To summarize from what we know: While not outright stated, it's implied Inoda's abilities WERE a gift from Administrator because he's the other key piece in her 'game', albeit she doesn't "like" him as much as Kirito (Though like is a very iffy word with her, given she keeps mind-wiping Kirito every night AND she is entertained by his life being constantly screwed by Inoda and other factors).
Meanwhile, Inoda's power has been shown firsthand to be above: All 'normal' characters no matter how strong (Kirito is basically god-level-wise because Fujino went ultra hah-hah in how the haters see him but even his maxed observation skills couldn't see Inoda's "decoy" nor see through his "stealth" barriers even a single time XP), and at least partially ultra-hax skills (If you check Leafa's words when she's being guided through the house by Kirito, she actually was confused/suspicious of some of the rooms because WE knew Inoda had fucked Asuna in them but she couldn't actually see the past of them properly, mainly because Inoda probably had used his skill in them all the time rather than there having been moments where he was still visible/audible like in the kitchen or in the big bath). And while not tested against actual Admin-level accounts, well, he and Asuna under his skill DID open the door to where Silica's dad was fucking "Flora" (While looking like Kirito) and he didn't see them at all. Now then, this could be just because he was too focused on sex to do so, but given he had just used a skill to "reveal all things to others" (Which is why they even saw at all the 'illusion' of him looking like Kirito), it could stand to reason maybe it just didn't affect Inoda's powers and that's why they didn't see them despite practically opening the whole door, but this is still untested beyond circumstantial situations (Most likely it will be though, and that's how Inoda will "save the day" when the Council tries to capture Asuna to get to Kirito or something but they can't see through his invisibility and he takes her away while Kirito is busy fighting them or something
