Uh, I have not? I have paraphrased " the quality or state of being neither specifically feminine or masculine ". In the example you gaven the bearded lady, to me she has a head of a man on a body of a woman, I clearly can't tell if she's a woman or a man. Like I said, in first glance, I am not able to confidently tell the sex of an androgyny. Are you saying my paraphrasing is wrong?You cited a dictionary definition, then... ignored and it gave your own definition
I have not imposed any features though? Or even how many features can one have to be considered androgyny. I only remarked in ToA, you make use of only 2 male features in your characters (Hiro, Trudy, Dark Knight, Alma ..........) : the cock and the balls. I'm pointing out the lack of diversity of male features. Every characters you made predominantly use feminine features, big ass, wide hips, roundish face, no hair such as facial hair or hair on arms and so on.Nowhere in the definition you cited says anything about WHICH features are in the mix or their relative abundance
But like I said I'm satisfied with the state of the game, it's not my intention to offend if you feel so.