Okay, I've been eyeing this game for a while but decided to try it out today, and I'm a bit confused. While I appreciate the amount of depth and effort that's been put into this game's combat system, it's way too overwhelming for me and also not what I'm looking for. Is there any kind of "Auto-Battle mode" or anything? I just want to mostly travel around, interact with characters, make decisions, and fap lol. I play some other h-games with combat systems, but they're super-simplistic compared to this and definitely not the focus of the game. This game is seriously more complex than even some full-fledged RPG's back in the PSOne days.
Which is great if you're into that. But I'm looking for more casual, user-friendly experiences in h-games, and am trying to figure out if that's possible with this game.
It's actually super easy once you understand which stuff is OP.
For instance, one of the easiest builds to play is the warrior. Just invest all of your points into strength, endurance, and agility, in that order. When you get to the first town, go to the brothel and agree to work for the madame, and ask for extra gold. Then go buy a strength-based weapon at the blacksmith.
You're basically done. Then just go and spam low attacks at enemies over and over. If you start to falter (the button is turning orange/red), just go into a guard stance until your footing regenerates, and then spam low attacks again.
There are only a few enemies in the game that can't really be beaten this way (like the ghost, who can only be killed with magic), and there are ways to avoid or interact with those in other ways.
There's also a cheat option in the settings that basically makes it impossible to lose any progress, and you can choose to encounter anything you want, so if there's an enemy that's causing you trouble or you don't like, you can just not encounter them.
The combat is actually really trivial once you get the hang of it, then you can easily play it one-handed.