Yeah, I was specifically talking about KK though, which IS what Fujino uses, MMD's style is noticeably different, while it's improved over the years it's still 'old' enough that you can see why it's much harder to make accurate-looking models of anime characters in it. Fujino IS using KK, he's just using rare and high-effort 'scenes', which one CAN make but they require a lot of time and effort because you have to control most of the characters' movements in the Studio bit by bit to make them, not just the default animations the game has. Granted, while he has clearly put some effort, most of them are NOT by his hand, several scenes, as some previous shot show, are older ones that people uploads online, whether for free or behind paywall, Fujino is mostly using those and changing the characters for his SAO models (Which isn't exactly simple nor easy, though, as certain scenes are made for specific characters on purpose, changing them requires readjusting and such that needs quite a bit of effort to do, and that's before he has to insert them in the RPGMaker game and put their triggers and similar).