It was a decent update, there was a lot of stuff there for me to talk about my every thought in a conscience manner, there were some positives and some negatives.
So I will start going with the most egregious event, even if there were more important developments.
-Lizbeth´s rape scene was unexpected, and generally disgusting since once again Inoda shows no regard for any other human being other than himself. His gut and dick might be abnormally large, but at the end of the day, he remains a small, pathetic guy who wouldn't lift a paper bag if it didn´t benefit his goal of wetting his unwashed pig´s dick.
That being said, I can´t say that I feel much empathy for Liz, as what she has been doing to Kirito, and what she was planning to do to him was truly no different than rape. At the end of the day, Liz was nothing more than a villain since her introduction to the story, and the only sympathy that her character could garner from me is that she at least is not as bad as Inoda, and from some leftover goodwill from her original character in the series.
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-Suguha, my glorious queen has gotten no love from Fujino this update in regards of scenes, but she is awesome even in the short amount of time she was on screen. No one but her, and those she approves of, can sexually abuse her beloved quickshot of a brother.
At this point, after seeing how she somehow fiddled with a stuffed bear like a batman villain, Suguha is half a step away from pulling out a rifle to defend her claim on Kirito´s petite member.
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-Sinon, and I don´t remember if I actually have said this before, but has miraculously managed to very quickly become my second favorite character in the whole game. It´s not much of a race for first place, because Sugu is too far away from the others that it´s not possible to compare the two, but she has gone from a boring side-character that was just filler for Hebishima to stuff from time to time, to one of the most entertaining members of the cast.
Turning Hebishima into a woman and planning to break him/her sexually? Absolutely fiendish behavior.
Sure, Liz just got raped by a dude that has probably never showered in his whole life, but Hebishima literally got castrated, got his body unwillingly morphed, got sexually abused, and I don´t think it will be a very decent future what awaits him from now on.
-The whole Hebishima situation is ungodly funny if we think about it, he truly ended up getting cucked by Kirito in the end.
Suguha, the girl he was obsessed with ended up leaving him NTR-grade dick as soon as she had the chance and went to lap her brother´s micro-penis. A micro-penis that seemingly is quite liked by his other chick who ended up betraying him in a gruesome manner, and from what little Sinon x Kirito content we have seen, she might end up truly playing with Kirito alongside Sugu.
Depending on what happens with the administrator in the end, Kirito might end up being the first NTR protagonist (in a game) to end his story with an harem.
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If Fujino were to make a scene in the future where Kirito ends up fucking female Hebishima with his tiny meat sword, I will fall down to my knees and admit that he made the definition of peak gaming, and accept the fact that nothing will ever top that moment in any other piece of media.
- The whole plot developent about Asuna and Inoda getting stuck 14 days in a hotel is interesting.
Not because it´s a well-written decision on Fujino´s part, but I am well used to Fujino slapping whatever convenient excuse he can think of in his games to facilitate the sex scenes. This is nothing new. What is interesting is how he plans to handle the game going forward, because 14 days is an extremely long time for Asuna to be locked in with the piggy, I truly cannot even begin to imagine how he plans to handle the story from now on. 14 days is almost 5 whole updates, even when Fujino rushes through the days of the week.
Besides, I want to see how Inoda manages to convince Kyouko that he is conveniently missing at the same time as Asuna for the next 14 days,
So, I´m interested in seeing how he will handle everything from now on.
Perhaps Fujino might want to move away from the phone calls, and give Asuna a laptop to work remotely from the hotel, with the possibility of hidden sex happening in the middle of skype/Discord/Whatever calls?
It could allow for some fun scenes like this one.
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- I don´t particularly mind Fujino taking 2 months for the next update, but it better have at least 1 long Suguha scene, or not even my glorious incestual queen will be able to stop me from flooding this thread with every Suguha frame in existence.
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Imagine a homeless man, eating from a restaurant's dumpster, and believing himself as a gourmet with a right to critique the food.