RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Are there any planned events that increase penis size for Hiro, or larger sizes being added to character creation?
I feel like if being a dominant top is a gameplay choice so should having a bigger penis someway somehow.
They already kind of did. Hiro penis looks quite average size in most artworks now. But i don't know about optional sizes in every sex scene.

I 100% agree and that is why I said and still think they should have not introduced customization to Hiro without being prepared to do the necessary work to ensure that our Hiro looks the way we made her in every scene.

If they really want to do customization they need to switch over to 3-D character models and just keep the 2-D to the backgrounds. Because the way it's done now they would have to redraw every single picture with every single customization option and that will never happen as that would require far to much work.
That is not feasible. You want them to wait several months to be able to do the change instead of doing it step by step in a patreon funded game, where you can show to the people supporting the game the changes on a monthly base? That is a recipe for losing support.

Also that second option is even more absurd! With the game already being worked on completely switch models to 3D renders? Do you have any idea of how much more work that would be? Likely worse than customizing the artwork by doing small changes here and there. :FacePalm::FacePalm:


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
I like each addition they bring forth. I am playing free how could I complain o_O.. I do wish sometimes I did have a little extra money to push towards certain projects.

Anyway I can fully understand how troublesome for a small pretty much three person team to do all that graphics work..

As much as I would like it I know it is not feasible for them to do every screen in many different styles, except over a long haul, and I have been following this one for a long time.

I think they are doing a fabulous job over all, and with this game I believe they are filling a really vacant slot in adult entertainment. I hope they can keep doing what there doing.. I am pleased with all there efforts.


Jun 19, 2018
They already kind of did. Hiro penis looks quite average size in most artworks now. But i don't know about optional sizes in every sex scene.

That is not feasible. You want them to wait several months to be able to do the change instead of doing it step by step in a patreon funded game, where you can show to the people supporting the game the changes on a monthly base? That is a recipe for losing support.

Also that second option is even more absurd! With the game already being worked on completely switch models to 3D renders? Do you have any idea of how much more work that would be? Likely worse than customizing the artwork by doing small changes here and there.
I call total BS. I have made sure every single pic matches my version of Hiro and I did it all for free and in my spare time. So please enough with the starving artist crap. They make several thousand every month and what do they actually deliver? On average it's 4-6 pictures and a few paragraphs of text. The majority of the artwork is timestamped from a year ago. Do you seriously think this is worth paying $240 a year for? You could not play the game for half a year now and when you return you would be hard-pressed when trying to figure out what content has actually been added in all that time.

As far as calling the necessary switch to a 3-d based model you couldn't possibly be more wrong if you want to be able to actually show the choices people make when creating their vision of Hiro as that is the only way it could be done. They will never be able to show these changes sticking with 2-D art. That would mean for every possible choice they would have to have a 2-d image drawn specifically for that. If you think that is going to happen now you are the one being ABSURD!

Let's use South Park as an example. When Matt and Trey first started they actually cut out and made everything from construction paper and used stop-motion animation. As soon as the show became successful they didn't continue to dick around and do it that way because doing it that way is way beyond time-consuming when you can still achieve the same look with computers and 3-D modeling.

Using 3-D models is the only way it's going to work if they really want to be able to show whatever hair and eye color and the size of Hiro's breasts, ass, and penis in every scene and you can still keep the current look of the game exactly as is. If you fail to acknowledge that this is the only way to make that happen then that's your problem because right now all we have is a poorly implemented half-assed illusion of choice.
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guleed yusuf

Mar 24, 2018
Which monster is best for grinding? Spider gives 10 exp but a single time encounter. Ghost is 5 exp Everytime.
This game is boring without cheating.
The rpg is badly put together and should never be taken seriously until majore overhalls are done

I leveled at least 2 characters to 30 playing around.

And i can tell u its a waste of time. The easiest grind is the arena or ogre encounters but the arena doesnt heal you post fight. And the ogre is random.

guleed yusuf

Mar 24, 2018
I call total BS. I have made sure every single pic matches my version of Hiro and I did it all for free and in my spare time. So please enough with the starving artist crap. They make several thousand every month and what do they actually deliver? On average it's 4-6 pictures and a few paragraphs of text. The majority of the artwork is timestamped from a year ago.

As far as calling the necessary switch to a 3-d based model you couldn't possibly be more wrong if you want to be able to actually show the choices people make when creating their vision of Hiro as that is the only way it could be done. They will never be able to show these changes sticking with 2-D art. That would mean for every possible choice they would have to have a 2-d image drawn specifically for that. If you think that is going to happen now you are the one being ABSURD!

Let's use South Park as an example. When Matt and Trey first started they actually cut out and made everything from construction paper and used stop-motion animation. As soon as the show became successful they didn't continue to dick around and do it that way because doing it that way is way beyond time-consuming when you can still achieve the same look with computers and 3-D modeling.

Using 3-D models is the only way it's going to work if they really want to be able to show whatever hair and eye color and the size of Hiro's breasts, ass, and penis in every scene and you can still keep the current look of the game exactly as is. If you fail to acknowledge that this is the only way to make that happen then that's your problem.

THE Artist is super lazy and there are loads of inaccuracies within the game. Hiro is only 3 inches and goblins are only 4 inches for dick; which is baby sht when the text flavours them to be 8 inches. Urka amd the rest of the bigs are 10 or 12 which is dumb

The artist only gives us 4 pieces of art a month at most. I know artists and have asked them about this they all joke about how slow that is for a game which makes thousands of dollars to be at pace wise.

"Character expansions" is just 1 new scene given to them with maybe new art. The newest update doesnt even give the dark knight new art.

This game is very slow and has gone no where in a year. key characters have little or no art to them like kyrlia.

Whats the worst about all this is that if you say any of this on the discord you will be banned for harrasment or bullying.

God i have built an rpg before and it frustrates on how poorly put together almost every part of the game is.

This game is over 2 years old and we have 1 major quest done.

Brothel is incomplete
Demon lord is incomplete
The vampire hunter is incomplete

We have a loose collection of encounters. If you actually play this game without cheating you are doing yourself a diservice.

My guy thank you for calling em out

Edit: the thing that got me banned was an inaccuracy my friend and i found. He pointed it out to me that the ettin only pumps 81 ml of cum into you but the text and art claim the ettin made you drown in cum.
We took it on ourselves to use renpy on the game to edit the values ourselves and when we did we realized that the cum amounts are tied to you losing chaste and honor. We switched the units from ml to L. At this point i went on the discord and asked them about that maj commented that nornal humans only ejac on averahe 3 ml. Like my guy this is a teo headed magical giant, dont say im drowning in less than a can of cokes worth of semen.

And i was banned from supporting them. Oh after my outburst they changed it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
That is not feasible. You want them to wait several months to be able to do the change instead of doing it step by step in a patreon funded game, where you can show to the people supporting the game the changes on a monthly base? That is a recipe for losing support.

Also that second option is even more absurd! With the game already being worked on completely switch models to 3D renders? Do you have any idea of how much more work that would be? Likely worse than customizing the artwork by doing small changes here and there. :FacePalm::FacePalm:
I agree with you on the 3D part, the game would need a massive overhaul to get that put in. Now what i am about to say may sound daft but i say this as someone who knows fuck all about coding and i can't draw worth a shite so this is just guesswork as to how it might be done, but the 2D workup should be relatively do'able, first the pics, if the developers still have the base drawings with only minimal colours and space for alterations that could be that sorted, granted it would take a while for all the possible custom options availiable, the hard part would be coding the new pics into the game and getting them to proc with the custom options that a player has picked.

Majalis (ToA)

Jul 31, 2019
I agree with you on the 3D part, the game would need a massive overhaul to get that put in. Now what i am about to say may sound daft but i say this as someone who knows fuck all about coding and i can't draw worth a shite so this is just guesswork as to how it might be done, but the 2D workup should be relatively do'able, first the pics, if the developers still have the base drawings with only minimal colours and space for alterations that could be that sorted, granted it would take a while for all the possible custom options availiable, the hard part would be coding the new pics into the game and getting them to proc with the custom options that a player has picked.
We do still have the layered images, which makes it a lot easier to do things like color alterations for skin and hair. Of course, it's still a good amount of work to backfill all of the customization options for all of the pictures, so we'll be doing it over time once the UI is finished. The coding part is actually easy; it's the exact same mechanism that allows us to swap in Hiro's customization options elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
We do still have the layered images, which makes it a lot easier to do things like color alterations for skin and hair. Of course, it's still a good amount of work to backfill all of the customization options for all of the pictures, so we'll be doing it over time once the UI is finished. The coding part is actually easy; it's the exact same mechanism that allows us to swap in Hiro's customization options elsewhere.
Didnae expect the developer to respond to that post, thanks for the info. Quick question is there any plans to expand Lupa the mouth fiend and the ghost's content? Just wondering because those 2 are in my top 6 fav characters.


Feb 5, 2018
OK, so I haven't been drawing for a long time, mainly due to severe self-esteem issues, but more importantly, my family isn't the type to allow their son to earn a living doing NSFW art.

I remember talking about the painfully slow progress in making new art, and the most plausible defense I was given, was that the game was done "in their spare time", and the duo supposedly each have their own day jobs.

So earlier this year I found that I have extra cash, and I spent it on a used iPad Pro 2017, Apple Pencil and subscription to Clip Studio EX. I also had to relearn everything after dropping drawing for so long.
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I can complete a full color, full view character artwork in 4 hours split over two days, each day spending one hour before going to work and another hour before going to sleep. Then I can complete the background between one hour to 4 hours, depending on complexity. I am by no means a pro, but the thing I realized with new technology and new features packed into new softwares is that many tools are available to speed up the drawing processes for today's artists. For example, Clip Studio EX has built-in 3D poser that you can download from the main website and customize to fit your reference. That's to say nothing about other things such as perspective rulers, halftones, brushes... basically today's digital artists are given tools that make their jobs much, MUCH easier than they were just 10 years ago.

And again, I'm no pro, and I don't even draw that often. Someone at Alis' level of skill and experience could have easily completed her artworks with less time because of consistently making drawings.

And yet I can make complete artworks in less time than a couple who makes much more money than me on my day job?

A part of me wants to excuse them for, MAYBE, still being stuck with old software and tools, but last I checked, they get more than 10k USD EVERY MONTH. With an iPad Pro 2018 and Procreate, she should have been able to become more productive. But here we are, still arguing about this.

Dark Anon

New Member
Aug 1, 2018
OK, so I haven't been drawing for a long time, mainly due to severe self-esteem issues, but more importantly, my family isn't the type to allow their son to earn a living doing NSFW art.

I remember talking about the painfully slow progress in making new art, and the most plausible defense I was given, was that the game was done "in their spare time", and the duo supposedly each have their own day jobs.

So earlier this year I found that I have extra cash, and I spent it on a used iPad Pro 2017, Apple Pencil and subscription to Clip Studio EX. I also had to relearn everything after dropping drawing for so long.
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I can complete a full color, full view character artwork in 4 hours split over two days, each day spending one hour before going to work and another hour before going to sleep. Then I can complete the background between one hour to 4 hours, depending on complexity. I am by no means a pro, but the thing I realized with new technology and new features packed into new softwares is that many tools are available to speed up the drawing processes for today's artists. For example, Clip Studio EX has built-in 3D poser that you can download from the main website and customize to fit your reference. That's to say nothing about other things such as perspective rulers, halftones, brushes... basically today's digital artists are given tools that make their jobs much, MUCH easier than they were just 10 years ago.

And again, I'm no pro, and I don't even draw that often. Someone at Alis' level of skill and experience could have easily completed her artworks with less time because of consistently making drawings.

And yet I can make complete artworks in less time than a couple who makes much more money than me on my day job?

A part of me wants to excuse them for, MAYBE, still being stuck with old software and tools, but last I checked, they get more than 10k USD EVERY MONTH. With an iPad Pro 2018 and Procreate, she should have been able to become more productive. But here we are, still arguing about this.
It's really nice, is there anywhere i can see more of your work?


Jun 19, 2018
So I was looking through the artwork (for science); The eyes from Hiro in the main menu, are different than the eyes from Hiro in older scenes. Scenes with Centaur i.e.

The original Hiro is hot. The latest Hiro has a punchable face.

But both have a nice ass, so all is good.
:ROFLMAO: You made me laugh because it's so true. Hiro is a total butterface now.


Feb 5, 2018
It's really nice, is there anywhere i can see more of your work?
I do have an online portfolio, but considering the nature of this site, I can't link it here.

...and yes, that also means that I can't post my Poison artwork, when it's complete, on my portfolio anymore because I already showed it here. sigh...

My point though is to tell you guys that I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to the kind of work required in art because I am involved in it. I know it isn't easy, especially when you are working on your own without a professional editor telling you what's right or wrong with your piece, and how self-doubt can sometimes ruin a totally OK result. I just find it difficult to believe that someone who gets cash as much as Alis does can't improve her productivity when you don't even need to spend over 2,500USD for a Cintiq and full subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud to do that.

EDIT: On this note, I highly, HIGHLY doubt that Majalis is ignorant about the latest hardware and software that can help them do more. However, just in case Majalis or anyone else is curious about drawing on iPad Pro + Apple Pencil and Clip Studio EX before considering to invest in it, I am open to entertaining questions about what I know drawing on it. The cost for iPad Pro 2018 with Pencil 2 is at least 900 bucks, so the money required is no small feat, but it is still much MUCH cheaper than Wacom Mobile Studio 13 which is 1500 bucks.
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New Member
Sep 23, 2018
People love to complain about a game they clearly like well enough to keep playing it to complain about (or keep modding it so they can keep getting attention). Crawl back into your own thread, Jorja. Find a different game to latch onto if this one is so much of a joke. Maybe offer more criticism than "Lack of content" because there's clearly content being added with each update. That's a transparent lie.
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Majalis (ToA)

Jul 31, 2019
I do have an online portfolio, but considering the nature of this site, I can't link it here.

...and yes, that also means that I can't post my Poison artwork, when it's complete, on my portfolio anymore because I already showed it here. sigh...

My point though is to tell you guys that I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to the kind of work required in art because I am involved in it. I know it isn't easy, especially when you are working on your own without a professional editor telling you what's right or wrong with your piece, and how self-doubt can sometimes ruin a totally OK result. I just find it difficult to believe that someone who gets cash as much as Alis does can't improve her productivity when you don't even need to spend over 2,500USD for a Cintiq and full subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud to do that.

EDIT: On this note, I highly, HIGHLY doubt that Majalis is ignorant about the latest hardware and software that can help them do more. However, just in case Majalis or anyone else is curious about drawing on iPad Pro + Apple Pencil and Clip Studio EX before considering to invest in it, I am open to entertaining questions about what I know drawing on it. The cost for iPad Pro 2018 with Pencil 2 is at least 900 bucks, so the money required is no small feat, but it is still much MUCH cheaper than Wacom Mobile Studio 13 which is 1500 bucks.
Yes, Alis recently got a Cintiq, and we've had a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud for a long while; before that she was using an Intuos Pro. She does most of her work in PaintTool SAI, with certain things done in Photoshop. The Cintiq did show somewhat of an increase in productivity, and she loves it, but she'd gotten very used to using a Wacom tablet, so it wasn't a huge productivity win. She's been using Photoshop and SAI for over a decade, as well, so not much change there. She doesn't have a set pipeline (well, there is a pipeline, but not a technical, artistic one, just a timeblocking exercise that I'll get into) for producing artwork, using the same brushes/presets/etc., or even the same technique from picture to picture, with some pictures using linework and others being painted, etc. I'm her (untrained) editor, and it takes about four-five days of work to complete a standard ToA picture, some less, some more. First she does about six or seven sketches of a given concept, or sketching new concepts. We shop around the sketches with patrons and people we trust to pick the one (or sometimes two) we'll work on, then she moves on to linework or the basic color blocking for a painted picture. Next she'll get the full color image done, but it will typically not be detailed or particularly shaded/lighted, so that detail work comes next and then variations and revisions. Somewhere along there she'll do the background, if the picture has one - sometimes it's part of the sketch, sometimes it's added in later.

She can do faster pictures if necessary - the Wasp Oviposition picture is an example of a picture that was completed in a smaller timebox by necessity, but A) she worked on it at the target resolution, rather than at a high resolution and then downscaling, so it's less detailed and we have no hi-res variant B) we ran out of time to do the egging and cumming variations, so we have to revisit it later to get that stuff done, as well as potentially upscaling and fixing it, which takes longer.

Obviously, faster work can be done if you develop a technical pipeline, as many artists have, by committing to a more singular style, but that isn't how Alis has ever operated - look through our gallery on, say, hentaifoundry, and you'll see that she approaches most of her pictures using different techniques and styles, and always has. It also absolutely takes longer to correctly compose a picture involving two or more people having sex, which has been most of our pictures recently (though new character designs have their own challenges and typically involve even more revisions).

Majalis (ToA)

Jul 31, 2019
:rolleyes: Ok troll. Talk about assumptions. How do you know that "no one" pays for all 4 updates a month? It's clear that the generous people that provided us with links for weeks on end did, in fact, spend $20 a month. If you do some simple math and I know it's hard for some but that does, in fact, come out to $240 a year.
You're mistaken. You don't need to pay for four updates a month to have access to the weekly builds. Most people pledging at the weekly tier do so on a once a month basis.

Every time I say anything about this game I get jumped on by the white knights. I'm sick and tired of it, to be honest, because who else around here took the time to mod this game besides me? Oh yeah, no one and this is the thanks I get from some of the "community".

What a joke. Enjoy your game that has not had an actual WORTHWHILE update in almost a year.
Hiro's facesitting image was made in July. I only bring this up because I believe it used to be your avatar (in your mod's style, that is)?

guleed yusuf

Mar 24, 2018
Guys the pay per update thing seams to be very special out of all those i have supported on patreon maj seams to be the only one so far
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