So, I'm loving this version so far, Kitsune is gorgeus AF and love that you can have mutual sexes with her (Wish you had proper artworks for both the giving and recieving interactions, not just the recieving ones as usual, but you know how Majalis prioritizes artworks). Thing is IDK why I'm noticing that this one is having a couple of visual and UI glitches here and there. So far the ones are noticed are:
- The thief outfit, when you have the Hiro standing preview, the left boot "moves" normally but the right one somehow stays static while the right leg phases through it. It looks a bit odd and unless you look there you won't notice but I did saw it and it felt weird.
- Another issue that I found is that the statuses are not showing up in the menu. You could get a distracted debuff by having your bootyhole irritated but it won't show up that you have it, however your stats number/level would still be affected like if it did normally. What I mean is that, like for example, when you're cumstuffed that you get an agility slowdown, it's only noticeable if you look at the number, the status tag saying that you're under it is not showing up when it should.
Now speaking of visual glitches, another that I wanted to mention, but since it's one that's been like that for a long while, I'm not sure if it's a known glitch or intended behaviour but if you have say a big breasted Hiro and you encounter the Doppleganger, he would look identical to you on everything except that he would always have a base flat chest, even if your Hiro has dommy mommy big bobbas. It's specially weird when the interactions switches the preview from yours (big breasted) to his' (flat). I think it's a glitch cause unless your Hiro doesn't have the base flat chest option picked you wont notice.
I'm not sure where to report glitches like that so I wanted to share them here so someone can put it in the apropriate place so Majalis can take a look at it ^^