I'm not going to defend any of our work in the team because, well... your opinion is your opinion.
Nothing right or wrong about that, just your personal opinion.
And to each their own in the end.
What I AM going to say though is that to a certain degree, that I agree with some of the things.
Don't get me wrong, nothing will change in regard of the compliments or the characters being sweet to each other.
That's how the game is, that's how the story is and that's how the characters are, and what our fans like/love.
Nothing will change in regard of the "chuckles" "giggles" or anything like that.
And nor will anything change about the length of the events.
We've mentioned plenty of times already in the past that if you are looking for a game with quick action or inc... sex
within the first hour... this is not the game for you. (Plenty of titles on this websites that are like that)
But I do see that at certain stages that I've gone a little bit overboard with the use of "I'll be honest" or "amazing"
And my plan is this year(while creating the normal monthly content) to go through all the current content in the game to make it a little bit more "streamlined", and fix all the grammar errors as well, as fix some of the images that aren't right.
(Nothing will change in terms of content)
But this is a work in progress and such things are to be expected, especially when you put out substantial monthly updates like we do each month.
Hopefully we are able to change your mind in the future about our game, but we understand if we don't.
This is not a game/experience for everyone, especially not on this website.
But we are still extremely proud of what we've created thus far