So, you are implementing waste of time content (hourly, daily events, blah blah, are REALLY tired now and don't fit the progression anymore) for the next 6 months before giving people what they actually want. Gotcha.
I'll come back at the end of the year when lvl 9 is implemented and fast skip through the 1000000000000 lines of mind numbingly pointless and repetitive dialogue that has characters telling eachother they love eachother at least 1 time every few min over and over again. Seriously, the dialogue in this game is novel length conversations that could have been cut to two paragraphs. I ski9p through most all of it now, it's ridiculous frankly.
Good to know that you are in the position to speak for everyone that plays this game.
But, seriously.
I really don't understand your rant.
We've been progressing this game the same way for years now.
- First we implement the hourly events
- Then, we'll implement the special events.
- And, then we'll progress into the new level.
It's been like that and will continue to be like that.
We've been keeping people updated about the progress and they know what they can expect from us, always.
There is no secret agenda or stalling, no... we are just grinding out the updates as we've always done.
And, not only that.
We regularly ask people about the direction that we are taking, and that is exactly what we do...
We listen to our fans and supporters.
Now, that you don't like the dialogue or this type of game, I'm perfectly fine with that.
As mentioned many, many times already, I know that Sweet Affection isn't for everyone.
And you know? I'm fine with that.
If you just want us to skip through the levels and ignore all the dialogue and just get to the naughty stuff, well... I'm sure you can find plenty of titles on this website that will suit your need.
Sweet Affection is not only about that H-content, even though there is PLENTY of it.
It's also about the dialogue and the characters and their relationships together.
And, I can already promise you... that is not going to change.
But, ultimately... I do wish that we could develop Sweet Affection faster, yes.
But, in case you don't know... we are not Ubisoft or FromSoftware.
We don't have hundreds people working on our projects.
No, there is
ONE person working on all the content (me), and one person coding it. That's it.
And we are going as fast as we can while sticking to our direction.
But, the more we grow as a creator page, the more people I can hire and the faster we can go.
But, we had to start from scratch a couple months ago, so we are still in the process of building everything back up.
And, luckily. I know that plenty of people DO love the content that we produce each and every month.

And for you guys, we keep coming back to talk with you and share the latest news and our updates.
But, this is the last time I'm going to comment about the direction of the project or defend the content that we produce.
Feels like every month there is someone else starting up that same discussion and I'm kinda starting to get tired of it.
(I don't mean the messages from the past couple of days though.)
If you don't like it, that's a shame. but, I can't make everyone happy.
The best I can do is to do my best and sticking to what I want and what I think my supporters/fans want and giving them what I promised them. (A finished product).
If people ask in the future again about this, you can direct them to this post.