made some notes & tips compilation (most items and some quests)
chronological (but my order)
will not put undercut caz search will fail right?
hole in the fence (weekends)
there is a knife in the kitchen to use on the fence hole (check kitchen table, close to screen bottom)
cameras: two cameras in her room (mirror & chair up-right). other in the shower
hammer-appears in ur room (near the stairs) go to spy at left window
comics-on ur bed, shirt-near bed, glasses-on the chest
rope-On the bench in the place of smoking near the treadmillOn the bench in the place of smoking near the treadmill
go Priscilla's backyard which is on the
side of the screen when you go to her home front.
weight shop
super glue shop
becca-ball - go to pricilla house an dtalk to her
went to shop, got screwdrivver, weight - is in the bathroom
make a plan-go to ur room
fake phone- shop
special software - Go to your home backyard and from there to the right in the next garden. Its a CD which is on the ground.
use super glue (auto-applied when entering wc)
weights at night - in the kitchen
weight tablets - shop
if the printer is not in the MC's bedroom you are not far enough in the story to print pictures also before you can print anything you will have to buy a new...
printer kit- shop , then it appears
gym clothes -backyard (hanging behind tree housee)
gym - mall, need to spot clara.
Ruler is in your home on the floor in front of Mary's room. rest I don't remember sorry
gerda-go to her backyard, use chair.
knights armor- click myst door first
claras key- click on m wc
find sara
?go to sara's (becca's) house in the afternoon, not school
at school - ask about a key - wait 1 time - grab
closet - go to school - race track - on the right from showers (on the school wall)
projector in this room, right item
u dont need to 'take' it ; u move other items - click things on the right
new toy for clara-shop ,
(after : go get studing with sara, talk to clara outside of the classroom, go to toilet to clara , talk to clara outside of the classroom , go to toilet)
secret shop - talk in shop
play smth new - laptop, sexchat
way to call alan - Use telephone booth at mall place.
gun - in ur chest.
warehouse - pick up a brick, hit the window (on the right), click on it again to climb, turn the light: box on the right
when leavving the room - click on cloth, click on the box, street - take scooter.
in ur room ... 1, 1, 2 (some answers N)
clara,becca-go to m wc
new phone for clara-shop
fake licence - shop
principal - ladder in the closet,check a school window, bit on the right one .
library-get strange book
mary sport cloth - click on her when she is bend over in the kitchen . (later take it from the shop, was it drycleaned?)
mary, somewhere nice -talk in the park, open violet diner
clara, waiting i any room-pick envelope (left)
viloet office-password behind top picture, then laptop (u can skip if cheats on) BANANA42
privacy, violet - via laptop
danny room (he is asleep) - book laying horizontally (upper area)
(if issues with becca's door/ find becca) :
go to m wc - stall - try to fap - buy phone
*i didnot see any indications of buying when in the shop though after visiting shop and returning i could call becca and proceed.
then continue doing quests up until 2 french lessons, then door will become clickable
'sneak in showers'
1) go outside, to the sports track 2) go to the smokers' area, spot the ladder there 3) click the ladder, find out it's secured with a lock & chain 4) go to the principal's office to find the key - the key should be in one of the little compartments left of his bookshelf 5) ['open the lock gate']unlock the lock...
when on track area - look at the steamy windows on the right
becca date -> find becca
Day : Have the interaction where Becca asks you for the date
Evening : go to the mall, discover Becca isn't there
Still Evening : knock on Beccas door , talk to Sara {get told she is at Priscillas} ; Still Evening : go to Priscillas ...go to the yard-stables
stable key - priscilla room, 2nd drawer
mary, rocky film - go to the gym
spy on girls a little - fem toilets.
becca and pric up to - talk to becca in the school
little bimbo - violet diner
back alley, to see drunks - click on the left area [to fox club]
?can by booze only on the next day in the shop
stealthy - go to the shop, buy a mask and a coat . then click at school door in the morning
darnel home- click on vase to get a key
sara, sweating bullets - evening, school, classroom
gerda to the test? - go kitchen.
put those things - coffee in your kitchn
some said "youll lose the candle if you do clara's missing key quest after finding it"
[so first go for key] - principal office
candle in the bathroom on the tab.
Sara next day - class (time to talk) - then find her infront of the school
mary pov,1950s called - talk to mc.
jessica home-secrets-her room, centre-middle drawer under the bed (disc,diary -read at home before sleep)
Now let's see if it's had any effect! - you gotta wait until the afternoon and look for mary in the kitchen at home
mary pov, how to wear it - click on her room mirror. (talk with mc2 times) go to thee city map and come back to the front door
mary up to - go to the kitchen
snoop around - go to her room, click on cloth
deal with blue balls -wc,stalls,try to fap
learning that's what...- click on classroom
mc locker - in main school hallway on the left (middle)
where is mary?-come home, note on the fridge, go to the gym ( day ended - u play as mary for that)
jessica pills - right bed drawer
pills stash in your room - click the stairs
browse vids - when clicking ur bed
collars- go to the shop secret room n buy
library - bookshelve on the right, find a book.
janice-smoking area
janice waiting-shop,secret room
>"Now I've got the stuff, Red will probably put his plan into action in the morning."
go to sleep n2. go buy the hoodie from the shop / Go talk to Clara at the school
stacy, ice skating -mall, ice rink [the door up-right side]
stacy wants to show - Go into the alley behind fox club
>I should talk to Clara about the next part of the plan",
go to the shop & buy camera then u can talk to clara