A strident and heartfelt opinion with which of course I disagree with but stand up for your right to express freely hereabouts as always.

I'm not going argue with you about SotS this morning, which I kind of suspect you are trying to bait me into doing, but as yesterday has already slipped into tomorrow and I've had a wonderful evening and night, I'm in too good a mood to oblige.

Real girls are ten times beyond wonderful aren't they?

Instead I wish you a Happy Christmas, prosperous New Year, and, this being the season of goodwill to all men... that's GOODWILL TO ALL MEN remember... am extending my goodwill unreservedly to everybody on earth including you believe it or not! Take a chill pill my friend, enjoy Yule as best you can, and Symphony of the Serpent in your own way which is undoubtedly somewhat different from mine. After posting the WR, slightly inebriated, I'm now off to bed.

Life is good.