Pretty sure this is either a 'bug', or unintended.. Dimitria still 'catches' the PC doing stuff like research or production, regardless of corruption level. This is particular frustrating at the 80/100 and 100/100 post-CREED use; perhaps adjusting it so at this point she [smiles and closes the door behind her. "You should be more careful about this in normal hours"] sort of message, without it being a 100% failure point.
Can fully understand that at no/low corruption, she'd turn off machines that shouldn't be on but after fully submitting, she really shouldn't be interfering any longer.
Second possible bug: the whole "negative suspicion" thing, I finished with Vera and some days I'm at negative suspicion but have the same "Bribe the guard to get to work" situations I'd have before Vera with high-suspicion. Not to mention it's kinda confusing... how can you have negative suspicion? we aren't exactly diverting suspicion onto other people, or the general public, yet so it should stop at 0.
Also if we chose not to have a relationship with Emma (and not dosing her), can we get her removed from the Journal lists, and/or put her to work somehow/somewhere? Bit of OCD kicking in, where I have a list of the women I'm intentionally corrupting all at 100/100 (or 20/100) and then Emma being the one and only 0/100.
Suggestions aside, then I just have the question, I did the betrayal and convinced Emma to dose Luka, and used Luka to dose Vera & her team. Just confirming whether they are currently (in 0.7) capped at 20/100, or I'm just fantastically blind and haven't yet found how to further corrupt Vera, Erika, Margaret.
Otherwise seems like a funny game, definitely feels like almost a spin-off universe of the Lab Rats game, but darker. Enjoyabl
you are indeed right thats not how it should be, I will try to get that specific thing fixed, but i am also prob. just going to remade the code of the locations, as in the house and the laboratory
Negative suspicion auto adjusts every morning IIRC, also, the guards that stop you while going to work are not affected by your suspicion

they at random have these blockades and inspections because its a pretty authoritarian country hahaha
In the future tho, there will be ways to remove that kind of events (as in, by corrupting the police force)
If suspicion isnt auto adjusting to 0, then thats a bug, and now that I think about, I may know where is the problem to fix it, but yes, as you mention, negative suspicion isnt or shouldnt be an actual thing.
Too much trouble really to remove Emma from the UI, plus you will be able to assign them to tasks in the future anyhow, so sorry, thats a no can do.
And lastly yeah, corruption its capped at 20 for now, the new event to progress that is ready for 0.8 tho
Must be mention: Vera and her team (branka, cynthia, Margaret) will be corrupted all at the same time with the same scene, you'll see the reasons in game altho its obvious, if you corrupt one first, the others would realize something weird is going on, so these events need to be grupal and coordinated.