Wait I dont get it, whats the point of story mode if all the content is on adventure mode? I ask because I dont want to start a game and down the road all my work means nothing because I was playing on the wrong mode.
Wait I dont get it, whats the point of story mode if all the content is on adventure mode? I ask because I dont want to start a game and down the road all my work means nothing because I was playing on the wrong mode.
Kind and not so kind people, please explain to a veteran of Modern Warfare and other things how to win battles here? And then I run out of chairs. I understand that the essence of the game is not in victories, but I also want to win in order to pass in a different way.
combat is both easy and hard.
Easy if you cheese/ with faint strike crushing blow block.
I think Per lets you predict you opponents move to make better choices.
besides that it's mostly stances and keeping stamina up.
edit: forgot to add why I think it's "hard"
It's over whelming at first, the player gets showered with superfluous information regarding combat . If you don't know what to look for it gets frustrating wondering why something led to something else like attacking leading to you being on the ground and believing it was due to an enemy's doing rather than just you running out of stamina, although the text for selecting said option is red when it will lead to undesired results. this likely explained in the >9000 pop ups you get from the tutorial that you end up disabling since you just wanna ride/be ridden.
You just said what people have already said, I dont care that adventure mode has more content. I want to know WHY I should play Adventure mode over Story mode, WHY story mode exists and WILL it be a waste of time later down the road if I chose to play one mode over the other in the long run.
Too be honest, if you are talking about the sexual fighting, I still have not mastered it. I know some of it is done by being more powerful with higher endurance and strength, but I assume that you would need to use certain spells, like paralyze or sleep to get people ready for other positions.
combat is both easy and hard.
Easy if you cheese/ with faint strike crushing blow block.
I think Per lets you predict you opponents move to make better choices.
besides that it's mostly stances and keeping stamina up.
edit: forgot to add why I think it's "hard"
It's over whelming at first, the player gets showered with superfluous information regarding combat . If you don't know what to look for it gets frustrating wondering why something led to something else like attacking leading to you being on the ground and believing it was due to an enemy's doing rather than just you running out of stamina, although the text for selecting said option is red when it will lead to undesired results. this likely explained in the >9000 pop ups you get from the tutorial that you end up disabling since you just wanna ride/be ridden.
It is a simple turn based combat system. The issue is folk think they need all of these stances and moves, when they are usually better to use if you are a certain class or play-style. Higher agility and lower encumbrance make counters and the like easier if I recall, while higher health/strength/armor making hammering away like a madman more viable. If you just set folk ablaze, only the defensive ones so you can endure until they get tired or use their arrows are needed. Most of the combat difficulties I would say is just learning the enemies so you know what to do to make each fight easier. In-fact, since you can scout to see who you are going to fight, you can keep certain weapons or armors for certain battles. I will assume in the future that will be more viable as you are right that you can just cheese more fights.
You just said what people have already said, I dont care that adventure mode has more content. I want to know WHY I should play Adventure mode over Story mode, WHY story mode exists and WILL it be a waste of time later down the road if I chose to play one mode over the other in the long run.
A lot of people like the text so story mode, being more plentiful of fluff, would be more their cup of tea when it gets updated. If you just like combat and sex, as well as build freedom, adventure mode.
A lot of people like the text so story mode, being more plentiful of fluff, would be more their cup of tea when it gets updated. If you just like combat and sex, as well as build freedom, adventure mode.
Canon Lore of Adventure Mode: There's no singular Brigand, similar to how there's no singular werewolf or harpy. She's considered a non-unique enemy. Thus, the Cutpurse Brigand isn't the same as the others. But! She won't steal gold if you have less than 20 or beseech to her that you're a guardian of the downtrodden.
She even has a lovely line if you have less than 20 gold. Canon Lore of Story Mode: You're trespassing on her property in the Combat encounter, so she can't leave you knowing her location without something to make you reconsider. In the Mountains she's just making sure you don't try to steal her food, but warms up to you. In the Toll encounter, she's running a business. Succ for passage. In Story Mode, we even see an affectionate side to her if you let her nut in your butt after cumming in her early.
Canon Lore of Adventure Mode: There's no singular Brigand, similar to how there's no singular werewolf or harpy. She's considered a non-unique enemy. Thus, the Cutpurse Brigand isn't the same as the others. But! She won't steal gold if you have less than 20 or beseech to her that you're a guardian of the downtrodden. View attachment 1658440
She even has a lovely line if you have less than 20 gold. View attachment 1658438 View attachment 1658439Canon Lore of Story Mode: You're trespassing on her property in the Combat encounter, so she can't leave you knowing her location without something to make you reconsider. In the Mountains she's just making sure you don't try to steal her food, but warms up to you. In the Toll encounter, she's running a business. Succ for passage. In Story Mode, we even see an affectionate side to her if you let her nut in your butt after cumming in her early. View attachment 1658442
Imagine you're a bandit, possibly squatting in the very cottage you live in, when a rando hero looking mofo is just wandering up to the cottage to investigate. He spots you, with half an animal corpse and a weapon, most likely having already added up that you don't own this place.
After the fight, she lays it out quite plain. She can't have you running to the guards. She takes no joy or pleasure in killing, her reaction says as much too. She doesn't want your money, she wants her own safety.
Urka is the same, if you're a coward and refuse her twice after losing 2 fights she'll kill you too. She takes no joy in it either. For her though, it's about honour and dignity, which you show none of by running from her twice.
All ya gotta do is empty their nut.
Honestly, you're not going to sink hundreds of hours into either mode, it won't be a herculean effort to start this game over in either mode if you're willing to experience all of the content the game has to offer.
Hiro isnt investigating the cottage, he stumbles on it by accident. He also doesnt spot the bandit - the actual text indicates that she ambushes him from behind, unprovoked, when he could've just kept going on his way, without being any the wiser there is anyone at all.
Regardless, there is no reasoning or a moral highground to stand on that can justify murdering what is obviously a green-behind-the-ears kid.
Also "he refused my rape-for-blackmail-material offer" is a phenomenally ludicrous rationale for this unconscionable execution.