
Aug 30, 2018
For now there is only one rout so yes, but that is part of his charm! The upcoming update may change things a little but I would not expect Beta MC until the NTR rout is inserted into the game which is supposed to be once the mainrout(current rout) is finished.
NGL I like the game but I find the over the top evil MC the worse, less charming part of the game, specially it being another wimpy kid with a hugemungous phallus. I don't want to play either an ntr nor an edgelord, I'd prefer a ''normal'' route that mixes being nice with some picaresque here and there (which I might admit, it can also be not that charming as it's the basic MC template) :HideThePain:

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
NGL I like the game but I find the over the top evil MC the worse, less charming part of the game, specially it being another wimpy kid with a hugemungous phallus. I don't want to play either an ntr nor an edgelord, I'd prefer a ''normal'' route that mixes being nice with some picaresque here and there (which I might admit, it can also be not that charming as it's the basic MC template) :HideThePain:

Well I was being a little sarcastic with the charm part. He is pretty fucked up but then again this is what I what I would expect from a person who desires to corrupt and dominate everyone. Taken in context with the game he is the archetype I would expect. If you look at the tag list of the game this is obviously not a vanilla game. For me I am not really into deciding what any game should be if it gets to over the top or unrealistic in terms of the context laid out in the game(if it jumps the shark) I just stop playing. Reds over the top evilness is just one part that I can overlook, at least for now mainly because we have already seen his character(his half of the MC) move towards a softer side while very incremental he is moving and so is Blue in the opposite direction. Once they become one I suspect we will see a person that many can relate to dark urges tempered by morals seems to be the way mankind actually is. Its when that balance is destroyed that we wind up with chaos and crazy. At least that is the way I see it. Yeah its a porn game but it is also art and as they say art imitates life...

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Does uber know Taffy Tales is released for free here? What is his/her thought?

I am guessing he knows as far as his thoughts , don't know. He may be lurking on the site under an alias , don't know.
There are a few ways to look at though. we are pirating his game so yeah not getting money from a lot of us but he is getting free advertising and publicity most of it good which can draw in contributors and there are contributors on this site quite a few spread across many games.
I look at it like the old Fan-sub community for anime back in the day. If it were not for them anime probably would not have taken off in America and in other countries as well. Not many of the Japanese companies tried to squash the Fan subs and now they get a decent licensing fee for shows that would never have been distributed outside of Japan, in other words free money they did not really have to spend a lot of time and money to cultivate. So while Uberpie could be making more he also could have an obscure game no one really knows about. I always say support what you like if you can and if you can't at least promote what you like in the hopes that people who can pay will , Win Win.

Ashley young

Active Member
Dec 4, 2017
NGL I like the game but I find the over the top evil MC the worse, less charming part of the game, specially it being another wimpy kid with a hugemungous phallus. I don't want to play either an ntr nor an edgelord, I'd prefer a ''normal'' route that mixes being nice with some picaresque here and there (which I might admit, it can also be not that charming as it's the basic MC template) :HideThePain:
On the contrary, I really like the MC (red) in this game. Most games involving corruption are associated with netorare, where some dude corrupts / sluttifies the girls, and most game centered around the MC are warm / wholesome love stories.
I always wanted to play as the dude who is corrupting the other girls, basically the Chad in an ntr game. We already have a fuckton of lovey-dovey warm games.


New Member
Mar 12, 2018
Yes. New update soon
Yeah [Soon TM]

Beside all the trash talk about "Uber promised this or that date to update or not" and all the people who search his posts and words like a shamen reads in cow guts for the right interpretion of them to debunk others opinons who did the same, i think we can at least get on the common ground that Uber besides other devs showed again that "Soon" has a quite flexible meaning.

And while that alone is not so bad it shows once again how bad the communication is.

This combined with his obviously lie in a Patreon Post around the time of the first "Mega Update" that there will be no more Mega Updates was the reason for me to cancel my patreonage.

I hate useless toxic posts like "Game finally dead?" or "Dev x milking his Patreons to death *kek*" they ar unessasary and plain stupid. But what i dislike even more are post who defend everything the dev does to keep him in his safe space bubble out of "Benefit of the doubt mentality" or because they fear the supply of their fav fap material. They really kill Games in the long run.

Belive me. If the past of this site/patreon showed us one thing then that is if really anything serious happens to a dev like rl kicks in or he just looses interest/insperation neither my or any others 1$ subscription can change this nor will cancelation of it for a few months start this things. But what it can do when enough people use it is send a message to the dev that either his updates or communication for them lacks something.

Wich is the case here.

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Yeah [Soon TM]

Beside all the trash talk about "Uber promised this or that date to update or not" and all the people who search his posts and words like a shamen reads in cow guts for the right interpretion of them to debunk others opinons who did the same, i think we can at least get on the common ground that Uber besides other devs showed again that "Soon" has a quite flexible meaning.

And while that alone is not so bad it shows once again how bad the communication is.

This combined with his obviously lie in a Patreon Post around the time of the first "Mega Update" that there will be no more Mega Updates was the reason for me to cancel my patreonage.

I hate useless toxic posts like "Game finally dead?" or "Dev x milking his Patreons to death *kek*" they ar unessasary and plain stupid. But what i dislike even more are post who defend everything the dev does to keep him in his safe space bubble out of "Benefit of the doubt mentality" or because they fear the supply of their fav fap material. They really kill Games in the long run.

Belive me. If the past of this site/patreon showed us one thing then that is if really anything serious happens to a dev like rl kicks in or he just looses interest/insperation neither my or any others 1$ subscription can change this nor will cancelation of it for a few months start this things. But what it can do when enough people use it is send a message to the dev that either his updates or communication for them lacks something.

Wich is the case here.

I don't mind intelligent posts such as yours, I do dislike the type of posts you referenced as there is nothing to discuss due to the lack of any reasoning. Now I was unaware of Uberpie having an account here so i never really thought of this being the right place to complain, turns out he does have one but looks as if he is not all that active probably working on his game or is tired of all the toxicity. I think one of the points some of us have been trying to make is that unless you are a patreon bitching holds no real weight because you will not be affecting the money train and the money train is typically what gets a Dev to change. So doing that here as a pirate seems foolish. The real way to get that message across is for the patreons to post on his patreon page.

Every one has a right to post there dissatisfaction here , but if you are going to drop a one liner and use bogus facts there are some who will challenge that. At the end of the day you are probably pissing in the wind but if you want to have an actual conversation about it then try and bring some reasonable debate points into your post some of us will honestly respond to that as I have done with this post.

I am not a person who blindly follows anyone and I totally get why people are irritated and surprisingly enough I agree with some of these issues , I am not a patreon though and hold no power. It is "reasonable" to assume some things however such as, Games such as this one take time, people make estimates all the time and are wrong, Game dev. is not as simple as many make it out to be, the creative process can't be quantified into X takes this amount of time.
So making estimations is foolhardy but, and here is the real problem Patreons keep demanding time lines and when game Devs try and push back the patroens revolt so the Devs play this game of trying to give people what they want with out really being able to truly give accurate estimates. If you think this is a problem that only happens to Patreon Devs think again in the art world artists are notoriously bad at project management, accurately estimating time it takes to create art and communication. My question is why would we expect Game Dev's to be any different than your traditional artists?
Sep 29, 2021
ugh, aren't you guys tired debating over new update everyday?
i'm understand everyone has a point to complain or defending uber, but let's be objective. He was wrong, he shouldn't gave false hope to his patrons. I think "few peoples" in this thread should stop being denial about it, even though game development is hard. You can't expect people won't be mad after uber gave uncertain promises over and over.

Deleted member 568526

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
ugh, aren't you guys tired debating over new update everyday?
i'm understand everyone has a point to complain or defending uber, but let's be objective. He was wrong, he shouldn't gave false hope to his patrons. I think "few peoples" in this thread should stop being denial about it, even though game development is hard. You can't expect people won't be mad after uber gave uncertain promises over and over.
Nah Bro , I think you are mistaken about something here I am not defending Uber , Objectively did he really "promise" that is not actually true and has been pointed out several times. He gave an approximate release date that is different than a promise. Reading comprehension is key to all this back and forth , big lack of it and also being able to put things in context.

The Derv's(not just Uberpie) are damned if the do and damned if they don't , and its not like a lot of Devs don't have the same problems , its more about managing your expectations.
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New Member
Mar 12, 2018
I don't mind intelligent posts such as yours, I do dislike the type of posts you referenced as there is nothing to discuss due to the lack of any reasoning. Now I was unaware of Uberpie having an account here so i never really thought of this being the right place to complain, turns out he does have one but looks as if he is not all that active probably working on his game or is tired of all the toxicity. I think one of the points some of us have been trying to make is that unless you are a patreon bitching holds no real weight because you will not be affecting the money train and the money train is typically what gets a Dev to change. So doing that here as a pirate seems foolish. The real way to get that message across is for the patreons to post on his patreon page.

Every one has a right to post there dissatisfaction here , but if you are going to drop a one liner and use bogus facts there are some who will challenge that. At the end of the day you are probably pissing in the wind but if you want to have an actual conversation about it then try and bring some reasonable debate points into your post some of us will honestly respond to that as I have done with this post.

I am not a person who blindly follows anyone and I totally get why people are irritated and surprisingly enough I agree with some of these issues , I am not a patreon though and hold no power. It is "reasonable" to assume some things however such as, Games such as this one take time, people make estimates all the time and are wrong, Game dev. is not as simple as many make it out to be, the creative process can't be quantified into X takes this amount of time.
So making estimations is foolhardy but, and here is the real problem Patreons keep demanding time lines and when game Devs try and push back the patroens revolt so the Devs play this game of trying to give people what they want with out really being able to truly give accurate estimates. If you think this is a problem that only happens to Patreon Devs think again in the art world artists are notoriously bad at project management, accurately estimating time it takes to create art and communication. My question is why would we expect Game Dev's to be any different than your traditional artists?

Who thinks Game Dev is a simple job is a fool. When you do it alone it normally combines 3-4 learned full time jobs in one. But there a tools and ways to make it work out at a small scale even alone or with a very small team like all this wonderfull projects on this site show.

Ii agree with you that this job has aspect's where you can come into a crative blockade, that does not give them a freepass to anything. It's importent how they tackle this situations. Most other person with a creative job still has to make stuff even when they have a blockade. Sure it wont be there masterpiece but sometimes "good" has to be good enough.

So i ask you the counter question what do you expect from a Game Dev that has a creative Blockade like any other artist but does not have to work on it because like you said the money train keeps driving?

This one here shows the clear typical signs.
Delays over Delays for so called "Mega Updates" where i already stated in another post what i think about those.
The Dev lies about going back to the old smaller updates.
Pushing in more side characters while so much others still lack any content.
and the list goes on...

I love this Game for it's art and writing. But how it is now it tends more and more to the Milfy City, Estate Dominate etc. you name them side.

Meanwhile there are for example Dev's like Blue Axolotl. He's also a full time Dev and caters to a much more niche taste. So he has much less attention and support but still managed to push out 5 COMPLETED games. And i mean really finished high quality stuff that got better from Game to Game. He always delivered in the end. Never lied. But still struggles atm and had to pause his main project because he could not affort to pay the art for it anymore.

So yeah i don't expect from Game Dev's anymore than from anyone else. There actions just determine which one of them i support.

Count Morado

Fragrant Asshole
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Who thinks Game Dev is a simple job is a fool. When you do it alone it normally combines 3-4 learned full time jobs in one. But there a tools and ways to make it work out at a small scale even alone or with a very small team like all this wonderfull projects on this site show.

Ii agree with you that this job has aspect's where you can come into a crative blockade, that does not give them a freepass to anything. It's importent how they tackle this situations. Most other person with a creative job still has to make stuff even when they have a blockade. Sure it wont be there masterpiece but sometimes "good" has to be good enough.

So i ask you the counter question what do you expect from a Game Dev that has a creative Blockade like any other artist but does not have to work on it because like you said the money train keeps driving?

This one here shows the clear typical signs.
Delays over Delays for so called "Mega Updates" where i already stated in another post what i think about those.
The Dev lies about going back to the old smaller updates.
Pushing in more side characters while so much others still lack any content.
and the list goes on...

I love this Game for it's art and writing. But how it is now it tends more and more to the Milfy City, Estate Dominate etc. you name them side.

Meanwhile there are for example Dev's like Blue Axolotl. He's also a full time Dev and caters to a much more niche taste. So he has much less attention and support but still managed to push out 5 COMPLETED games. And i mean really finished high quality stuff that got better from Game to Game. He always delivered in the end. Never lied. But still struggles atm and had to pause his main project because he could not affort to pay the art for it anymore.

So yeah i don't expect from Game Dev's anymore than from anyone else. There actions just determine which one of them i support.
Here's my take - it's my own, and nobody else's.

We don't know what goes on in the daily lives of those who create games. Things happen - just like in our own lives and our own jobs and obligations. But everything in life depends upon everything else. Uber has kept patrons up to date with mostly regular posts on patreon about new scenes, characters, and the like. Sometimes he posts a hope or an intent, and fans latch onto words and paint them as promises - when the words are nothing more than an aspiration that sometimes (more often than not, in all of our lives) takes a bit longer than expected.

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