NGL, I would prefer if the porn one wasn't an NTR one for once, seems like it's all but impossible to find decent SAO H-content that isn't NTR these days XD Also, aside from Eugeo, none of the SAO male characters is honestly very interesting and none even makes any sense within NTR context that isn't asspulled or beyond unrealistic, so that's probably why I have become so jaded about it aside from my actual like of the SAO series/cast
Hell, for originality's sake, I would prefer a Reverse NTR SAO game for once (Still sad Fujino seems to have dropped that new Suguha plot-line now), instead of seeing Asuna getting fucked by Random NTR Man/Ugly Bastard #123 and the other girls being fucked by anyone and the writer/artist trying to frame it as NTR despite it not being so, I wanna see the other SAO girls stealing Kirito behind her back against his will while she's none the wiser, let Asuna be the cucked one for once XD (It's beyond sad that there is only like, 2 SAO doujins period that have tried that, once Liz and one Suguha one, and only the Liz one was actually Reverse NTR, the Suguha one was more like Rape+Yandere even if it's one of my favorite SAO H-doujins)