I'm surprised at the quality of the game as your first project. Hats off to you, really.
I hope I can help you with some doubts I have and some "solutions" (I have played just a couple of hours, so take this with a grain of salt).
For example: How come left click is the same as shift to sprint? You could instead do the same as AI Shoujo, which would be putting the left click as W+Shift (basically run forward) so you give people more options to play. You could even make right click be E to interact.
Camera sensitivity seems a bit too high, I'd either tone it down a bit or give an option to adjust it. The way it is now it seems that the camera "drags" when you move it.
And this is me being a bit nitpicky... When you press W and release (basically tap W) the character walks a bit, that's normal. But when you press W for a bit longer and then release, the character keeps moving for a bit retaining momentum. Might want to check that.
Hopefully I could help and don't come as too harsh, since it's not my intention to chastise you. I'd really like to see this go forward in a good development.