The nazis were never going to be able to research a bomb, they didnt had the facilities nor the proper technical knowledge, the allies knew this very well, specially since they sabotaged the few facilities that the nazis could use to produce the bomb.
Yes and that is why they had to finesh it before the axes repaired those facilities.
Hitler himself underestimated the value of said bombs.
The bombs were more than a deterrent to the soviet union than for anything else. If it was actually to be used against the nazis, why they werent used against them to begin with? lol
An other reason to get them first.
That is my point.
Everyone was trying to get nuke's first.
It was a weapons race.
That would need large numbers and with the threat of genocied via nazi you can get people to agree to keep quiet and do there jobs.
That is the difference.
In game we are in some shit country ruled over by morons(more moronic then the usal politicans we have) where everyone is corrupted and the secret police all but rules the country.
There isnt a feeling of nationalism that the amarican's are (in)famous for.
There isnt threat threating to wipe out there way of life.
There is no big boogie man that can keep the people united.
but the point is: these big, game changing projects cost a lot of money, and are extremely delicate, I am not sure why you think "oh well, of course they invested over 22 billion dollars (current) and over 100k people involved, but mind control serum, yeah, a team of 50 with no security nor facilities is how we should do it now"
And once again.
You are compairing nukes to mind control.
A bomb no mather how dangerous is no where near as dangerous as mind control.
Bombs kill people and dead people cant serve.
But the ability to turn everyone into a mindless drone who will do whatever you tell it?
That is the kinda of stuff world leaders have wet dreams off.
That is kind stuff that would change the world on suchs a level that all previous crimes will look outright benovolent in comparison.
I dont think you realize the sheer abuse of power it will create if people had the ability to mind control people.
We currently have mass entertamaint because it distracts people and prevents uprisings.
What do you think would happen if the goverment got access to a potion that makes everyone do what there told and be happy about it?
18 hours shifts in a factor, no healthcare, no family, breedings farms.
I have no disillusion.
If mind control was something anyone could do.
It will be used to enslave the world.
It is invendable.
Not even your best friends and family.
Add to that it is consider impossible by most people.
You want to keep this quiet.
The more people involved the greater the risk.
And if you get caught.
At best you be the laughting stock for trying to do the impossible.
At worst you start world war 3.
No, we just simply disagree about how goverments handle top secret, game changing projects.
That we agree upon.
And again, many people involved in project manhatan didnt knew what where they doing, or for what purpose, so if the actual government in this game was doing the serum, they would have a bigger team with thighter security.
Again the manhaten project was a weapon race to build the mother off all bombs in the middle of a war against an enemy who's goal was to create the perfect race and cleanse the "lesser" race's.
It wasnt mind control in a country during a relatively peaceful time period.
And no, this is not a "rival" thing in the government, these are a small secret group trying to coup d'etat the government and take over themselves, there is a difference between trying to get up the ladder and a conspiracy to grab the control of the entire country.
Thanks for the spoilers.
Againt at this point in time all the mc knows is that part of the goverment is doing so really evil research.
He doesnt have any reason to believe it isnt just politicians being politicians.
Again about the MC: He is just a janitor, he knows this, there is absolutely no reason for him to be the main target of the most dangerous agent of the PPF, and again, if he was, they would just kidnap and deal with him directly, since he is literally a no one with no connections, which means he is the easiest target for the PPF.
Yes we already agreed on this.
The MC, knowing this, and again repeating that he is a logical thinker, must know that the fact that Vera is in the lab is because Vera is trying to fuck over Hilde, and not specifically about him nor Dimitria.
And this is where we disagree.
She is here because supplies are missing and reports dont add up.
Hilde is the prime suspect.
Vira herself mention later during the coffee i believe that she also wants to get those who are funding hilda.
She isnt trying to fuck over anyone.
She is trying to find corruption and put an end to it as is her job.
Nothing shown in game tells me she hate's hilde but plenty tells me she was(up until she find out about the mind control potion) that she was doing her job to find those who are corrupt.
Ever hear of the saying:
Dont steal the goverment hate competation.
PPF are corrupt yes but they dont like other being corrupt because that would cut into there proffits.
It is the same anywhere.
Criminals dont like other criminals stealing there protection money.
This was what made the maffia so populair.
Sure they where criminals but the could be relied upon to protect there interest and have rules in place.
Same as the goverment really.
The MC technically shouldnt even know they are doing a mind control serum, since that info is way above his pay grade, so obviously it would be very weird that they suspect anything from him.
It would have been wierd if she woudnt suspect him.
It is her job to suspect everyone.
And she rightly deduct's that the genius mc doesnt like being a janitor.
People who are unhappy with there lot in life are easier to bribe.
That is what she is doing.
Bribing him to do was she wants.
Until she discovered what he accauly did.
She was underestimating him yes but she was suspecting him to be someone who can be bribed.
And if she can bribe you with hollowt promisses so can others.
In an example, if the most feared detectived investigated a business, should the janitor think "man they are up to me! They know I took $50 from the cash register the other day!"
Wrong comparision.
It would be like the janitor thinking.
Shit i hope they wont discover all those corpses of my rape victems.
You are again underestimating just the sheer danger of mind control research is.
This is the kind of stuff that you would be made to disappear for.
And if the most feared agent of the state comes to check your busniss because they suspect your boss.
You really hope they wont find out what you have done.
To take a more crual compairsion.
It would be like a child molester working as janitor.
Sure they arent there for you but even 1% chance of being discovered would lead to a fate worse then death.
After if the most feared agent find out why you where stealing duct tabe from work.....
I am sure you can imagine the outcome.
Like, the supplies the MC has taken are very, very minuscule, definitely not worth of a serious investigation, let alone an investigation by PPF's most dangerous agent. I understand there is a confussion about it tho, because "supplies" is a very generic word for this case, but in reality is more like the example above about the ammunition factory not delivering what they are supposed to deliver, in industrial quantities, and not doing a witch hunt for what's not even a single box of chemical supplies (which for that matter, not even Dimitria knows you've taken, since if she had your suspicion would go above its max and it would be game over)
And here we are at the heart of the mather.
I see an agent showing up a week after i started doubleshifts and using the lab(being careful not to get caught)
Dimitria i can fool.
I see her everyday and i know her.
But Vira.
We are talking about someone who's job it is to find corruption.
Given what we are researching it would be entirely believeable if every single report would be triple checked and then checked some more.
It is entirely believeable that something with this level of dangerous research would have even the slightly missing supplies to be reason for a fullscale investigation.
I cant stress this enough.
We are talking about researching something so dangerous that it will lead to world war 3 if it ever got out.
If any country in real life would succesfull make a mind control drug every other country is going to bomb it to the stone age and steal that research.
It is that scary of a power.