From what I’ve seen, UberPie mentioned that this game would be a combination of seasons 1 to 3. I believe it will take a while for seasons 4 to 6 to be made, even though he said it would be faster. The game itself isn’t bad, but UberPie is making money, and I think these changes should be made when the game is fully finished. I know making a game is not easy, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s making a lot of money every month and has the potential to do so much more than he’s currently doing. His victimization about not having a team or about Steam banning him makes no sense. I mean, he’s been working on this since 2018—didn’t he foresee this happening? I’ve seen people have their games rejected and Patreon pages removed for much less. He seems to focus on the same mistake, maybe because he’s afraid of finishing the game and doesn’t know how to create another one to sustain himself. Not to mention that he often behaves unprofessionally, as if Taffy Tales were not a product of a game company, but just something created by a random guy. Unfortunately, consumers don’t care if he’s sick or if his family went through tragedies. We just want to know about the game and nothing else (it may sound harsh, but that’s the reality).