Another new character/class will be forget next 3-4 patches so dunno what the point for relasing new characters at this point.
Also It would be cool If all classes had thier own unique characters/race Warrior could be dullahan/Centuar,Paladin could be the huntress from city or angel,thief could be goblin,rouge Brigand,Mage Warlock/Jester,Echanter Hiro.
But I gusse like many nice ideas here It wont happen First of all becuse this game would change to much from bottom to top/siwtch with is not welcome In this community so Its never gonna happen not In this game Its shame becuse Its rly nice idea rly nice idea and all would be happy and find thier taste I mean bot/top switch bassicly you could have almost infinite freedom play male? sure go,futa? sure why not,girl? go bro,top? no problem,bot? go for It,switch? ofc you can,femboy/trap? have nice time,but here we go In that reallity where It wont happen.
If you ask me we got pretty shit content dont get me wrong but we dont get decent content so far I mean ok arts/scenes but apart from that we dont get any new content like I menton above about the solution with classes/characters and for god sake no I dont mean content for my taste Its just example,generally apart from arts/scenes we dont get substantially new content,and now they focus on story mode XD like someone even need story mode who need story mode In game where even faken mushroom want fuck you ass there Is even clouds in shape of faken dicks,Its not offensive Its just fact.