So, the short answer on the scene is this. The artwork (and story outline around the artwork) was pre-done by Uberpie on the assumption that Mind control was allowed on Patreon, once I explained it wasn't allowed and we'd get banned for it, (Yes, it has happened to other devs) we had to backpedal with already completed art and try re-imagine some kind of narrative to fit the art, (as too much time had been spent on this art to 'not' use it). Worse still, the art was so clearly originally designed for mind control trying to fit any kind of reasonable narrative around it was always going to be a nightmare, i. E, Mary's eyes clearly were originally meant to be her under the influence of mind control. To make matters worse, we had to try fit around this new narrarive in short order to release the update which had already taken too long to release.
The result was the incoherence that made it into the game. It wasn't Uber's fault, he just wasn't aware fully of the TOS restrictions and well, it was never going to end well but like I said, too much art had been invested and time was on a wire.