i not care for anything give me more thing about asuna and inoda me will happy
I wonder will there be a threesome with Liz and Asuna with inodai not care for anything give me more thing about asuna and inoda me will happy
I wonder will there be a threesome with Liz and Asuna with inoda
SAO is usually in a much weirder spot in that regard because is one of the few series where despite the 'Harem' labels the MC is genuinely and firmly in a relationship with the girl of his choice and the other girls despite what they may feel or not accept it and even support them, some slips aside, so whenever any of the non-Asuna girls is used for a 'NTR' doujin is technically not really such but is labeled as it anyway XPI can think of several hentais that are labeled netorare, but the MC wasn't even in a relationship with the girl. Usually in those cases he is in love with her, just hasn't asked her out yet. The term definitely has been used in a broad way. Kinda like isekai has been, as alot of people label SAO as an isekai. While I personally don't cuz I don't consider a VR world to actually be another world in that sense. But that's just my personal opinion, so it is what it is.
Is that from Patreon? If so, yikes, I honestly can't believe some people feel so entitled as to demand Fujino to REMAKE THE ENTIRE PART just because they don't like the developments
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1:23 AM
我的最后一个想法是:你需要重新制作第二部分,游戏已经失去了悬念、神秘和 NTR。游戏已经失去了娱乐性。回归基本,不要试图取悦所有人,减少情节和人物,把主要精力放在亚丝娜-桐人和猪田身上。让更多的事情发生在 FOG 中。这样,在一天的辛苦工作之后,我们就可以打开你的游戏,在热辣的图片中放松一下。 当然,这是你的游戏,你的想法会在游戏中实现,但例如游戏的第一部分就非常酷、热、刺激。其中还有很多神秘的东西。它简单而有趣。 弹出的图片至少要在屏幕上停留 5 秒钟,太快的话就会消失,我根本没时间看。 You must be registered to see the links
2:37 PM
对我来说,问题出在上次更新中。与树的战斗和即将到来的按摩已经提供了诱惑 Asuna 所需的一切。 而这次更新本应最终让游戏的主要情节得到发展。亚丝娜和猪田。但是没有。 这一切都拖得太久了,太多的焦点集中在亚丝娜的母亲身上,太多的焦点集中在试图描绘自然的诱惑上。为了让亚丝娜更倾向于猪田,桐人的角色被无情地破坏了。 但这不是 NTR。其他的也不是 NTR。 老实说,在上次更新之后,我看不出这还能回到 NTR 的道路上。 桐人在更新中看到了很多东西,对自己充满信心,但在更新中却变成了一个小丑,猪田,这个第一部中的强奸犯和卑鄙小人,从各方面来看都变成了一个好人。而亚丝娜开始像一个患有精神分裂症和怜悯综合症的平庸爱情后宫少女。 在我看来,从第一部开始,猪田这个人渣就应该把亚丝娜从厉害的桐人身边抢走,这并不是因为桐人什么都不好,亚丝娜出于怜悯愿意和她遇到的第一个男人上床,而是因为快乐会压倒理智的声音。 我希望富士诺能看看他的第一部游戏,好好想想第二部的走向。 从画面上看,游戏本身非常不错,数据统计和菜单中显示身体部位的窗口都很棒,但除了几个场景外,几乎没有以任何方式展示出来。
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6:52 AM
Well, I hope he decides to remake the update.
and make those pop-up pictures at least 5 seconds on the screen.
Preach it dude.Waste of time. He should just move ahead with new update.
Well, here the problem lies not in the definition of NTR, but rather that people have clear expectations after Part 1. However, Part 2 being so much different just destroys the overall flow and doesn't resonate with these expectations. I mean, by now, it's obvious that something is going in the wrong direction, as with every new update, more and more people complain.We should stop trying to define NTR at this point because everyone has a different take on it. At this point, we should admit that this is a corruption game with splash of NTR here n there, which may or may not increase. Either way, I don't find much to say till we are atleast halfway through the game. You're all just jumping on the gun on too quickly. Meanwhile, there's dev like stopper who has just tease us about NTR for years and still claim it to be NTR game and provide update once a year. Atleast, fujino is giving updates. Whether people like it or not is a different thing.
Out of curiosity, what was the poll about?do people think remake game is easy fujino not need to remake thing just focus on inoda and asuna me not sure why fujino make the poll people will vote for kirito and asuna to troll
I think he may be talking about a previous one? I went to check in both Ci-En and Patreon and he doesn't seem to have made any new poll (Unless it was in the thread for the update's release, which only those supporting him can access).Out of curiosity, what was the poll about?
I mean, Fujino already said that he fucked up in places and that he will try to fix it. And, if everything does go to shit, then atleast maybe this game will become a textbook romance game. Who knows ? Let's see.People in this thread seem to have a lot of diverse opinions so I thought that I should share my opinion too.
Let Him Cook.
Bro got one bad update and decided that humanity has failed. If the next update is not peak then bro might just commit war crimes.It’s strange to expect an acceptable result from a developer who has so far released only a few unfinished ones, boring and primitive, if not stupid. Their specialty is anime characters, well, this can be done by an average level modder with any game. Well, he started making this game. There was a chat with photos in the first part. A great tool for atmosphere. Now he's gone. Smartphone. Yes, people make games based on its capabilities. But here it either works or doesn’t work. Where have you seen schoolchildren who don’t spend hours on their smartphone? Yes, Kirito and the others should constantly call each other, send photos, etc., an excellent tool for presenting events. But not in this game. Mechanics change as you go. Looking at this, you understand that if the developer does not have complete game mechanics, then there is no script.
Fujino is in a difficult situation: there is simply no time to think about it. I guessed right, I guessed wrong, I liked it, I didn’t like it. So our chances of getting what we want are about 1/3. 1 - he will do well. 1 - he will do something bad. 1 - he will do what has happened a million times: Asuna will become a whore like no other in life (together with her mother), Kirito... and no one will be interested in Kirito (like similar supporting characters in NTR games), definitely An African-American exchange student with a dick even bigger than Inoda's is supposed to come to school. You may ask, what does he have to do with it? I don't know where they come from in these games, they are always there. Perhaps the developers have anal weakness and they like it. What other templates are there in NTR? That's where they all will be. I just feel sorry for Suguha. That's why it's Hibishima (or whatever his name is) in the game. He's completely redundant. It feels like the developer simply had ready-made videos and used them in Suguha's thread. It would be nice if it was one of Kirito’s surviving enemies and would simply take revenge and play dirty tricks. But he's just a moral monster and a blackmailer. And Suguha is with him because the author wanted it that way. But he doesn’t want logic. There is no main character in the game. Everyone feels this subconsciously and it infuriates them. I said before that something is wrong with this game. But the only answer was that all games are like that, everything is fine. As you can see, it’s not all, and it’s not normal.
That's actually what I'm asking. I wasn't active at that time, so I don't know what the poll was about. I only understand from comments that Asuna x Kirito won. What else was on that poll?"I think he may be talking about a previous one? I went to check in both Ci-En and Patreon and he doesn't seem to have made any new poll (Unless it was in the thread for the update's release, which only those supporting him can access).
Besides if Kirito should have sex with other woman, which girl should have more sex scenes, and if Kirito should work a part-time job to advance time.That's actually what I'm asking. I wasn't active at that time, so I don't know what the poll was about. I only understand from comments that Asuna x Kirito won. What else was on that poll?"
So, Kirito should have sex with others, won?Besides if Kirito should have sex with other woman, which girl should have more sex scenes, and if Kirito should work a part-time job to advance time.
seem so...Did the dev really took the vanilla couple vote seriously for a game about ntr?
bro I'm not gonna lie I ain't readin all that tldr?It’s strange to expect an acceptable result from a developer who has so far released only a few unfinished ones, boring and primitive, if not stupid. Their specialty is anime characters, well, this can be done by an average level modder with any game. Well, he started making this game. There was a chat with photos in the first part. A great tool for atmosphere. Now he's gone. Smartphone. Yes, people make games based on its capabilities. But here it either works or doesn’t work. Where have you seen schoolchildren who don’t spend hours on their smartphone? Yes, Kirito and the others should constantly call each other, send photos, etc., an excellent tool for presenting events. But not in this game. Mechanics change as you go. Looking at this, you understand that if the developer does not have complete game mechanics, then there is no script.
Fujino is in a difficult situation: there is simply no time to think about it. I guessed right, I guessed wrong, I liked it, I didn’t like it. So our chances of getting what we want are about 1/3. 1 - he will do well. 1 - he will do something bad. 1 - he will do what has happened a million times: Asuna will become a whore like no other in life (together with her mother), Kirito... and no one will be interested in Kirito (like similar supporting characters in NTR games), definitely An African-American exchange student with a dick even bigger than Inoda's is supposed to come to school. You may ask, what does he have to do with it? I don't know where they come from in these games, they are always there. Perhaps the developers have anal weakness and they like it. What other templates are there in NTR? That's where they all will be. I just feel sorry for Suguha. That's why it's Hibishima (or whatever his name is) in the game. He's completely redundant. It feels like the developer simply had ready-made videos and used them in Suguha's thread. It would be nice if it was one of Kirito’s surviving enemies and would simply take revenge and play dirty tricks. But he's just a moral monster and a blackmailer. And Suguha is with him because the author wanted it that way. But he doesn’t want logic. There is no main character in the game. Everyone feels this subconsciously and it infuriates them. I said before that something is wrong with this game. But the only answer was that all games are like that, everything is fine. As you can see, it’s not all, and it’s not normal.
To keep it short, Liz is helping Inoda get close to Asuna.-The only thing i would like to see would be a stats sheet for the other girls too like Fujino did on the Nero remake, no need for animated stuff just some stats or the girls current mindset like in Part1.
-Don't try to look too much into the unused stuff though the more expectation you build up the more frustrated you will get when thing go off your mark.
And they may not be used at all.
-But isn't Liz the biggest reason Inoda & Asuna don't/can't do much stuff at the start if Liz purpose is to use Inoda to break Kirito & Asuna apart?
-Does Suguha going for her brother a new tool to tear Kirito & Asuna apart? A drugged Kirito assaulting his sister and Asuna happen to pass by and so on
-Kirito being able to go for an "other girl" maybe a tool to have Asuna feel less guilty and so on
You know the: "Oh his really close to this girl does that mean this/that" or Since you cheat on me too i don't have to feel that bad about it and go beast mode squeezing dry Inoda XD and so on
So much to speculate but only time will tell