I kind of understand the Danny content being confirmed for the next update, but Gerda? Even Natalie? I feel as if there are plenty of other characters, in the Main and NTR Route that people want. Tiffany for example, what content has been done for her? Sara? when was the last update for that, other than another blowjob scene. Even the new characters, (Which I'm sure/hoping will happem, Doya/Brinda/Beatrix, both routes included)
Feel as if we are thrown the same old people, Clara, Mary and Becca, with the old random character. (I forger Dannys sister's name but whatever happened to that?)
-Edit- I alos know that not a lot of things have been confirmed, other than the Danny route, that a lot of people seem to be up in arms for, but I think the Nat route isn't the second thing you should be announcing after such a bad last update, after "giving the people" what they want after the mega update.
Feel as if we are thrown the same old people, Clara, Mary and Becca, with the old random character. (I forger Dannys sister's name but whatever happened to that?)
-Edit- I alos know that not a lot of things have been confirmed, other than the Danny route, that a lot of people seem to be up in arms for, but I think the Nat route isn't the second thing you should be announcing after such a bad last update, after "giving the people" what they want after the mega update.
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