Game Developer
Jul 17, 2017
Yes. Upgrade your armor, weapon and other items in Blacksmith. To do this you need to collect many Crystals (best way collecting it from Golem) and need to have enough gold. Weapon +10 will deal more damage than a weapon +1. Armor +10 will protect you better than armor +1.
That's a lot of grind by chance, and exceeding 3 would be at a point where you wouldn't actually need the extra blips of damage.

There's a lot of ways to be stronger:

Bonus Points: You can get 4 extremely fast, or 8 if you start up Iron-man mode and gun it for the nearest achievement bad end

Warrior: dump points into Str/Agi and use the Broadsword+1, which scales better than the Gladius+2 from the spider. Rarely, the low perception will actually be a major detriment, so it's really only good for beating down everything you can actually fight, but just falling victim to the few events that could potentially be a bad end.

Thief: +3 Agi from bonus points, Cat Potion, and just steal all the end-game gear, a few others can do this with bonus points. You generally steal one item less at monster town, even after buying shoes of running to increase your agility before attempting it.

Mage/Enchanter: Nuke everything with Ultra Fire 3+Oil combo. This doesn't work on everything. On Queztl and possibly Iron-man for Mage/Enchanter, just dump all your initial mana into Queztl then use tempo attack/second wind spam with some appropriate blocks, the bleed-stacks and Broadsword+1/Gladius+2 will have enough strength to down her in time. Eat a Ox/Bear/Cat potion before the fight and acquire Heal from Kylira instead of wasting crystals on True/Ultra Heal. Try it out first several times on normal, it's easier to do Number One Hero and Pure Hero in two separate runs.

Grab spam: Some enemies do this while erect, if your agility is higher you can duck and jack them off before they can force you to suck dick.

As for 'best' regardless of Mage's more ideal magic and stat distribution, I prefer Enchanter then maxing out Charisma, for fun, and can still prepare for and fight most encounters with no problem. Although I just dump all my bonus perk points into Agi just because stealing is way more convenient than grinding gold.
First of all, thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it. I had a feeling I was missing something vital and now I know what, it's the fact that you can actually upgrade your gear :LOL:

Another thing that I never tried was the stealing. Grinding money in this game is a real chore, I've been gathering extra Hunger Charms and selling those just to have food for the party! Stealing stuff just sounds much better.

As for the build suggestions, it's funny to see that I was essentially going for a Grab spam on the more bothersome enemies. In any case I'll definitely try that True Fire + Oil combo, it seems to be fun. Thank you again for the help.
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Apr 5, 2018
You didn't give a reason why, so your post is irrelevant.
And I can give a worse idea than that. Adding more top content for Hiro. Making the femdom to maledom games ratio even more abysmal.

If the game stayed like that, the combat in the game is part of the survival, and thus would be alright with me.
But now it changed to something else, and instead of fighting to survive, I have to fight to progress. Even if there's a instant-win button, I still have to walk a tediously large map.

Yes, you can spawn encounters with cheats, but than the game feels more like a collection of random stories.

The combat, in my opinion, is mediocre. But I can understand why others might like it.
You are clearly trolling this thread, so your post is irrelevant. Goodbye! :)

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
If the game stayed like that, the combat in the game is part of the survival, and thus would be alright with me.
But now it changed to something else, and instead of fighting to survive, I have to fight to progress. Even if there's a instant-win button, I still have to walk a tediously large map.
That's why it's not conductive to one-handed play. You -do- have to play it because it is a game and to see later content you have to beat earlier content. And because it's still based on the idea that you have to survive getting around expends resources and you have to plan out an optimal path or you might get fucked into a game over.

This is again a western take on a Japanese style of porn game as opposed to a "pure" western-style porn game where most of the masturbation fodder is easy to access and not locked behind game mechanics.


Dec 21, 2017
I assume you mean increasing skill levels? It increasingly costs +1 per level, so 1 to unlock, then 2 for the next upgrade, then to 3, and so on.


Oct 22, 2017
anyone has a decent save?
Editing saves for this game is very easy, you just need to use the note pad, then use the note pad option to search for an specific word or number in the file and tada!!, you just change the value and save, for example search the word "money" and you will find it's variable with the number of your current amount of money, same goes for experience, stats etc. nevertheless i don't recomend to change the variables of any skill, if you want an specific skill just add a shitload of experience and manually get it inside the game, hence sometimes even if you tiped right the word of "x" thing you wanted to change it won't appear, so instead of scrolling down all the document looking for it, you should look for it's number, example; you want more money, write "money" in the search box, it doesn't shows, writte your current amount of money (it better be a value above 0 or 1), click search, click next untill it finds the number matching the word "money" and there you go, sometimes the notepad can't find what you wrote, i don't know why it happens so when it happens i writte the current value of the stat/money/exp i want to modify, i hope this can help you, i'm not very good at explaining how to do things, mainly because i'm not a native english speaker, if you already found a save file fitting what you looked for that is great!!, but i advice you to try to edit a save file by yourself, sometimes is faster than looking around for a good save file.


Jun 9, 2018
Oooooh thanks i didnt know that :) (im a massive potato at anything regarding technology or coding stuff)


Active Member
Jun 26, 2018
Can anyone tell me how the options you get in the Manor with the magician affect the game?


May 29, 2018
Does the characters physical trait selection have any bearing on what the MC looks like currently? Or is that a thing that's happening later on?


Dec 21, 2017
I am referring to these equestrian 3 and anal addict 3
Equestrian happens as you're anally raped by Centaurs by, presenting you ass while they're erect, losing, or going to camp and manual-failing the 'not slutty enough' check. Anal Addict just increases as your ass-fucked, grabbing catamite and going to the brothel is your easiest way, and gets you gold for it, quick note, do it with hunger charm for the least food drain. or you use the Warlock's curse to make it 3, I think ass has the worst after-curse repeatable event though.
Can anyone tell me how the options you get in the Manor with the magician affect the game?
Ass/Mouth don't, they just increase the Anal Addict/Oral Addict levels to 3, with a bad-end occurring if you're already at Anal 3. 'Girl' will make you unable to get hard, or ever fuck anyone, except while conveniently being inside of a sex-scene and getting ass-fucked where the art doesn't have to be altered.

Speaking of Warlock, it was working fine, you could read the diary then surrender after, but it seems they changed the diary conditions while trying to fix it. You still have to be Brothel Quest's 3rd part before fighting the Warlock, but you have to go back inside after to find the Diary again, which blocks the repeatable events for it, but you can return later after the quest to do them. Ideally the diary would block the repeatable after starting the quest, and not require you to time it like this.
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Aug 21, 2018
when you see scout lvl 1: enchanted forest scout level 2: goblin. how can you select the lvl 1 option?

is there an updated guide for encounters?
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