What would that entail, exactly? We're planning to have the Spanking stance having Embarrassment and redden the character's cheeks, which will have effects during sex stances and combat stances.
That probably means there's a whole lot of dialogue for this stance that is unused (made for other characters that will spank you), and the stance itself has zero gameplay weight, you just tap the button and spank them. But you have plans for it for some reason.
Everyone probably skips this stance and goes for Make Out because it has some use. And enemies never use it on you, they hardly ever start Full Nelson, unless you are fighting for very long. And when they do, they have plans other than spanking.
That probably means there's a whole lot of dialogue for this stance that is unused (made for other characters that will spank you), and the stance itself has zero gameplay weight, you just tap the button and spank them. But you have plans for it for some reason.
Everyone probably skips this stance and goes for Make Out because it has some use. And enemies never use it on you, they hardly ever start Full Nelson, unless you are fighting for very long. And when they do, they have plans other than spanking.
The reason I am improving it is that it is currently underbaked. Pointing to it being underbaked as a reason not to improve it is completely illogical. Part of the improvement is having enemies use it on you more frequently and taking advantage of the gameplay effects we are adding as part of this enhancement.
If you could get caught on stealing in General store, then she would ask you to offer your mouth and ass as compensation, the world could be a better place.
If you could get caught on stealing in General store, then she would ask you to offer your mouth and ass as compensation, the world could be a better place.
I "love" how much these people voice their "fine" opinions instead of "providing their constructive criticism" to the designated receptable for it, as in the trashbin.
I "Absolutely love" how much some of these people bring up " Provide constructive criticism" when at the end of the day that's just a "fine" opinion too so that can also go in the rubbish bin.
I "Absolutely love" how much some of these people bring up " Provide constructive criticism" when at the end of the day that's just a "fine" opinion too so that can also go in the rubbish bin.
I "Absolutely love" how much some of these people bring up " Provide constructive criticism" when at the end of the day that's just a "fine" opinion too so that can also go in the rubbish bin.
pretty sure the second vampire gal only does that. but apart from her and goblin i don't remember tbh. i think there is one more. two tops but prolly only one more. cant remember who it was tho... if at all
pretty sure the second vampire gal only does that. but apart from her and goblin i don't remember tbh. i think there is one more. two tops but prolly only one more. cant remember who it was tho... if at all
Genuinely in love with Brigand, such a well designed character artistically, an updated animation and expansion on her quest would be awesome. Especially when it comes to the cottage, maybe visiting it three too many times she offers to make you 'er wife an 'ave all the butt stuff you want. And previously mentioned Warlock Brigand pregnancy scene where you can choose to get Warlock to make it so Brigand can impregnate you, game over or not.
The reason I am improving it is that it is currently underbaked. Pointing to it being underbaked as a reason not to improve it is completely illogical. Part of the improvement is having enemies use it on you more frequently and taking advantage of the gameplay effects we are adding as part of this enhancement.
So, this time around we have another story mode Evoker encounter, showing off the first piece of generic art for the Evoker - their missionary/face to face anal art. We'll be accruing some of that before they make their playable debut, so stay tuned! We also have a new track for the Doppelganger's battle.
I was trying to finish up the (absolutely enormous) new story mode Jester encounter, one wing of which contains the DK crew oral gangbang, but there was just too much, so sorry to those who were looking forward to it - it'll definitely be in next week. I could have put in most of it now, but it would just have awkward missing branches... hopefully, it'll be worth the wait.
We're still squaring some things away with the new editor and making changes to the preferences file - though spanking stance enhancement is coming down the pike.
Next up, we've got that and the Demon King POV/Oral animation!
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
To be fair for months or maybe even years now we've had a solid amount of characters who had very limited animations or even no animations or images besides just standing there. Instead of improving on that we just get new characters who end up having the exact same problem or we get a new feature added that you wouldn't even notice unless you actively searched for it.
To be fair for months or maybe even years now we've had a solid amount of characters who had very limited animations or even no animations or images besides just standing there.