Uberpie wants to integrate a previous script I wrote BEFORE the introduction of the mega-scripts. Keep in mind THIS script is STILL twice the size of the previous update, and it should add a lot more game mechanics/build on a new plot thread

Just a heads up.
As the teaser has already been posted here is Uberpie's statement attached:
Hello, everyone.
Here is the new teaser for upcoming update of Taffy Tales.
The next update will be concentrated on the richest family in Taffy Town.
Yeah, I mean Gerda, Priscilla and Harry. But there will also be Mary, Becca, Sara, Ryoko, Stacy and the others.
I know that you want to see the scenes with Mary and Tiffany as soon as possible, but their routes develop with the other characters.
Me and lostraven are working hard to push storylines of Mary and Tiffany as soon as possible. So if the next updates will mostly concentrate on the another characters, it is part of our plan. Please, don't worry it's only a matter of time.
I'll share the new teasers, arts and news regularly.
So stay tuned! Back to work!