Majalis (ToA)

Jul 31, 2019
:rolleyes: It's $5 per update so at four times a month that comes to $20 and if someone decides to do that for the entire year it is, in fact, $240. You can't argue basic math.

Speaking of assumptions what proof do you have that some people don't? For months on end, we used to have the same person provide us with the links so right there that proves your wrong.
As I've said numerous times, this is false: see the attached image. You can set a monthly maximum on Patreon pledges to a Per Update creator, and that does not have any effect on Patreon's functionality. Anyone in the Bunny Tier sees all Bunny Tier posts, which is all you need to access the weekly builds. We only use it for determining how many votes someone gets in the patron surveys.

The only reason we are a per update Patreon is that our Patreon was originally for our art and stories, not for ToA. We had the Patreon for over a year before ToA began development. At the time, we posted art for free to hentai foundry once or twice a month, so we made it a per-update Patreon so people could incentivize us to post more often if they wanted to. Based on that support, we started to post four guaranteed updates a month, split between art and stories, and we've continued that since then. When ToA started development, only one of those four updates were ToA-related; now all of our work is put into ToA.


Aug 14, 2018
The pay per update thing has been fixed, I can attest to that. I paid 5 dollars this month and got every weekly update, so that complaint is just not factually true. You just have to set it up when you pledge to do 1 pledge a month. I asked this question of Majalis_ToA over a month ago in this thread and he clarified it so saying you have to pay over $240 a year to get the game is just false.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
So you both don't know how patreon works. Cool. You as the patron can set the max updates you support. You can opt to pay $5 a month instead of $5 per update. Don't act like you're a genius if you don't actually know what your talking about.
The developer just called him out on this and yet he still ignore the post just to keep talking bs.

Mind you that is not the first time he does that either.


Aug 14, 2018
The artist only gives us 4 pieces of art a month at most. I know artists and have asked them about this they all joke about how slow that is for a game which makes thousands of dollars to be at pace wise.
Can you please post a link to a game with more than 4 2d high quality artworks per month? Not 3d, 2d. I'd love to play it!
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guleed yusuf

Mar 24, 2018
Can you please post a link to a game with more than 4 2d high quality artworks per month? Not 3d, 2d. I'd love to play it!
Gunsmoke SU has been doing a great job at releasing sht.

They just got the super girl update with at least 4 new art in a momth and a half. Let alone 2 new characyers and bordello scene which is about 6 new art works.

Majalis (ToA)

Jul 31, 2019
Didnae expect the developer to respond to that post, thanks for the info. Quick question is there any plans to expand Lupa the mouth fiend and the ghost's content? Just wondering because those 2 are in my top 6 fav characters.
There aren't really characters/character types that we don't plan on expanding. Though you mean Lura the Mouth Fiend, Lupa is the loopy blonde werewolf that we just animated. :p Actually, both the Ghost and Lura are two of my favorite characters.


Aug 14, 2018
And also the art is in a very comic book, simple style which this one isn't. To each their own, but if you like a less detailed style of art I think it is unfair to complain that the more detailed style doesn't come faster

guleed yusuf

Mar 24, 2018
And also the art is in a very comic book, simple style which this one isn't. To each their own, but if you like a less detailed style of art I think it is unfair to complain that the more detailed style doesn't come faster
My guy these are not 1 piece of art but entire cg sets with a beginning middle and end. The art doesnt say one thing and the story another.

The update came with a new character and a new costume in a month and a half. My guy dont defend random stuff


Apr 5, 2018
I remember when Jorja, KnoweldgeAlfa, and others all got along and were relatively friendly.

I say this as a non-fanboy, neutral party: everyone, please calm the fuck down.
I appreciate the dampening of temperature. It just strikes me as particularly arrogant to bite the hand that feeds you. Especially when said hand *objectively* (not subjectively) feeds you so generously and well.

Sometimes the temperature heats up for good reason.
Apr 17, 2019
The glitched save file scene is longer than I recall seeing after the last time I got it.

I wonder if there will eventually be a fourth wall breaking scene with Hiro and Troja.


Jul 16, 2017
I definitely understand the opinion that this game is progressing too slowly, it IS still progressing though. Maybe they're making more money than they should, maybe they aren't, but I don't see them using any truly shady business practices, pay 5$ and you get a demo with all the content that's currently in instead of say... pay 5$ and get a demo with only that update's enemy. Right?

That being said, there are still some rather nasty balance issues that I'm rather perplexed at their continued existence. The seduction vampire, for instance, can do lust moves and sex attacks while you've got her grappled and are in the dominant position, like I've got her pinned on the ground and she breaks the pin by starting a hand-job. Even worse if you paralyze her with the spell you'll end up stuck in a sex (receptive) stance while she does nothing until the spell ends!

As far as I can tell this happens because she only uses lust and sex attacks, sex attacks have the highest priority, and sex attacks by the enemy take priority over those of the player ( no matter what your stats are, since I've set mine all to 11 ). All sex attacks should require the initiator to be in a dominant position in a grapple, be ignorable ( wanna give me a handy in the middle of a fight? fine, I'll chop your arm off then ) , or have corresponding escape moves that cause damage ( because the AI is just going to initiate the exact same sex move again, and an endless loop of nothing happening is a big nono ). This isn't something new and back when I discovered this game (before enemies would be satisfied by enough sex ) it would lead to half-hour loops of the enemy just jerking around doing sex moves until I reloaded.

Bleeding's still cancer for christ sake! Enemies will bleed to death while grappling with you. Hell I killed the goddess with 1 riposte and blocking for the rest of the fight while trying to get her knotting scene to initiate. Just bled out while I hid behind my shield. Granted this is a bit of an "the AI isn't smart enough to help itself" issue, but the real problem is that the player isn't offered any weapons with different status effects ( or none at all! ) at the shop.

There are finally ways to progress your character's stats in the game, and yet health can't be increased, what's with that?

Why are golems the only way to get magic crystals? Being needed for both spells and crafting gear means there should definitely be more ways to acquire them, instead of hoping you don't run out of food while waiting for RNG to roll for more golems after you've cleared the map.


Jun 19, 2018
Maybe offer more criticism than "Lack of content" because there's clearly content being added with each update. That's a transparent lie.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. People can then agree or disagree with that opinion. There is no need to ever make things personal when you happen to disagree with someone. That only shows a huge sign of immaturity on that person's part in my opinion.

I'm also not questioning if there has been new content added. What I'm questioning is that content good and is it worthy of our time? I think you know my feelings on that. Take a look at my posts from a year ago and you will see nothing but praise. Sadly as time has gone by that early praise has turned to utter dissatisfaction and total disappointment. As far as solutions go I have stated them time and time again yet they fall on deaf ears and are just met with more personal attacks from the fanboys who can't seem to be able to accept any criticism when it comes to this game.

I will state however that in my opinion as the months have gone by I personally feel that we are in the exact same place with the "game" as we were towards the beginning of 2019 as it's the same tired formula week after week and month after month. It never changes. It's always an extremely small amount of new images and a couple of paragraphs of text that does very little to tie the game together as a cohesive whole.

There is no significant story progression yet this is being billed as an erotic fantasy RPG so where are the quests and where are the dungeons? Why has there not been any new maps, towns, and places to explore in over a year? When will we get some content that is substantial and significant added to this game? When will the characters be fleshed out and their motivations for being made known? Where is the lore that explains the how's and why's of this world? Good games do this and conversely poor games do not.

You have a combat system that some find to be overly convoluted, I do not but I do find it extremely limited and repetitive because once you figure it out you just spam the same 4 moves for victory, yet there has been no attempt to streamline it or make any improvements to it. I also ask what is even the point of fighting, earning experience, and leveling up when it makes no real difference to the game if you win or lose most encounters? How much better would this game be if it were party-based and used a system perhaps similar to a Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics instead? Imagine having Urka, Trudy, and Kyrila fighting alongside our Hiro gaining experience. Being able to outfit them, assigning their abilities, and have all of this visually represented in the game as well. Sadly I know this is nothing more than a pipe dream.

So, in conclusion, am I really that wrong to want more than what we are currently getting? Am I the only one who wants to see a real game here to go along with the erotic or are we all content at just having a mindless fapping simulator? Are most of you honestly content with the way the game has progressed over the course of this year? Is it possible to have a grown-up discussion regarding this game that does not lead to petty name-calling and embarrassing childish behavior or is this too much to ask or expect from some of you?

I will accept any civil discussions regarding this post and will 100% absolutely ignore any further attempts to troll me.

Good day and God Bless.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
So, in conclusion, am I really that wrong to want more than what we are currently getting? Am I the only one who wants to see a real game here to go along with the erotic or are we all content at just having a mindless fapping simulator? Are most of you honestly content with the way the game has progressed over the course of this year? Is it possible to have a grown-up discussion regarding this game that does not lead to petty name-calling and embarrassing childish behavior or is this too much to ask or expect from some of you?
Expecting more from the game is not wrong. Pretty sure everyone around here wants more story, more from the gameplay mechanics, more sex scenes etcetera.
But you don't get to go around here calling others childish when yourself insist on trying to spread misinformation about how their patreon payments work in a attempt to throw shade at the developers, even though this has been debunked for quite some time.


Apr 5, 2018
I'm also not questioning if there has been new content added. What I'm questioning is that content good and is it worthy of our time and our money?

Am I really that wrong to want more than what we are currently getting? Is it possible for me to have a grown-up discussion regarding this game that does not lead my childish behavior?

I will accept any civil discussions to this post.
I'm glad you have now decided to have a grown-up discussion...

1. You are not paying for this content, you are pirating it. Therefore - yes, it is worth the $0 you paid for it.

2. You are the one investing your time into this. Therefore if you deem the content to not be worth your valuable time, you are well within your rights to discontinue the investment of your time. However, we do not need to be informed of this personal journey.

3. You are not wrong to want more than you are receiving. I also want more than I get in many aspects of life. You are wrong to antagonise the developer for no constructive reason. You are wrong to impose your own viewpoint onto the future of this project.

There are well-meaning people who agree with you and there is a thread for you all to discuss your preferences and ideas for a different game in the 'Mods' forum. This thread is for the appreciation and views on the game made by a developer called Majalis. If you have some genuine feedback for them that fits within the framework of their project, then you're in the right place. If you think that their artwork is "wrong", and that the main character is a "butterface", then perhaps you need to raise that in a different thread, friend.
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