As has been said many times now if the game is not for you it is not for you. We still have to this day people either wanting the game to be something it is not, or now "kill it so that the next project will be something more to my liking"
Are the supporters happy?
Are the long term fans happy?
This is a game that has been going for years many of us have rode together with you through this journey for years. One thing I have noticed is you get mostly two types that want a change. New, or newish players, and the ones that have wanted the game to be a different game all along that often reiterate how much they like the game but...
I do not care what anyone else says I am happy the way the game is, and want to see the game completed as originally planed. Is HS dated in looks compered to these daz HS2 games that are coming out now? Yes but Id rather have consistency.
Is the game long winded, and nonstandard? Yes but that is one of the main reasons I play the game. Not for what it is not, but for what it is.
Will this game probably be pushing a decade by the time all is said, and done. Yes but look around many of these patron games will be if they don't end up abandoned, and the end will still be nowhere in site. Honestly where are most of them even going is there even and end game planed?
As for the MC being a simp. With the main story we have seen sides of not just how far the MC will go for the girls, but also with the limitations of opportunities that the girls would go far to ensure the MCs happens. There may are may not be opportunities with the other girls only you know, but as of now most are going through things, and the MC is doing what he can to be a support through it while toing the line of not overstepping, and imposing himself in there lives. Something that honestly is hard to do, and may peoples version of "fixing" things lean often towards controlling.
Is it perfect? No but when are interactions between two people perfect.
No honestly I would like to se more moments of the MC's "weakness" like with his uncertainty with M and S to see more of the other side of the girls care, and love for the MC, but even if I don't see that side going off of the writing so far it would not be that the characters would not, but that the just had no opportunity to.
Will the status quo perhaps keep new patrons from joining? Perhaps but "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" besides "If
you do what
you love,
never work a
day in
your life" It is clear that you are making the game you want to make, and telling the story you wanted to tell. After making the changes that would "improve" the game would it still be so? Would the thrive still be there? Would the game even be finished?
Now everyone is entitled to there opinion, although I fell some were just trolling, and, or have not actually played the game as what they had said is just not true even if you look at it objectively. If you honestly beloved it I think that says more about you then the game.
This is mine, and how I feel. So
J..D keep on keeping on, where ever the end result is I want to see the original unedited version. To many times I see the supposed conclusion that we waited years for only to get something that was obviously never intended from the start (kingdom hearts 3) I have waited all this time, and of life keeps on as it is I will still be hear in a few years to see the conclusion.
I think I mentioned this somewhere else before,
The characters in Sweet Affection are more than just game characters for me.
I have spend so much time with them, especially with Sarah & Shannon.
Thousands and thousands of hours.
I care for them and they are simply a part of me.
I put so much of myself into this game.
(Which is also the main reason why it's hard for me to come to this website at times and why I ask
BloodyFace to take care of it.)
Cutting away content, rushing the ending for any of the characters or something else happening that would prevent
me from developing.
That would destroy me because the characters deserve to have their story finished.
And you are absolutely right.
Developing Sweet Affection has been more than a job to me.
A hobby, a passion. A part of my life.
But it has also it's downside.
When the moment comes that I (finally) finish this game.
I already know that I'm going to be messed up for quite some time.
(Something I'm not looking forward to.)
But also me caring so much about these characters, that is also the main reason why I'm not
able to fully start developing a second game.
To me, the characters deserve as much content as I'm able to deliver every single month.
And when I take time off or try to work on something else, I actually feel bad for not developing Sweet Affection further.
I know that developing Sweet Affection is holding me back as a creator.
We all know that Sweet Affection is not for everyone, and that not everyone sees that passion that I put into this project.
If it was all about the money for me, I would have started developing a more lust/corruption based game by now
with a direct approach and plenty of H-content.
And I do have moments where I struggle with that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm proud and happy with all the support that I have currently.
I am thankful for every piece of support.
But, I would be lying if I said it doesn't sting when I see that my page is declining a little bit every month.
I know that taste is different for everyone and I would never ask someone to support me if they don't like my project.
But it does hurt when I put in 80 hours a week into a project and see other developers don't even put in that amount
in an entire year but earn 10 times as much as I do.
(I probably shouldn't have said that, because I don't want to sound unthankful for the support that I have.)
Sweet Affection is going to be 100% finished one way or the other.
If it takes me a year or decade, I don't care... It is going to be finished.
And I know that I should look into other avenues of earning money or growing as a creator.
(I've been looking into a job as a writer on a project or developing another game with perhaps another developer, but unfortunately I had no success with finding either of those.)
Now, some of the above sounds a bit negative.
I want to make very clear that I still love developing Sweet Affection.
(Evident by the upcoming update which will be the biggest one I ever made.)
But that I also tied my own hands with this project.
I'm either waiting for a big break with Sweet Affection (Which is unlikely after 4 years.)
Or a chance to do something else alongside Sweet Affection with another developer/creator.
And I'm going to end with this far too long of a post with a thank you for your kinds words.
But also all the kinds words that everyone else have said in the past couple of pages.

And one day, this game will have a "Completed" tag. (With it actually being completed.)