Go to the wall enter and click on the panel name wall front when you are inside the malldoes anyone know what to do when the guide says walk Stacy home? I cant find her anywhere
thanksGo to the wall enter and click on the panel name wall front when you are inside the mall
just go to the toilets in school and wank, otherwise cheat enginemoney
buy a camera from the store to continuePlease someone can help with this TT_TT
View attachment 1404631
Where is the Ice Rink?How to pass the Ice Rink? What is this impassable stuff? The mini-game is absolutely random. Who can tell me to do this? There are 3 control buttons: the left mouse button, the right mouse button and the wheel mouse, respectively. No matter how I click them in different order, there is still not enough time for me to go through this
Change your monitor down to 60Hz if youre on 144HzHow to pass the Ice Rink? What is this impassable stuff? The mini-game is absolutely random. Who can tell me to do this? There are 3 control buttons: the left mouse button, the right mouse button and the wheel mouse, respectively. No matter how I click them in different order, there is still not enough time for me to go through this
Lol, it worked, tyChange your monitor down to 60Hz if youre on 144Hz
Thanks! I could not find it for the life of meIn the Mall Front
Honestly I have no clue right now. They seem to have changed from the original plan. Personally I still think we'll see an update but not soon.did the dev himself say it ? like is it still in the plan ?