
Feb 13, 2020
yeah, all the people talking about danny, what happened to that scene trigered by choosing books? its now gone? forever?


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
The sad truth is that when Devs earn a lot, they deliver little and when they earn little, they deliver a lot. This is called greed, they get lazy and roll around for the patreons to continue helping, I've seen this happen with all "famous" games within the forum, the only way to reverse this is to stop helping so he can see the numbers dropping fast and start working faster, the table showing the update time only contributes what I think. 2/2/2/2/4/4/4/6/7/6 (at the moment)
You got that backwards

People start off "Hungry" (this is true across the full spectrum of careers not just Devs). The hunger drives you to put as much effort as possible, when the hunger is sated the pressure to be so frantic decreases. If it where just about Greed there would be less motivation to slow down, greedy people always want more.

I'm going to assume you will respond with "So we need to keep them hungry".

The problem with this is that the pace set in the hunger stage is unsustainable, you end up burning out, if you don't pull back and set a more reasonable pace.

In the beginning the story flows fast and easy, but ideas quickly run dry, the story becomes more complex as cannon becomes set and you are under constant pressure from trolls to change various components,
The code changes as you develop as a programmer and you feel pressured to rework earlier content to match your developing skills and the newer technologies that are coming into play.
I don't know shit about art, but I can't imagine it gets easier to present visually stimulating images that aren't just copies of what you have already presented.

Gotta love how people keep complaining about update times increasing as though the work load is a constant and creative ideas are inexhaustible.

If you disagree with my assessment, Please prove me wrong, develop a game and show us all how easy it is!
In this context I'd love the taste of humble pie.
Aug 31, 2019
The sad truth is that when Devs earn a lot, they deliver little and when they earn little, they deliver a lot. This is called greed, they get lazy and roll around for the patreons to continue helping, I've seen this happen with all "famous" games within the forum, the only way to reverse this is to stop helping so he can see the numbers dropping fast and start working faster, the table showing the update time only contributes what I think. 2/2/2/2/4/4/4/6/7/6 (at the moment)
NLT media still delivers tho


New Member
Sep 6, 2019
it's funny how many people are complaining about lack of updates. "it shouldn't take this long" "they're just being greedy" firstly, stop projecting. secondly, I'd love to see any of you make a game that looks as nice as this and functions even remotely properly. when ya do that, I'll take you seriously. until then, you're just a brat whining about how you don't have something you wanted right away. XD
Jun 7, 2019
You got that backwards

People start off "Hungry" (this is true across the full spectrum of careers not just Devs). The hunger drives you to put as much effort as possible, when the hunger is sated the pressure to be so frantic decreases. If it where just about Greed there would be less motivation to slow down, greedy people always want more.

I'm going to assume you will respond with "So we need to keep them hungry".

The problem with this is that the pace set in the hunger stage is unsustainable, you end up burning out, if you don't pull back and set a more reasonable pace.

In the beginning the story flows fast and easy, but ideas quickly run dry, the story becomes more complex as cannon becomes set and you are under constant pressure from trolls to change various components,
The code changes as you develop as a programmer and you feel pressured to rework earlier content to match your developing skills and the newer technologies that are coming into play.
I don't know shit about art, but I can't imagine it gets easier to present visually stimulating images that aren't just copies of what you have already presented.

Gotta love how people keep complaining about update times increasing as though the work load is a constant and creative ideas are inexhaustible.

If you disagree with my assessment, Please prove me wrong, develop a game and show us all how easy it is!
In this context I'd love the taste of humble pie.
You didn’t acknowledge that even with all that that the rate we are going at we’re gonna end up with updates every 7-8 months which is literally once a year and the increasingly concerning side of how the updates are being delayed and just not being delivered on time. I did some coding won a prize for it too and I understand how the more you stack code the harder it becomes to fix WHEN NOT IF it becomes broken that’s reasonable but we’re like 4 years deep into this project with very little Chantelle content way too much Clara content no Tiffany or additional Content it’s been like two years since we banged Gerda this pacing is abysma, honestly I don’t mind 6 month updates to me it suck but whatever life goes on. It’ll come when it’ll come. I live life for 3 months and around month 4 I check back and see how it’s doing and I can’t really remember the last time I was delighted at the status updates not even mentioning at the end of the day most of these mega updates will still be finished in one night regardless of how much content is in them. I hardly agree with the other guy the perk of being at the top is you get to do what you want Uber will do what Uber wants and I’ll follow along no matter what because there’s no alternative to Taffy tales and I’ll cling to the hope this game will realize it’s full potential. However I still beyond disagree with your stance since how can ideas run dry when they’ve never even been realized? How can Uber be out of ideas when Raven writes the Lines, when again a whole plethora of characters still need content and realization. Even more than that if Uber posted scene teasers every 2-3 months of sex scenes Myself and I assume most others would be quite sated but that’s another discussion.


Jan 18, 2018
it's funny how many people are complaining about lack of updates. "it shouldn't take this long" "they're just being greedy" firstly, stop projecting. secondly, I'd love to see any of you make a game that looks as nice as this and functions even remotely properly. when ya do that, I'll take you seriously. until then, you're just a brat whining about how you don't have something you wanted right away. XD
You know most of us just want to know whats is going we don't complaign about the time they take we just want to know ;)
most of us know how difficult he can be to create a great game like TT.
But i think ubver try to satisfy NTR fan with delaying news ,right now we are in the IRL NTR road. (it's a joke guys )
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Oct 28, 2021
The sad truth is that when Devs earn a lot, they deliver little and when they earn little, they deliver a lot. This is called greed, they get lazy and roll around for the patreons to continue helping, I've seen this happen with all "famous" games within the forum, the only way to reverse this is to stop helping so he can see the numbers dropping fast and start working faster, the table showing the update time only contributes what I think. 2/2/2/2/4/4/4/6/7/6 (at the moment)
It's getting a little hard to support on Patreon side at this point. If you see it from the point of paying for content kind of view, for the first version, people spent 20$ to get the first update. After 5 months, price goes up to 40$, and now going either 60$ or 70$, because Patreon charged per month. So at this point, if the next update that comes doesn't match the price tag of 60$ or 70$, oh my gosh...


Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
Seriously Bud, try to break up your text, blocks like that are very hard to read.

You didn’t acknowledge that even with all that that the rate we are going at we’re gonna end up with updates every 7-8 months which is literally once a year
Literally means "exactly","real","true", and there are 12 months in a year,
"Literally once a year" = "Exactly once every 12 months".

Not sure why you need me to acknowledge anything about the time?
  1. I don't know what their objectives are for each update
  2. I know know what obstacles they have
  3. I don't know the skill levels of the people involved
If you don't know any of these variables then making an objective judgement about what might be a reasonable time per update is impossible.

and the increasingly concerning side of how the updates are being delayed and just not being delivered on time. I did some coding won a prize for it too and I understand how the more you stack code the harder it becomes to fix WHEN NOT IF it becomes broken that’s reasonable but we’re like 4 years deep into this project with very little Chantelle content way too much Clara content no Tiffany
or additional Content it’s been like two years since we banged Gerda this pacing is abysma,
It's really hard to understand what you are saying here, first it looks like you are agreeing that the delay is justified, you acknowledge that fixing code is hard "WHEN,,, Not IF it becomes broken", particularly when you consider how many different coders have been involved over this projects lifespan.
It sounds like you are agreeing with me in a very argumentative fashion.

Then you go on to make subjective claims about narrative content which have nothing to do with how long it takes to fix issues in the code and release an update.

However I still beyond disagree with your stance since how can ideas run dry when they’ve never even been realized? How can Uber be out of ideas when Raven writes the Lines,
  1. " how can ideas run dry when they’ve never even been realized "
    Does the phrase "Writers Block" mean anything in your language?

  2. "How can Uber be out of ideas when Raven writes the Lines"
    1. Who said anything about Uber? I spoke of the project as a team. (When one member of the team is stalled, the whole project is stalled)
    2. I don't know specifics of the relationship between LostRaven and Uber, I imagine Uber writes the story (in broad strokes), who then gives it to LostRaven who cleans up the Engrish, The Typos, The Grammer, changes broad statements like "Beth is pissed at the MC for fucking her teddy bear" into specific dialogue that expresses whatever mood Uber wants.
when again a whole plethora of characters still need content and realization. Even more than that if Uber posted scene teasers every 2-3 months of sex scenes Myself and I assume most others would be quite sated but that’s another discussion.
Irrelevant, this was a discussion about what is a reasonable update schedule, if you want to start a debate about the subjective merits of various narrative paths, then put it in a different post, this post is already too hard to follow without merging two different debates.
Last edited:


New Member
Sep 6, 2019
You know most of us just want to know whats is going we don't complaign about the time they take we just want to know ;)
most of us know how difficult he can be to create a great game like TT.
But i think ubver try to satisfy NTR fan with delaying news ,right now we are in the IRL NTR road. (it's a joke guys )
the most annoying and difficult part for me is that I understand both sides. I'm on the patreon so I do wanna get results. and it is kinda annoying. i'm trying to be understanding to mitigate any negative feelings that come up. if we don't see another update within a week, I'm gonna message them and just ask them nicely that people are getting antsy and would like an update. they do not seem like the kind of people to take advantage of their fans, or even treat them harshly. so i'm sure they already have something to say, they just wanna finish thing up before they post it. tbh, they could be burning out. in which case, if they are feeling burnt out, I'd rather they go on vacation for a month and relax, then come back to the game refreshed.

i'll try and get in touch with them and come back to you guys as soon as I can.


Jun 9, 2017
The sad truth is that when Devs earn a lot, they deliver little and when they earn little, they deliver a lot. This is called greed, they get lazy and roll around for the patreons to continue helping, I've seen this happen with all "famous" games within the forum, the only way to reverse this is to stop helping so he can see the numbers dropping fast and start working faster, the table showing the update time only contributes what I think. 2/2/2/2/4/4/4/6/7/6 (at the moment)
You analysis is fundamentally flawed in that:

1) It takes no account of the fact that, as the game grows, the complexity of the coding does as well so each successive update was always likely to take longer.

2) You make no allowance for the fact that the earlier updates were significantly smaller then the updates which followed them and would therefore take longer to produce each update.

If you were going to make the argument you want to make you need to give a breakdown of the number of scenes/images in each update to the number of months for each update.

to simply say it takes longer for each update when the update size has noticeably and significantly grown means very little and doesn't prove anything. The first updates were very small.

that, in my opinion, is to be expected. Games with a low update rate at the start normally fail to get any backing as people are reluctant to back just off one or two updates as there is no sign of commitment and people have been burned a lot by incomplete games.

Once Devs show that they are committed to the projects and have a backing a Patreons updates then tend to get bigger and slower. this works out okay for the devs who express that this is what they are going to do and not so well for those who lack communication as people then think the work has stopped and bail.

Uber has been upfront that the updates were going to get larger and less frequent and also had pretty good (by the standards of the community) communication with those that back him on patreon and discord about what is going on. As a result his general number of patreons is holding steady around 4000-5000 per month and has done now for the past 6 months.

Also, there is still a real incentive for him to release, not just because otherwise people will stop backing, but also the exact opposite. Looking back over the last 3 years, every update has been met with a significant increase in his backers, most of whom then stick around for the next one.

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Here are some things lostraven has said concerning the collaborative nature of the writing

It's hard for me to say, given that Uber takes the story in whatever direction he wants.
If I write a plot outline or script, it's his decision on how much he wants to change and alter the content of that.

It's 50/50, I can write what I want, but Uber will change scripts and or request additional scenes.
Ultimately, he can scrap whatever he doesn't like.

So when you talk about ease of writing , you should take into account the collaborative nature of the writing and that is always going to take more time than if one guy is writing it.
I mean how many times now has Uber asked for stuff to be changed or added in the last month. Its just one more thing that takes more time than people think add it to the list of updating code and art , plus adding new content.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jr. Uploader
Jan 11, 2018
Back in the days there was a teasing scene with danny, wich u trigger by chosing several books in order. Its been several updates since its gone.
Are you talking about the Cosplay scene?
You trigger the books in the right order and get the Vivian picture, that brings with it the prompt for trap content, then later on your little playdate you have the option to push Danny into showing you his roleplaying skills

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Back in the days there was a teasing scene with danny, wich u trigger by chosing several books in order. Its been several updates since its gone.
Are you talking about the Cosplay scene?
You trigger the books in the right order and get the Vivian picture, that brings with it the prompt for trap content, then later on your little playdate you have the option to push Danny into showing you his roleplaying skills

Pretty sure that is still in the game.


Feb 13, 2020
Are you talking about the Cosplay scene?
You trigger the books in the right order and get the Vivian picture, that brings with it the prompt for trap content, then later on your little playdate you have the option to push Danny into showing you his roleplaying skills
Yes that one, its still on the game?. Well i kinda used codes to start every update (so i dint play that part again). But i aint seen that on the gallery can i still trigger it somehow?

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Yes that one, its still on the game?. Well i kinda used codes to start every update (so i dint play that part again). But i aint seen that on the gallery can i still trigger it somehow?
Even though it is not really my thing mind you. I did open that scene, it is on page 26 of the gallery 9th and 10th images. After I had created a save point and then continued on the No Trap content rout. So I can't answer any more than that as far as the rest of what happens in that rout.

As far as still being able to trigger it I don't see why not I would expect you can just go into Danny's room when you are at Clara's and do the mini game then.


Feb 13, 2020
Even though it is not really my thing mind you. I did open that scene, it is on page 26 of the gallery 9th and 10th images. After I had created a save point and then continued on the No Trap content rout. So I can't answer any more than that as far as the rest of what happens in that rout.

As far as still being able to trigger it I don't see why not I would expect you can just go into Danny's room when you are at Clara's and do the mini game then.
Ok thanks, if this update comes in my lifetime im gonna check it out.

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Ok thanks, if this update comes in my lifetime im gonna check it out.

Hard to say what this update will bring in terms of changes to the game. My guess is though it should still be there. Might want to save the last version just in case though so if it has been changed you can still view it.
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