4.10 star(s) 98 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
so part 2 its just a sequel ?
Basically, the game was getting "too big" for the RPGMaker engine that Fujino uses (Mainly as it's not really meant originally to put the "3D animated CGs" of Koikatsu that this game uses), so the game's size was not only bloating but also starting to cause issues, which made Fujino decide to split the game into further parts.


Feb 15, 2022
I played both versions of Part I, with the official version I could see the handjob scene, in the translated version I couldn't and I tried several times. For me it's not a problem since I already knew it, but perhaps for those approaching now it could be a lack or a bug in the new version of the game


Mar 14, 2018

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's


Kilometer Immorales

Active Member
Jul 12, 2020

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

Almost got me there for a sec.
Dec 15, 2018

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So this is the feeling of getting cucked T_T
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Aug 18, 2017

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

dude im so scared


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2019

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's


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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2021

Sorry everyone, due to the amount of stress in my life, I have decided to stop producing updating FGO. My joy disappeared when creating games, where I receive a lot of pressure which doesn't allow me to enjoy what I used to do. I know my update will cause a lot of displeasure and hate, but I understand. I will release the update I have been working on for the last 2 months and unreleased images, but that is all I can do. I will end my Patreon so please stop subscription. Again, I am sorry for all the trouble. Please enjoy getting cucked IRL as you will soon see Kirito cucked you mofo's

and it seemed like everything the dev did was in vain, he left his country and after only a few months, he gave up, which made him leave his country. :cry:


Active Member
Aug 5, 2023
This game is surreal. I imagine people checking the page on Patreon to see if it has been released every 20 seconds. Honestly, if the creator stops making the game, I think more than one person will cut their wrists.
and I say it half a joke and half a reality
4.10 star(s) 98 Votes