games I mentioned give good return for value received.

And yes, I am very much aware of his circumstances regarding his family member. He would have done better, in IMHO to have put THIS game on hold and worked instead on Private Community.

If others enjoy this type of game, with its lack of actual story, content, and consistancy, More power to them. But as far as I am concerned, this developer has done a disservice to multitudes of gamers here that would have liked and enjoyed his games if NOT for the grind grind and screwed up dialog within the game.
You have the games mixed up. This is RIA. Not RIC. the developer making RIC got ill in real life. He can no longer develop video games with his health conditions. He gave up his assets to another dev. RIA is doing fine, and should continue as they are. If you don't like this game, go somewhere else. This thread should be for fans, and not for the haters.
May 26, 2018
You have the games mixed up. This is RIA. Not RIC. the developer making RIC got ill in real life. He can no longer develop video games with his health conditions. He gave up his assets to another dev. RIA is doing fine, and should continue as they are. If you don't like this game, go somewhere else. This thread should be for fans, and not for the haters.
Oh, I am WELL aware of that... my comments still stand and apply.
May 26, 2018
Hi there,

let me start with the "no penetration" part.

The big "S"-event everyone is waiting for is going to happen in 0.6.10 which will be released on October 31st.

Yes, it took some time, but think about it.
Would you, or anyone else be able to be intimate with relatives that fast like shown in other games? (Not going to mention any)

Of course, you can go the pure corruption path, or the full on mind control path, but that's not what RiA is about.
In RiA the MC cares about his ladies, and he don't want to hurt them in any way.
It's about love and affection.

Given the circumstances of their relationship it's a little bit harder to get there where some people might wanna have the MC.
It involves a lot of talking, even if it's "repetitive" sometimes in ones eyes.
That's how conversations go over a longer period of time. There is some kind of repetition.

By the way, people don't talk grammatically correct all the time. So why have they to do it in a natural conversation?
I think it's okay as it is.

Grind... Well... I always say there's no real grind in RiA because of the fact that you do different events every day.
I mean, yeah, you click the same things like "open", peep", and so on, but the outcome will be different each stage.

Compared to other games where you actually do the very same stuff like 20+ times I would not consider it grind in RiA, though.

"Private Community" is on hold because Boom was/is the one developing/rendering the images for that VN.
J..D is the one developing RiA, and since "PC" is on hold J..D is "free" to work on RiA without any distractions.

Click to read the complete public post Boom released back in the day.

Thank you for your opinion, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be back to check out the big "S"-event?! :)

Since it's Friday over here I'm going to wish you a great weekend. :)

Thank you very much for your courteous and considerate reply.

1st: I understand your point re: MC loving and caring about his mom and sis. But in the beginning of the game he comments about wanting to create a/an "erotic game" and using his mom and sis as 'Test or Experimental Subjects" or something like that, and corrupting them. Then using them to gain experience with in the porn game community to be hired by gaming companies.

2nd: RIA - like all games on here - are supposed to be fantasy, not reality or based on reality. Yes, a few of the games I mentioned in my previous post were "reality oriented" in that there is a possibility they could happen in Real Life (however slight that possibility might be). As such, it should not take Real 3 years to only get less than a year of game time with no sexual activity or sexual intercourse. YUou have to understand, MANY people like and play this game, even I did at first. But out of those people, you have them of differing ages, some who may not live long enough to FINALLY get to v0.6.10, or have serious illnesses where they are unable to do much of anything but play VN's and get frustrated because these VN's want to be like RL with a time-frame identical to RL for the most point. Ecchi Sensei is one such that comes to mind.

3rd: Grind. I will leave that alone for now, since everyone has differing opinions on what is grind, how much is too much, etc... My Personal pinion is there is too much grind with little to no reward, but again that is my opinion

I am all to aware of why Private Community is on hold and from everything I have heard, (or knew at the time) J.D. had noting to do with making it or working on it. I understood that it was Boomatica's game (like this is, as far as I knew) and Boom chose this game over PC to work on for personal family responsibilities and obligations. I do not fault him, in general, for putting PC on hold. That is his right. I simply felt it was a better game, with better story-line advancement than RIA has. Again, Personal opinion.

And yes, depending on the next couple of version updates, I may change my mind, and would be willing to publicly say I changed my mind. I will even say that I would be willing to wait for the next 2 to 3 updates before forming my final opinion. MY main concern is the time between updates. I sure as hell do not want - or expect - to wait another year, or even 6 months, just to see if or when the game advances like you commented it was going to do.

For me, it is just starting Friday, so I will wish you a Blessed Weekend and again, Thank You for your very courteous reply to my original post.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 22, 2017
I have to say the milking argument is getting really annoying. You see it in almost every thread now. I get that the slower paced games are not for everyone, but if the devs said multiple times that they want to take their time developing the relationships between the characters, it doesn't make sense to acuse them of milking. If the devs say that the game will be slow paced and you complain about it being slow paced, the problem is with you not them. They are not misleading anyone.
May 26, 2018
First of all, this game came out in August 2018.
So that's 2 years.

Second, Boom worked on this project on his own first the first year as a small side project beside PC.
The development of this game only really took off when I took over earlier this year.
At that stage we asked our fans what they wanted to see first.
-Sex a.s.a.p
-or finish and complete the earlier levels first.
Majority voted for the second.
Ok, I accept that I was wrong,regarding the time line. My sincere apologies but I am somewhat dyslexic and pressed 3 instead of 2 (BTW, lol, now having a friend double check this before posting.)

Just getting a little bit annoyed when people say that we are milking...
When in fact you would have a hard time finding a development team that produces bigger monthly updates than us.
As far as I recall, (and I did re-reads my earlier post) never said you were milking patreons. If I recall, I said you were accepting money with limited resulting advancement within the game, and prolonging the game unnecessarily. Now, of course, that is only my opinion, I realize that.

You mention having to wait a long time between updates in your other post, but in the past 15 months, we released 14 monthly updates, we only missed last month because I was laying sick in bed with covid for a couple weeks and was unable to work)
So, I'm a bit confused...
Ok, perhaps you do have onthly updates, yet I have not seen them here. Yes, it is entirely possible I simply missed them.

That you think that other games are better, well.. nothing wrong with that.
To each their own, and each their own preferences.
As well for some of your other opinions that are clearly that.
Out of the gams I mentioned, the ONLY one that I KNOW has monthly updates is My New Family, and their updates are rqther extensive and very detailed in content and story line. and He is also a VERY new developer, with only one game to his record (and hopefully soon to be 2) His game is a little less than a year old, and yet has more content in the first 5 "chapters" than RIA has in its entire game. That is what i mean by the grind and lack of advancement within the story line.. The other games I mentioned are at least less than 2 years old, using various different gaming engines, and yet they also have MUCH more content within the same or similar amount of time than does RIA. That is very disheartening to someone who really WANTS to play the game, yet is frustrated because of the EXTREMELY slow "burn" of the game. And it is that EXTREMELY slow burn that csudrd mr to simply decide why bother to support this game. I sure as hell do not want to wait another 2 years for the story to become worth supporting.

I WILL agree that this is NOT an corruption game and that's been never our intention as well.
Our intention always has been to create a sweet and believable story.
Then why do you have the MC talking about corrupting the mom and sister to gain experience for porn game creation?

As far as PC goes.
I actually was writing that game, and we would love to get back to that game.
As for the reason why we choose ria above PC, simple... daz.
1. It would take me far to long to reach the same skill level as boom before I would have been able to take over.
2. Assets and scenes that are with him.
3. See 1.

I was already familiar with hs at that stage and the realistic and smart choice was to continue that, instead of putting 2 games on hold while I learned to work in daz.
Understandable and I accept your reasoning. Though I did not know YOU were writing that game, since it says creator/developer is Boomatica.

A shame to see though that you are not happy with the game or our development team.
I'm sorry to read all of that and even hurts a bit.
But I respect your opinion and the only thing that we can do is hopefully change your mind again in the future.
(My apology if I missed something, wrote this post on my phone and I'm not really a big fan of doing that :p)
My unhappiness with the game, as stated above, is the EXTREME slow burn within the game, the unrealistic way you portray the eventual corruption or whatever you want to call it of the mother, sister, and other ladies within the game, and the way the story line progresses with the need to start over every damn time a new update comes out. To date, I have never been able to continue a game from a previous save. I have had to start over every time. I used to suooprt a game, Ecchi Sensei, but had to stop since according to how they were developing it, it would have taken anywhere from 3 to 5 years to finish it. The games on here are porn games, not commercially developed games (well most are not, sometimes we do get commercially developed games here, lol) While I applaud developers who want to do the best they can on putting out a game, it should not take 1, 2 3 or even 5 years to have some type of significant content within the game.Like I mentioned earlier, check out My New Family or Midlife Crisis. Neither one is complete and yet after a number of updates there is already sexual content (intercourse, and other sexual content) with a story line that is both enjoyable as well as consistent.

I will say this, however; your post regarding mine was both concise and VERY courteous. You respected my opinion while doing what you could to explain every dissatisfaction I had. The kicker was that you never belittled me about my opinion but gave me respect regarding it and understood, even when or if you thought I was being unfair. Developers who do that are rated VERY HIGH in my book of developers to watch, because they interact and explain without belittling people or saying things like "oh you sound like you should be entitled." or name calling because they are upset with something about your game.

As for changing my mind, I am still with-holding a final "judgement" regarding the game, and will watch as it progresses. In truth, I really WOULD like to "Like" the game. I have spent the last 10 years rating games (mostly porn oriented from Japan and Illusion games among others) so when I finally rate a game here, I grant it is based on my opinion, yes, but it is also based on experience with playing ecchi, hentei, and games of that nature. I look forward to you showing me where I am wrong and am willing to admit when I am either wrong or unfair.

Blessings to you and your team.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
My unhappiness with the game, as stated above, is the EXTREME slow burn within the game, the unrealistic way you portray the eventual corruption or whatever you want to call it of the mother, sister, and other ladies within the game, and the way the story line progresses with the need to start over every damn time a new update comes out. To date, I have never been able to continue a game from a previous save. I have had to start over every time. I used to suooprt a game, Ecchi Sensei, but had to stop since according to how they were developing it, it would have taken anywhere from 3 to 5 years to finish it. The games on here are porn games, not commercially developed games (well most are not, sometimes we do get commercially developed games here, lol) While I applaud developers who want to do the best they can on putting out a game, it should not take 1, 2 3 or even 5 years to have some type of significant content within the game.Like I mentioned earlier, check out My New Family or Midlife Crisis. Neither one is complete and yet after a number of updates there is already sexual content (intercourse, and other sexual content) with a story line that is both enjoyable as well as consistent.

I will say this, however; your post regarding mine was both concise and VERY courteous. You respected my opinion while doing what you could to explain every dissatisfaction I had. The kicker was that you never belittled me about my opinion but gave me respect regarding it and understood, even when or if you thought I was being unfair. Developers who do that are rated VERY HIGH in my book of developers to watch, because they interact and explain without belittling people or saying things like "oh you sound like you should be entitled." or name calling because they are upset with something about your game.

As for changing my mind, I am still with-holding a final "judgement" regarding the game, and will watch as it progresses. In truth, I really WOULD like to "Like" the game. I have spent the last 10 years rating games (mostly porn oriented from Japan and Illusion games among others) so when I finally rate a game here, I grant it is based on my opinion, yes, but it is also based on experience with playing ecchi, hentei, and games of that nature. I look forward to you showing me where I am wrong and am willing to admit when I am either wrong or unfair.

Blessings to you and your team.
Hey there again :)

If you don't want to restart all over again you might want to wait for v0.7.0.
That's going to be the version in which everything prior to level 7 should be implemented. (no restart required anymore)

Actually, it takes quite some time to develop a game this size.
Updates in RiA are usally quite big... Just look at the last one:


And that every single month since RiA was born.
That list does not even include coding and other stuff you have to do to get a game going.

There's also games on this site which are in development since 2015/16.
What I want to say is that it's not unusual.

I'm not trying to belittle you... I just want to ask you to take rendering, coding, and writing in consideration.
And that every single of those steps towards a new update costs time.

Not everything is at easy as it seems. :)

Cheers :)
Feb 1, 2020
JD got sick bro. There is an update incoming soon. It would only be milking if the devs decided not to keep the fans up to date about progress. I know some devs on this site have no respect for their fans and don't bother letting people know whats going on. Boom on the other hand have always been great on providing details on their plans and work. I appreciate the hard work they have done.
May 26, 2018
Hey there again :)

If you don't want to restart all over again you might want to wait for v0.7.0.
That's going to be the version in which everything prior to level 7 should be implemented. (no restart required anymore)

Actually, it takes quite some time to develop a game this size.
Updates in RiA are usally quite big... Just look at the last one:

View attachment 870482

And that every single month since RiA was born.
That list does not even include coding and other stuff you have to do to get a game going.

There's also games on this site which are in development since 2015/16.
What I want to say is that it's not unusual.

I'm not trying to belittle you... I just want to ask you to take rendering, coding, and writing in consideration.
And that every single of those steps towards a new update costs time.

Not everything is at easy as it seems. :)

Cheers :)
While I am not a coder, or game maker, I am aware of the amount of work needed to develop a game, either by developers similar to here, or commercial games. I freely admit I could not do it meself, so I have a great deal of admiration for those able to do so. However... I have a number of games FROM here, that have rather large updates and content added each update, both from experienced developers AND beginners, so I also admit I am less than sympathetic to those who express that it is difficult (which it is), or who complain about the "part time" requirements to develop due to RL jobs (which I know DOES interfere with development).

Case in point, if you have not yet, try My New Family, by Killer7, or Midlife Crisis by Nefastus Games. Killer7 is pretty new to game development, yet creates a supurb game with a LOT of content each update, decent story line, and little to no grind. Nefastus Games I do not know about with regards to his experience, yet he also has a game with large amounts of content each update, a Good story line, and minimal to no grind.

Of course, people are different, as are game developers, so yes, I SHOULD take that into consideration. the other thing which I take into consideration is the cost (in dollars) developing a game requires. Not everyone has the available funds to make a complete game (cost of coding engine, rendering, equipment to code and render, cost of other various assets, etc...), so perhaps in some small way I MAY be unfair regarding developers with limited funds who MUST take their time, mainly to earn funds to continue their work. That is why one of the things I do is look at their Patreon or SubscribeStar page to see their - for want of a better word or phrase - effectiveness in "advertising and/or game development.

And yes, I do intend to wait until v0.7.0 to asses the integration of the varied elements within the game. I admit, my initial post was due to frustration with the game for various reasons, and I might have allowed my irritation to colour my comments a bit. For that, I apologize.
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May 26, 2018
JD got sick bro. There is an update incoming soon. It would only be milking if the devs decided not to keep the fans up to date about progress. I know some devs on this site have no respect for their fans and don't bother letting people know whats going on. Boom on the other hand have always been great on providing details on their plans and work. I appreciate the hard work they have done.
I tend to agree and am willing to withdraw any comment made that may have seemed to indicate a "milking scheme".


Mar 29, 2019
Honestly on a normal time i'd be agreeing at 99% with what was said by christ, but not on this particular game. I've been a patreon of it for a good year before stopping because i was sick to start over and i intend to become again a patreon when they fix that. Truth be told over the years i don't really have a good opinion of most devs. One of the funniest thing i found about them is their first goal is always something like "i could change my computer for a better one, or go full time, or hire someone" it always applies an increase in the update input.

But to this date i've never seen one dev that actually had an increase in update frequency or update quality/quantity after reaching that said first goal. Now about Boom and J.D. They were always very transparent with supporters giving weekly update, respecting schedule or explaining issues, probably one of the best communication i've seen from a dev.

I also want to point out that i was also a long time supporter of Killer7 (stopped pledging at v13 because i felt he was turning around the pot) for the same reason and nefastus while not being the best at communicating is really on point with schedule (and god i love his game). I also have a good opinion of Superwriter (abundant communication and good update frequency). I was searching for a 5th one to endorse but i can't find one lol. Some are good one in my books like Bluecat or DrPinkcake but they don't do weekly report or are that much on point with schedule.
May 26, 2018
Wow! A proper, respectful discussion about opinions without screaming, cursing, name-calling and so on, but stating facts and willingness for understanding the others view.
I am amazed and cudos goes to christof rauch , BloodyFace and J..D !!
Thank you, lol. To me, screaming, cursing name-calling and so on really defeats the purpose of a discussion. I might not always agree with a particular point of view, and I may express WHY I disagree, but I DO try to speak with respect (most times) and when I am shown that I am wrong or mistaken, then it does no harm to admit that wrongness or mistake. Besides, JD treated me with respect, and gave logical and reasonable answers to my critique, but still allowed me my own opinion. That speaks well of him, so how could I not respond in kind? :)
May 26, 2018
Honestly on a normal time i'd be agreeing at 99% with what was said by christ, but not on this particular game. I've been a patreon of it for a good year before stopping because i was sick to start over and i intend to become again a patreon when they fix that. Truth be told over the years i don't really have a good opinion of most devs. One of the funniest thing i found about them is their first goal is always something like "i could change my computer for a better one, or go full time, or hire someone" it always applies an increase in the update input.
My main real complaint with this game is the lack of content added between updates and that damned starting fresh each nupdate, lol. HOWEVER, I DO understand what is going on based on my conversation with JD, so that is why I am waiting until v 0/7.0 before making my final opinion.
And yes, most of the developers I have seen have used that tired "support me so I can get better equipment and do better, faster, more timely updates, etc...Hopefully, without giving offense, I generally ignore and never even try the games of developers like that.

But to this date i've never seen one dev that actually had an increase in update frequency or update quality/quantity after reaching that said first goal. Now about Boom and J.D. They were always very transparent with supporters giving weekly update, respecting schedule or explaining issues, probably one of the best communication i've seen from a dev.
I have seen one or two that actually carried through with their promise regarding support goals. But as you said, they are so few and far between that the rest give even them a bad name/taste in the "mouth".

I also want to point out that i was also a long time supporter of Killer7 (stopped pledging at v13 because i felt he was turning around the pot) for the same reason and nefastus while not being the best at communicating is really on point with schedule (and god i love his game). I also have a good opinion of Superwriter (abundant communication and good update frequency). I was searching for a 5th one to endorse but i can't find one lol. Some are good one in my books like Bluecat or DrPinkcake but they don't do weekly report or are that much on point with schedule.

Not sure what you meant about Killer7 "turning around the pot". I started supporting Killer7 at about v. 0.40 and have continued due to the quality and quantity of his updates (for supporters he gives approx weekly betas for each day and at the end of a month, the actual full update for each version number. As for Nefastus, Yes, he really is on point with his schedules and quality/quantity of updates, though I am beginning to worry thaat he is starting to fall by the wayside in that regard, lol. At one point I DID support Blue Cat, but had to stop and discontinue support due to 1) The length of time it would - and apparently is - taking him to update/finish his game, 2) The WAY he does his updates (meaning game week; 2 days at a time apparently every 2 to 3 months, then maybe 6 months before he combines the days into a week), and finally 3) The apparent lack of communications and progress reports regarding his game.
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Mar 29, 2019
By turning around the pot, i meant the last 2 updates to me (v.013/14) feels like it could just be one update, you feel like the game is on the ending but he tries to artificially increases the lenght of it. Anyway, take your time J.D. I've been waiting on you since June to support again, tbh, i haven't played i think the game since v6.4 because i was sick of restarting (when you introduced the shop, actually). Nice talking to you Christ and reading your convo with J.D o/

Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
christof rauch
But to this date i've never seen one dev that actually had an increase in update frequency or update quality/quantity after reaching that said first goal. Now about Boom and J.D. They were always very transparent with supporters giving weekly update, respecting schedule or explaining issues, probably one of the best communication i've seen from a dev.
Increase in Update frequency, no... but hard to do more than every month :p
But increase in quantity.
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I'd like to think that out updates got a little bit bigger with the passing of time this year.

And yeah, I like to give you guys an update every couple days or week, but to be perfectly honest... I always rather just work on content than talking about it.
But we at least try to give you guys an update whenever possible, whenever something changes or is going on.
And of course we try to keep you guys interested with sneak peeks.
Thank you for the compliment.

As for if updates are big or small, I think that's a very dangerous topic to talk about.
When I now look back at my first real update in January that I did by myself, I think... wow... that's pretty small compared to Juli's one.
But at that time, that was the best I could do and the most I could do because I wasn't completely familiar with making a game.
And I remember me saying to a friend "wow, I can't imagine myself doing more than this in a month because it pushed me over the edge"

Sure, there are a couple developers on this site who could use a good kick under their ass.
But I also know that there are a lot of developers that sit behind their computer like me 60/70 hours a week.
But not everybody has that amount of time, or maybe isn't willing to spend that amount of time, or maybe they are not that familiar with writing or just not with working behind a computer all day long.

I make myself guilty sometimes of thinking "Really, you could only produce that in 3 months?"
But then I remember my March month where everything went wrong that could do wrong, or August one where I lost the majority of my scenes and had to re prioritize..

But I also think that people sometimes underestimate the work that goes into a game.
They think "hmm, no sex so nothing has been added and it's small update" or "hmm, only a couple H-scenes that's all? or just hold CTRL to skip through the dialogue."
And they don't realize that you just wrote a harry potter book worth of words, and created 2000 images from nowhere, spend days on creating animations.... in just 3.5 weeks...
And more importantly, that that is being done by just ONE person in this case.

Sure, there are some development teams out there that have an entire team, but we are simply not as big as those.
As for costs and profit... well... let's just say that every month is a relief when we all find out that we have enough to pay the bills...
I am not familiar with that Killer7, but that's probably because I haven't touched another H game in over a year now.

Thing is, I think that developers on this website got a bad name in general (some fair, some unfair)
Caused by a flow of "developers" who had one horny idea, started a game and patreon, and ended up abandoning it after 1 or 2 more update because they didn't know how to make/develop a game.

I understand that people are weary, scared and very hesitant now... and that's frankly a very good thing.
You should always think about who you decide to support vocally or financially.
But I also think that people could be a little bit more "fair" at times.

Thank you, lol. To me, screaming, cursing name-calling and so on really defeats the purpose of a discussion. I might not always agree with a particular point of view, and I may express WHY I disagree, but I DO try to speak with respect (most times) and when I am shown that I am wrong or mistaken, then it does no harm to admit that wrongness or mistake. Besides, JD treated me with respect, and gave logical and reasonable answers to my critique, but still allowed me my own opinion. That speaks well of him, so how could I not respond in kind? :)
I agree, hence me also replying back to you ;)
You presented your feeling as personal thoughts and personal opinions.
You didn't present them as facts nor did you try to persuade me or others of having to agree with you.
You were... well... kind and normal... hence me feeling obligated and more importantly, wanting to reply back to you :)

The internet and world is already a harsh enough place as it is, especially these days.
No reason at all to make it any harder on each other.

As for my entire message above.
It's not my intention to say that some developers are better/worse than others, I am just saying that everyone is different from each other, we are all just humans trying to do our best.
Comparing everyone to each other is not always fair, and you should just try and see what that ONE developer does for you.
Sure there are exceptions, and we all know of those... but in general, just try and treat each other with the respect they deserve, or with the respect that you would like to receive yourself.

I hope that we as Boom's Attic Games, and I hope that many other developers on this website are allowed and are able to produce much, much more content for you guys in the future :)

(That... post... gotten MUCH bigger than I wanted) :p
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