But if they add a Priscilla scene they wouldn't have time to make more Clara scenes. How can the dev possibly reach 1000 Clara scenes if other characters (yuck) like Priscilla also get them?The more I play I keep getting blueballed about Priscilla . Like legit she's been here for years but somehow is behind the fucking diner lady. Like we need updates of just her at least two. No idea why we are doing can she handle dick thing. Becca and her dynamic with the mc is the most fun in the whole game imo. I'd love more of them playing more into them being the most aware and acting like a group where they know about the mcs plans and help. Priscilla and Becca being his helpers and getting into stuff like the mom pool party would be gold
Чувак))) с такими запросами тебе на Zoo-сайты)need больше удовольствия от Мэри и ее взаимодействия с собакой
Skimming over the previous page or so would have told you your answer. They haven't even begun playtesting - so its at least a month, if not more (more likely more) before a release.after half year, i had came back, is there any new/date about update?
There is none. You have to play it to get it.Season 5 Gallery Unlocker?
That's what the following thread is for - to get recommendations for games similar to games you like: Recommendations & IdentificationDoes anyone know similar games to Taffy Tales to while the time away in between updates?
Man you don't have holiday get some rest broThat's what the following thread is for - to get recommendations for games similar to games you like: Recommendations & Identification
I agree 100% and i will do the same.I know it's been told and told again but I'm also really disappointed in the AI. Even if he trains whatever model with his stuff, it can't help but be subpar with his original art. Really a shame just for the sake of laziness at the end of the day
Was a good run and pledged long enough, but this update is the last I'll touch. Cheers guys!
Please share a screenshot of all the tasks you have available at this time. More likely than not, you need to do other things before you can complete that task.i can't complete "Time to find the cleaner" and can't find it on google. please help me work
Why is this even a question ?Are you supposed to play season 1-4 first and then play season 5? And if so why does season 5 just look like a update to the season 1-4?
You need the sunglasses before you can "find the cleaner" because the sunglasses are part of the disguise you need for the scene with "the cleaner" (Clara). You might as well do all those other tasks you see first, also. Make sure you also have the MC walk outside of his house before using the map to fast travel. Actually, never use the map to fast travel from inside a building. Always go outside first.[ QUOTE = "Bá tước Morado, bài đăng: 12448110, thành viên: 4587984" ]
Vui lòng chia sẻ ảnh chụp màn hình của tất cả các nhiệm vụ bạn có sẵn tại thời điểm này. Nhiều khả năng hơn không, bạn cần phải làm những việc khác trước khi bạn có thể hoàn thành nhiệm vụ đó.
Xem này: #25.772 ( đoạn dưới cùng ) là một nguyên nhân có thể.