
Jun 19, 2018
I reuploaded the mod with the correct warlock names. It would be nice if they would stop doing things like this every week. It makes no sense.

Each update I check all the timestamps to see which files are new and or altered. I guess now to make things even more tedious I also have to see if they renamed them for no apparent reason as well.

So either redownload it or just go into the .jar and find the "enemies" folder then "warlock" and change the word "anal" to "doggie" in every file there.

I think the last couple of updates have been severely lacking in content. They should switch over to a monthly or perhaps a bi-monthly update.

As far as what I am doing it's for my own personal use. I only shared it because some of you asked. I make no money nor am I asking for any so no guarantees.


Jun 19, 2018
I mentioned it before but I really think they should beef up the actual game portion. We have plenty of sex but not a whole lot of substance. I love the party dynamic of Hiro, Kylira, Trudy, and Urka. We need way more interaction between the 3 of them. We could also use a ton of actual quests and places to explore and LOOT. Basically, I would love to see the RPG side of the game get some love for a change.

I also like working at the Brothel and while they did add some content to that recently I didn't care much for it outside of the awesome new outfits. Heres something I have been messing around with. Enjoy!

Screenshot (476).png Screenshot (474).png
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Jul 6, 2017
Well you're right about that, these weekly updates have been too insignificant. As to your comment though i think i might have come off as ungrateful. It's not your fault about the warlock colors not being correct. That name change in the image files made no sense. Everything is fine now and it looks good. As to your new stuff there i like what i see, the new color tweaks to the schoolgirl and prostitute outfit look nice. Keep up the good work.
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Not at all, I didn't take it that way. Just saying that it's just a hobby for me and since there is no money involved there will be almost zero quality control put into the project outside of seeing if it crashes on boot. :p

I'm constantly tweaking things I already have done and when I come across problems I fix them but in the meantime feel free to point out the ones I missed so I can fix them. (y)

I strongly agree with you earlier post where you said the base game looks washed out and dull. That was one of the main reasons why I started making tweaks in the first place. What do people have against bright and vivid colors? They make the entire game pop now in my opinion.
I haven't checked out your mod yet, but I'm curious so I might the next time I play. I just wanted to chime in saying that often bright and vivid colours are not a good choice. We are probably more accustomed to them nowadays due to the prevalence of digital art, but the real world is seldom so bright and full of pigment. It's a stylistic choice to forgo realism and go the very saturated way, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and it's a matter of taste.
Besides, if everything in your art is bright and vivid you can end up having issues in balancing the composition because everything draws unnecessary attention. It can be better to stay low on saturation and brightness so as to use them strategically to make only the things you want to pop out.


New Member
May 20, 2018
they should scrap the weekly builds and do them monthly to have to add more stuff instead of just cosmetic changes
They do monthly builds, both public and for patrons. The weeklies are for patrons. If you don't like how much new content there is in them week by week, then don't download them.

I reuploaded the mod with the correct warlock names. It would be nice if they would stop doing things like this every week. It makes no sense.

Each update I check all the timestamps to see which files are new and or altered. I guess now to make things even more tedious I also have to see if they renamed them for no apparent reason as well.

So either redownload it or just go into the .jar and find the "enemies" folder then "warlock" and change the word "anal" to "doggie" in every file there. So stupid.

I think the last couple of updates have been severely lacking in content. They should switch over to a monthly update but then they are getting money from each patron 4 times a month so I get why they push out these minor weekly ones.

As far as what I am doing it's for my own personal use. I only shared it because some of you asked. I make no money nor am I asking for any so no guarantees. Take it or leave it.
They don't actually post paid updates with the weeklies. The four-five weekly updates are free updates. Maybe if you contacted them, you'd be able to coordinate, instead of complaining that they organize the asset folders according to their own convenience, and not yours. Unless you have contacted them, in which case, what did they say?
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New Member
May 20, 2018
Seems like you skipped a prudent step before you decided to pass judgement. I suggest you try the mod and compare it to the original then you can make an unbiased and unopinionated decision as to which you prefer.

Heres a quick basic comparison between the two. Original followed by my modded one.

View attachment 234986 View attachment 234985 View attachment 234987 View attachment 234988 View attachment 234989 View attachment 234990 View attachment 234993 View attachment 234994

As I clearly said in my original post the choices I made make the game look better in my opinion and I stand by it. If you disagree after actually trying it that's fine. You would be wrong... ;)
I didn't want to say anything because I don't like being negative when other people clearly like something, but if you're going to ask so smugly: I think it looks garish and tacky. The puke green world map especially. Green and orange don't contrast well. It makes my eyes water. And while I like tattoos and piercings, not everybody does, and the ones you have splattered over every character are silly.

If you read the first paragraph on the patreon page it says they do four updates a month, regardless. That's been like that since before they started working on tales, as it was originally just writing and art updates. If they charged for every writing, art, and game update there'd be like a dozen paid updates per month.

It's clear, like Fuzzcat said, that there's not new art assets in each week because on some weeks there are multiple new pieces of art or animations. They're clearly working on the battle UI right now if you look at their twitter, and that's obviously where Alis is focused.

As for warlockanal to warlockdoggie, there are probably going to be multiple warlock anal scenes, so they're differentiating them by position. If it messes up your mod, that's not their fault, because they don't even know it exists.


May 30, 2017
I didn't want to say anything because I don't like being negative when other people clearly like something, but if you're going to ask so smugly: I think it looks garish and tacky. The puke green world map especially. Green and orange don't contrast well. It makes my eyes water. And while I like tattoos and piercings, not everybody does, and the ones you have splattered over every character are silly.

If you read the first paragraph on the patreon page it says they do four updates a month, regardless. That's been like that since before they started working on tales, as it was originally just writing and art updates. If they charged for every writing, art, and game update there'd be like a dozen paid updates per month.

It's clear, like Fuzzcat said, that there's not new art assets in each week because on some weeks there are multiple new pieces of art or animations. They're clearly working on the battle UI right now if you look at their twitter, and that's obviously where Alis is focused.

As for warlockanal to warlockdoggie, there are probably going to be multiple warlock anal scenes, so they're differentiating them by position. If it messes up your mod, that's not their fault, because they don't even know it exists.
chill dude


New Member
May 20, 2018
Yes because in nature orange and green don't coexist...please stop your trolling. If you don't like the mod don't use it. It's that simple.

View attachment 235018
I never said green and orange don't exist in nature. Brown and orange do too, but you changed it, so you must have done it for aesthetic reasons, and I'm saying the aesthetics you replaced it with looks bad. In your nature pic, that's green grass, not the yellow green in your mod. I'm not trolling, you asked me to give you my opinion of your mod. I was just telling you to contact them instead of complaining.
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Jun 19, 2018
I never said green and orange don't exist in nature. Brown and orange do too, but you changed it, so you must have done it for aesthetic reasons, and I'm saying the aesthetics you replaced it with looks bad. In your nature pic, that's green grass, not the yellow green in your mod. I'm not trolling, you asked me to give you my opinion of your mod. I was just telling you to contact them instead of complaining.
Org. All brown. The world looks completely dead. Screenshot (479).png My tweak. Look green grass! The forest is alive! Screenshot (502).png

Before they broke it by no longer using a ground mod file. Screenshot (457).png

I'm not entirely happy with this but there is only so much I can change based on how the game utilizes art assets.

And while I'm still not happy with the water completely (it's harder to change than one would think) are you seriously going to say the stock looks better?

Org Screenshot (493).png Mod Screenshot (501).png

Like I said. Don't like it don't use it. Or here's a thought try making one yourself. Instead of jumping all over me.
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New Member
May 20, 2018
Org. All brown. The world looks completely dead. View attachment 235025
My tweak. Look green grass! The forest is alive! View attachment 235028

Like I said. Don't like it don't use it. Or here's a thought try making one yourself. Instead of jumping all over me.
Forests in fall don't look like your pic. That's a park. That trimmed grass is basically a lawn. That's why there's no undergrowth. An actual forest in the fall has leaves covering the ground which turn... brown. Also the saturation has been jacked on that pic, too.

You asked me for my opinion. You're getting super defensive from some mild criticism that you asked for in the first place. Anyway, take my advice to contact them or leave it, I don't care. When they break something else you're working on, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
I suggest you try the mod and compare it to the original then you can make an unbiased and unopinionated decision as to which you prefer.

Heres a quick basic comparison between the two. Original followed by my modded one.

View attachment 234986 View attachment 234985 View attachment 234987 View attachment 235030 View attachment 234989 View attachment 234990 View attachment 234993 View attachment 234994

As I clearly said in my original post the choices I made make the game look better in my opinion and I stand by it. If you disagree after actually trying it that's fine. You would be wrong... ;)
That's my intention! As stated I'm curious at the changes you made and to see whether I like them more than the unabridged version.
I just wanted to give you my opinion on why in general it is a valid artistic choice to go the unsaturated route, which explains why some artists don't go for the look you like.

Edit: besides I think you're doing a great service to everyone by providing an alternative style choice, regardless of whether I personally like it or not.
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Because they broke their own game in my opinion by no longer using the "groundsheet0.png" file even though they left it in the .jar on the last two updates.

View attachment 235058 This is from before they changed how the game works so now the only tweak I can make is to the leaves and I wanted to add some colour that the world desperately needs.
Well, to be honest mod support isn't really what a dev has in mind whilst a project is still being developed. Stuff is bound to be refactored from a version to another during production. It sure sucks for those like you that have put effort into providing cool Modding choices to the community.
Maybe we just have to find better ways to mod the game. I'd try to, if I didn't hate Java with a passion.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
I have no clue how to edit the java files. I tried to take a look but it's way beyond me. That's why I was hoping that someone here might have some insight as to what change was made to the game that it now ignores the "groundsheet0" file because normally the game will crash if you delete any of the files but this one while included in the official release can now be deleted without the game crashing.
The problem is not "how to"... but "where the fuck is the file" :p

If I recall correctly (last time I've checked the code was 4-5 months ago), the game basically "calls" for stuff.
So, you need to find the file that calls for "groundsheet0". You can just throw the pic you want in there, hen change the code call (it's simple text-editing) of anything.
For example, I think you can even add pictures for encounters.
Look for an encounter that has a pic, and see how it's "called" (something like img/ToA/encounters/goblinbuttbomb.png or the like), that'll also gives you a hint where it is.
Then look for an encounter that doesn't has a pic... let's say the Warg from Trudy's trap, and copy the same code call from the other encounter, but change the name of the actual pic for the one you have new.
I think that's how it works, didn't actually tried.

So, basically... the problem is to know where are each of the graphical assets, and where are the code files that call for them.
I hate when devs just add folder after folder without having anything ordered.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Now, about artwork...

don't take criticism like a personal attack!
Is not trolling, guys/gals are just giving opinions based on personal taste... which is pretty much what you do with your mod ;)

I haven't tried it, because redheads aren't my kink, and while I absolutely love all the tattoos and other details (the "Sissy Ranch" just killed me), I don't want every single character look the same.
I understand that Hiro can get all slutty and bitchy, because the game choices and options allow so, but the other characters are set and I don't see why they would look the same.

Also, @random.guy gave a perfect explanation about constrast, brightness and details.
Making everything "shinier" detracts from other things. It's not uncommon to see a perfectly defined figure, with a blurry, more dull background.
The basic game looks fine. It's a matter of personal taste if you or others prefer a more "glittery" version.

Personally, I prefer the basic version, because as the game goes, I can see how the character changes (i.e, going from basic attire to prostitute for example, or getting make-up), oppossed to have a slutty Hiro from the beginning.
Ideally, I'd love to have a in-game version in which you get all the sluttifying options (for example, a tattoo parlor, hair dyes, etc. Even better -and personal taste- getting changed by game events, like Urka's bad end -which changes your name-)

Now, all this doesn't means I'm bashing you and your mod!

As you said, you're just sharing the results of your personal preferences, for those that want it (and share similar things), that's pretty cool.
Just don't get upset when someone doesn't shares the same tastes, they're just throwing out opinions.
I haven't seen one wrong comment about your mod. Most are right, about some things being very bright, or too defined.
And still doesn't means your mod is bad, or you are wrong. :)

And... in spite of all the arguing about brightness, contrast, what's correct to do, and what some prefer... this doesn't means Alis is actually aplying it, or at least not in purpose.
Some pictures would benefit from some dulling (for example, the Mermaid is quite bright in colors, and she gets lost with all the colors of her background -I'm talking about the original-)
And it's also very obvious how Alis is getting better (she also got a Cintic tablet, that changes a lot for illustrators).
Look at Urka's new Doggy pic, and compare it with the centaur pic (which it's f**ed up in practically every sense, I friggin hate it) and you'll see the difference in colors and detail.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
Very Interesting. I know from the patch notes that in .08.2 they said something about "fixing" a world map problem in story mode. Ever since that one the game no longer uses the "groundsheet0" file as to where it's getting the graphics from now I have no clue because there is nothing else that looks like it could be what they are using so my guess is it must be in one of the .class files and no longer looking to a .png file for the art?

Again I also find it odd that when you delete any .png or .jpg file the game will crash when starting the adventure but this is not the case if you delete the "groundsheet0" file. Thus I am no longer able to modify the ground completely as I was able in earlier versions. :(
Mmmh... be careful.

Some games don't use a graphic itself for certain things.

For example, it might have a grey pic (let's say, a piece of hair), and then it changes colour by changing the RGB values by code.
Thus, you won't actually find the red hair, you'll need to find the code file that gives the RGB color (they look like 231/015/023. I don't remember how it is exactly, RGB is managed like 255/255/255 for black, and 000/000/000 for white, So if you want red, you adjust those. R is red, G is green, B is blue.)
While annoying, this saves the devs a lot of space (as it won't need to do a .png for each friggin color)

Some files might also be leftovers, or are going to be used for other things (like the anal and doggy redundant files)

Out of curiosity... how are you editing?
Straight to/from the Java file, or you have everything decompiled?


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
No the way you criticized the mod is the right way to do it. You stated what you liked and didn't like about it without resorting to petty insults to elicit a certain type of response. I'm famailar with trolls. You're clearly not the other person was.

Of course, everyone has different tastes. I don't like cool muted dull or drab colours. I like things to be bright vivid and pop. If you're a fan of the former stick with the base game. If your a fan of the latter then take a look at my mod. Loving redheads don't hurt either. :p
I didn't see any real insults.
Maybe strong opinions on what's right or wrong, that in any case, being a "personal taste" discussion, is not clear what's right or wrong (as any art discussion. Which also applies to sexual tastes lol)
Trolling is what you'll find on the Chan or Fenoxo's forums (to name the ones i know), not really what you find here.

I actually like VERY much the details you added. Practically look almost the same I add (whenever the graphical assets allow it) on my H-games. 'cept the redhead part lol. As I've said, the "Sissy Ranch" just pushed all the buttons :p
In my personal case, I'd prefer all the stuff you added just for Hiro, so the other characters maintain their... well, character.

It could be interesting to check the code call for caged pics. That would give a hint on managing alternatives of a same pic, and could be cool to develop a way of having your stuff as optional content... *mumbles pensatively*


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
I have two versions of the game. I keep one vanilla and the other I apply my mod to. I do usually work right from the modded .jar file for editing. It's easier to make a tweak, save, boot up the game and see how it looks. Especially when it comes to the "animated" ones.
Hum, have you tried decompiling everything on the same folder you have the .jar?

To make it clear:
on the folder, you have the .jar file, maybe the .exe file, and then the data folder (with saves)
You can everything from the .jar as "extract here". The folder then will be filled with all the .Jar has.

Now you can simply work on the decompiled stuff, and if I'm correct, the decompiled stuff overrides the compiled stuff.
Whatever you delete from the decompiled stuff, it won't affect the game, since the .jar will look for the available options, and if you deleted a decompiled thing, it will call for the compiled stuff.

let's say you decompile everything. Delete everything 'cept the folder that has the pic with Urka's fuck (basic one, not doggy).
So, you can work specifically on that pic, and all the rest is handled by the stuff still compiled.
Basically, the .jar looks and finds the compiled and decompiled, and it takes priority on the decompiled. But if it needs another pic, without any decompiled things, it simply uses the default compiled "inside" stuff"
It's like working with extensions.

It works on most games, but not sure with ToA.
If it does, it'll save you a TON of troubles and time.
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