Here's a save with every single CG unlocked (was a pain), every achievement and every outfit for the latest version of the game (3.11.3). Just change the extension from .txt to .json and place it in the .toa-data folder
Can't wait for this game to be available on Steam. Itch is a pain
Sorry but how do you download this, when i click it i'm taken to a page with tons of text, and a little help on how to find the toa folder? Its not in the game folder.
First off, that text is just a json file. This forum doesn't allow posting a .json file, so Lupanthrope changed the file name to profile.txt and posted that. You can use your browser to save it as a json file. Just use the File > Save As menu option and tell it the filename is profile.json.
That said, that's a fairly old and incomplete profile. If you're playing the most recent release of the game you might want to try this one. I'm posting this as a zip file (also permitted), so you'll need to unzip it to get the profile.json. It's got more content unlocked than the one you found above.
As for where your folder is located, that depends on if your system is Windows, Mac or Linux. For a Mac, it would be under your User folder like this: /Users/<Your User Name>/Library/Application Support/TalesOfAndrogyny.
Try searching this forum for the TalesOfAndrogyny folder location and I'll bet you'll find answers for where other systems put it.
Sorry but how do you download this, when i click it i'm taken to a page with tons of text, and a little help on how to find the toa folder? Its not in the game folder.
a profile that's a year old, might as well be ancient history at this point, a relic of a time forgotten long ago.
And the reason why it's only takes you to a page filled with text is because it's .txt, you could right click and download it that way, you cannot upload .json to this forum raw, have to .zip it for whatever the reason, i'm not gonna even pretend to know why but it is what it is, you could just go and change it by renaming it and changing the .txt to .json.
And schlosratseems to have provided a fresh one above.
Hayooooo! New weekly just dropped! Iiiiiiiit's gobbo time! Nyahaha!
We've added a new Goblin Babymama ending if you've had enough gobbo babbys, as you do. We've also animated the post-ogre animation and created a female ogre variant for it, as well as a male variant of the anal animation.
There's also some new atmospheric music for the Fire Elemental, so check it out!
Next up is more story mode, more feature stuff, and the Sperm Bank art! I'm also working on some other little scenes for the goblin, we'll see how much ends up in the next weekly or so! There may also be more to the Goblin Babymama ending...
As always, changelog is below, and convenience downloadlinks below that. Support Majalis on
Anyone figured out how to trigger the goblin babymama ending? I've passed more than 3 goblin babies and still havent even seen where the potential ending might be
I'd definitely like more Selkie content. She has the scenes in the wild (the new gobbo ending fits in this), the tent rape, the date, and the beauty pageant. Am I missing any?