A hammer is a hammer. It is for nailing nails. THAT simple.
Oh yes, it could also have a screwdriver at the handle, yes. Actually, make the handle hollow, and turn it into a swiss knife, it will have more options and be better than either!
Thing is, there's screwdrivers, and also swiss knives. When you need a hammer to hammer, you get a hammer.
Devs have stated clearly:
NO female or herm. It's a hammer.
So there's no point in keeping asking for more options "that would make it better with more options". Go and find a screwdriver.
The problem seems that people keep popping in, stating what would make the game better as a fact, but can't take criticism to them in return, without realizing something simple: what "you" think is better, it's "your" point of view.
So accept when others don't agree with their opinions on your ideas.
That's not being toxic.
Toxic is not being able to see other points of views or ideas.
Which it's precisely what these "I have better ideas" people do.