Oh ? Interesting. Looking forward for crush and cult chick.

So the "Bitch" Darnell was talking with Roger was Tiff ? I thought it was some other chick. Dont know if this is a spoiler,
but I thought that both these guys have something to do with Drugs and Tiff is somewhat involved in that. Probably to help out financially for Mom. There were hints that Darnell has something what makes her acting unusual. Like when she litterly showed her ass/strip to MC by the command of Darnell.
Kinda odd that during this conversation "Red" didnt showed a single time, but when Carla said "good boy" he goes into rape mode.
I think he would react at least more aggressive, or at least act at all when its his sis involved, but I guess its just a plot hole.
At least the game tells you she is not liking it. And I had a short scene when I could ask her when I knocked at her Door for more clarification. She said nothing happens and im pretty sure thats the game trying to tell me that really nothing happend but even MC said himself if really something happend, why would she say that.
Do we know who is or will be part of the Harem (Hints) ? In the beginning I thought that our Indian fat "Buddy" who sold us out would be on the chopping list, so we could add her mom to the harem, but I dont have anything with her going on. I got only the pills and thats it. I can visit her but she has her generic 3 question I can ask.