I'm a newbie to eroge games, despite being interested in them for years, yet ToA has honestly been one of the best introductions ever.
It has been a fantastic RPG to play through, excellent in every element except one:
There's still so much I have yet to find, so many outcomes I've yet to achieve, that I feel like I'll never truly finish this game. Never put it down and go "right, time to play something else" without also thinking "that'll not even hook me 25% as much as this has".
Props to everyone involved in this game, including those supporting its development on Patreon, because I'm beyond excited to see this get even better with the upcoming updates and growing community of fans that appreciate it. Hope to see it get even more traction this year, since I'm very certain it'd appeal to anyone looking for good porn, good writing, good art or good gameplay. Haven't heard the music yet though, so can't give my verdict on that >_>
It's been said a thousand times here, more than likely, but I repeat:
This game is a gem, one that deserves even more appreciation on a wider scale, a wonderful example of how "Erotic RPG Games" can be stand-out amazing in all three parts of their name. Balanced in every regard of quality, enjoyment and depth.
Closing point: I audibly became excited when I discovered enemies could Ouroboros you, if you Vault. The combat in general is not only mechanically brilliant, it's astoundingly engaging on an atmospheric level with mid-combat situational dialogue and enemies having different preferences & tactics. Hope to see even more Combat dialogue added, giving further flavour to the already engaging characters.
Would recommend, buy and enjoy seeing more from.
EDIT: I'm also such a newbie that I didn't even realise there's a [Review] section attached to this thread ._.