But Kirito can see through clothes in real life now. Perhaps his hallucinations can turn into real life. Antennas, we remember antennas all over the city. Moreover, Asuna and Kirito like to hide everything from each other. I think hallucinations in real life are another piece of the NTS ending.
Yeah, I also had a feeling the antennas were involved, but I didn't see anything exactly to confirm it. Nor can I think of why they'd do it, unless Adminstrator can feed/work with Kirito's energies IRL. I think she'd made the point of saying how brains and fluctlights are very similar.
Maybe the antennas are a sort of tie in to the OS movie, part of the broadcast network technology that lets them do the Augmented Reality game. Although even that required a headset device, so Kirito seeing Asada naked couldn't be a part of that. He's just losing his mind.
I think the haluciantions will be Fujino's version fo alicization coma, the so called "haluciantions" could became so frequent that Kirito will need someone to take care of him, then that one will not be Asuna will be Suguha.
IIRC he entered Alicization after the poisoning, which I guess could still happen but would feel very
out of the blue now. Alicization probably can't/won't happen in the same way it did, but I can see Kirito's general and mental health declining and him needing to be logged into a VRMMO until cured as a way to tie the canon and Fujinoverse together. As you say, it will give Suguha plenty of time to 'take care' of her oni-chan IRL, maybe while Asuna, Inoda and the gang get to visit him in game.
I'm reminded of certain artwork where Kirito wakes up from SAO to find a pregnant Sugu taking care of him.
Ironically, Fujino didn’t initially plan to make a cuck out of him, but it seems like some supporters wanted it, so he started to develop this second path. Initially, it was supposed to be just one of the endings, but it’s looking like it could actually turn into the new main path of the game.
It's pretty obvious that Prurience is the differentiator. Most people probably have been taking the Prurience options to see extra/lewd content, but it's clearly becoming part of Kirito's persona now, if you've kept taking the options. Case in point; the way he looks at Sugu, his consideration of sexing Alice for Klein, and the church 'speial service'.
I imagine the story will feel different if you don't take any of the Prurience options; you just get flat, non-lewd Kirito while Asuna is still stolen away. Prurience Kirito almost certainly leads to Cuck/Harem Kirito, who may one day accept watching Asuna and Inoda while himself indulging with Sugu/Asada.