Ummm i think im doing something wrong since its telling me something in Japanese and it not really installing it seems like??? How do i use the locale emulator? do i need to use it
You NEED to use locale emulator to install it. I installed this game yesterday on my laptop. here's what I can recall...
AFTER installing the locale emulator
goto the game folder
Right-click the setup or the Japanese file below it.
USE the Japanese locale emulator
If you clicked the Japanese file...
game install window opens
You eventually come to install windows
rightmost is the Cancel button (キャンセル)
the leftmost is your BACK button (N)
you need to get to the screen that has the (A) button for Agree or (D) button for Disagree - D will cancel install.
you must click (A) to continue to install the game where the middle button becomes active
CLick that middle button
then itll ask where to install the game
I suggest copy-paste the file path IF YOU don't want it in the default installation folders
the format is in "¥" for the "/" we usually use for folders. not sure if it matters but keeping it in the same install format will not error the installation. like ...¥lilith¥137GAME¥ [I think that's the default]
the game will complete installation
your folders will be in the /Lilith/137GAME/ folder format for it.
Right-click the game file in the 137GAME folder (or whatever its called)
use the locale emulator to open the file
the game will open with the logo then Menu screen. the text in the top window border will be in Japanese.
Close the game for patch installation
to install the patch, follow the instructions.
You will notice the ENGLISH of the text in the top window border when you right-click the game WITH locale emulator