Finished playing, it is kind of short that even the saturday night gameplay haven't finished and stop there without many cg in memory room. Since he will need a week to move out again the sunday update seems not possible at last, maybe it is a good idea for him to dalay the november update to december and change the update into per 2 months as he is quite busy nowadays.

Wtf? The librarian change to be

In the memory room it shows the rainy day that inoda fuck asuna without condom, don't know it is just a fantasy of inoda or actually happened in that day. If it is true then it will be different from what the scene had shown in part 1 (inoda fuck asuna in last round by still using condom in the morning vs inoda fuck asuna without condom as he had already used all of them in the middle of rainy day).

The setting of memory room I think is refer to the game Nebel Geisterjäger, which mc also need to access from the dream, created by a supernatural being and will forget everything when mc wake up.

It is clear the ntr pair will be inoda*asuna*liz, hebishima*suguha*shino and klein*alice. From this update it seems
liz know what inoda is doing but still let him do the rest and even using her own body to pay inoda keep stealing asuna from kirito in order to get kirito, I am sure she will soon corrupted by inoda's sex skill and fall to him. As for alice, still don't know there will be other guys to fuck her or not since she is using the hooker pass to enter the black street, but I am sure that klein will be the main one to get his hand on her.