Guys, i don't know if you are aware of some technical thing that i managed to do. I mean i don't know if you also have experimented with a save game as i did. If you feel like you have missed some scene, or just simply made a bad decision and want to revert it back - but it's too late becouse you already made a save after that bad decision - there still is an option for you of doing that.
I'm however not sure if this is going to work for all scenes in game. Inside your save file (.json file extension) there is a section named "questFlags". In this section game keeps numerical values of quests - simply to say - how the scenes ended. For an example - let say that want to discover all scenes with Warlock, right?
If you haven't meet her, and never entered into Mansion there will be no value in "questFlags". However if you entered Mansion just one time, made a quicksave or normal save the value will be:
"questFlags": {
If you decided to win a fight with a Warlock or Overpower her - this will be value:
"questFlags": {
Next values are only available if you lost a fight to a Warlock or just Submit/Beg in fight. At the end Hiro will have to choose one of three options given by Warlock. (This will also result in a different go-back scenes in future - if he decides to head back to Warlock Mansion.)
Warlock will put cursed Panties on Hiro. Above will be value:
"questFlags": {
No cursed item, but you know... well... And this will be value:
"questFlags": {
Now this is probably the most devastating option. It will magicaly make Hiro "thing" non-usable. The same way non-usable as in a cage. And value of that will be:
"questFlags": {
Anyway if you have decided to revert back to a state that you never met a Warlock you can give it a value of:
"questFlags": {
And from above - you can enter Mansion. Than go second time into Mansion - to meet Warlock again!
I think that this can be done with most of scenes. I remember that i did it also with a Quetzal.
Thats all, i think. Now you can tweak and have a multi-fun with more scenes!