Yeah, doesn't seem to be a Linux Jar version at all, I think the newest Jar can simply be put into the Linux Base folder.
JAR files are platform agnostic. As long as you have java instaled they will run. For people whom don't know how to run it on Linux:
- download latest .jar file
- install OpenJDK 8 (should be in any repo)
- open terminal in ToA location
- /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar ./TalesOfAndrogyny.jar (java location may be different depending on your distro)
If you have some errors you may want to try other openjdk versions or just use oracle one. If you want to speed it up just write a bash script. You don't need to download any other files from majalis website, their executable is kinda bad anyway (never worked for me)