Looks like the bulk of the new update is just the beginning of the game remade, which kinda sucks but maybe it's different enough from what we have now to feel completely fresh.
A good portion of the update is reworking the beginning - but there has been nothing said about how much of it is that rework and how much is continuation of the storyline.
Damn, I'm hoping there is new content and not just a refresh.
See above. Also, the refresh includes "new content" with the new characters that Uber has been revealing over the past several months. Though, the question remains how much of the current story lines moves forward - only Uber knows for sure at this point.
Back after the last update in the middle of September, it was shared that the biggest content complaint Uber received from fans was that the first part of the game lacks the same kind of quality as the rest of the game at this time as well as it doesn't tie into as much as a cohesive story between the first part and the rest. So, he's listening to his fan base about what he perceives is the biggest problem and fixing that in this update.
Y'all missed the point: Uber didnt specify whether it was a week on Earth or a week on Mars.
A week on Mars is (comparing to Earth) around 13 days.
Time is relative - Einstein